As soon as Mo Yanke finished a meeting, he took an invitation from Wang Lin.

"Mr. Mo, this invitation was sent by your sister in person this morning. He also told me to send it to you. Let you be on time. "

"You said Mo yannuan." There is no sister in his concept.

"Yes. OK, I see. You go down first

Knead some painful eyebrows, he has not had a good rest for several days in a row, the last case in the United States, although the contract was signed successfully, but because the amount of the project involved is too large, the follow-up process is still very troublesome. Recently, he has been busy with this case day and night, and wants to confirm it as soon as possible, so there is no worry.

He wants to get ahead of Mo Yanzhe. Mo Yanzhe has also been to the United States and knows the market situation in the United States. Although he didn't bring anything here, his old fox can't be like this. He must still be planning a big project. Mo Yuanhan is behind him. If he wants to bring it down so easily, he has to see if he can power.

Take a sip of coffee and open the invitation. The Mou light not from cold a few minutes.

AI Zhengsong's company was declared bankrupt half a year ago. Now, Mo Yanzhe, who is selling some medicine behind his back, has reopened under the same name.

Almost at the same time, Aimeng also received the invitation. In the morning, people from the express company knocked on the door, but she was afraid of the bad guys, and she didn't dare to open the door. She just said, put the things at the door. When the people went away, she opened the door and picked up an EMS envelope.

The above recipient is her name, but the strangest thing is that this address is also here. If the addressee is Jinghao, then Aimeng will not doubt it at all. But now, the addressee is her name, who knows the address here, and delivers things to her.

She lives here without even telling Xiaole.

Opened the envelope, inside is an invitation, open a look, but surprised.

It must be mo Yanzhe. There is no one else except him. What does he want to do. AI's new business, and the most ridiculous thing is that she still uses AI's name. She can't understand what tricks Mo Yanzhe wants to play.

Opened the cell phone, some angry call back yesterday that number.

"Mo Yanzhe, what on earth do you want to do? I have no opinion when you say the company will reopen. At the beginning, I signed the agreement with you, but what do you mean by continuing to use the name of Ai Shi? Are you laughing at me, my father?"

"No, no, Miss AI, you can't say that. As you know, I'm not short of money. It's not bad to use my former name. I'm not very nice. It seems that you've received this invitation. Then you should show up at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, because I've prepared a big gift for you. Remember to show up on time. "

Aimeng hung up in a hurry. Tell yourself not to pay attention to these things.

But it's like being bombed in my head.

Here, Mo Yanke presses the extension, "Wang Lin, come in."

I just thought it was Wang Lin who came in, but I didn't expect it was Lin Han who came in.

"Brother Mo, let's have lunch together. I want to eat the barbecue in the East. Recently, many people like barbecue. Will you take me to eat As soon as Lin Han stepped forward, he took Mo Yanke's arm, and then the whole person stuck it up. It was a beautiful age, a well-developed body, and a low cut dress. It seemed that they were close to each other.

It seems to be tempting.

Mo Yanke didn't think so. He looked up and said, "why did you come here today? Last time I didn't say I was looking for a job." And then as if it were natural to pull back your arm.

"I was interviewing a few days ago. You know, my grandfather won't agree with me to go even if it's too hard. But if it's easy, the position is not good and the environment is not good." Jiaodidi's voice is creepy.

"I think you'd better stay in the company at home. Anyway, your grandfather is old and needs to be alone."

"I'm not. I want to be independent. Otherwise, I'll come to work in your company, so that you can take care of me nearby. You say yes or no Lin Han said coquettishly.

"At that time, you can ask the personnel of the company to see if there is any recruitment. If there is, you can try it. If there is no way, I can't help it." Mo Yanke's tone is light.

Lin Han is not a fool. It's impossible that he can't hear his words. His face suddenly changed a little, but it also suddenly recovered, "then I'll wait for you here for lunch."

"Maybe next time. I'm busy today. As you can see, I need to deal with so many documents." Mo Yanke's refusal is straightforward and unambiguous. There are so many things recently that he has no time to deal with them.

"Brother Mo, it's rare for me to come to you for dinner. Just accompany me once, OK? You can find the people below to do these things."

In the end, Mo Yanke is yo, but Lin Han agrees to go to dinner, and the work at hand is also put down, but he didn't expect that he missed the opportunity to meet AI Meng.But Aimeng saw it. She tried to tell herself, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Aimeng thought about it for a long time in the villa, but finally she felt curious. She wanted to come out and have a look at what happened to her father's company. It's just that it's very close to Mo's company, but it's only two blocks away. Before she got to her father's former company, she saw Mo Yanke and a woman walking on the road. The woman was holding his arm, bird According to the appearance of people.

It's not the last model. I changed another one. It's really fast. She was the only one who was immersed in the pain. She's the only one who's stupid.

Sniffed, then turned and left laughing.

Before she went to the company, she saw a lot of people going in and out, as if they were moving something. Is it really going to open tomorrow. What kind of medicine does this gourd sell.

AI Meng walks in a little, and the front of the door is redecorated. It seems that he really wants to reopen. What on earth does he want? All the employees of Ashley have been disbanded half a year ago. If they want to get back on track, they will have to recruit new people, and they will have to face many more things to reopen. Or maybe Mo Yanzhe is just being careless.

What's the matter? I want to turn around and leave. Just a turn around, but suddenly panic eyes.

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