"When this is over, don't follow Jing Hao any more. Either stay here or go back to Kang Xiaole."

"I have nothing to do with you. It's not good for me to live here. Besides, Jinghao is very kind to me. I'd better go back to him. " Aimeng didn't know what to say. He found that many things had changed when things got to this point.

"It's very good, it's very good. You can be kidnapped by yourself. If it's not for me today, you can sit here safely." Mo Yanke got angry all of a sudden. This woman really makes people angry. He risked so much to go, but in the end, he didn't appreciate it at all, as if he shouldn't go today.

Although Mo Yanzhe's goal today is not her, but him, but at least he saved her life. Instead of being grateful, this woman said such words.

I really thought that if he let her free, there would be nothing left. It's easy to think.

Aimeng was speechless and didn't know how to answer, "today's incident was an accident, which Jinghao didn't know, and he wasn't at home."

Mo Yanke suddenly a little angry, a strong forward, a hand homeopathy of AI Meng's neck, with anger on his face, "just how long time, you help him speak, he gave you what benefits, is to make you comfortable or to take care of you to every detail. Or as I did to you, then to you. "

Aimeng suddenly turned pale and lost all his blood, shaking his head all the time.

"Say, isn't such son, Jing Hao is to give you what advantage, you unexpectedly so help him talk."

Aimeng shakes his head anxiously, hands against Mo Yanke's chest, "please, let go."

Mo Yanke also thinks that he is crazy, and that's how he looks. He admitted that he wanted her to stay with him forever, but at the beginning he opened his mouth and said that he wanted her to be free. How could he ask her to come back without faith? He couldn't save face, but today when he knew that Aimeng was caught by Mo Yanzhe, he was still stunned.

I went without thinking. I knew it was dangerous to go today, but I still went because of that woman.

But this woman is simply damned, actually said other men's good in front of him. Jinghao is nothing. He just can't swallow it. Yes, he is jealous.

Mo Yanke suddenly let go, Aimeng is about to fall to the ground, but for Mo Yanke's timely embrace, I'm afraid the whole person will fall down.

"Go to the police station and take a shower."

Aimeng held back her tears and didn't say anything. Then she went upstairs. Everything here didn't change. Even the things in the bathroom were the way she had been before she left. She couldn't help wondering, didn't this man come back to live.

Flurried took a bath, but found that the body's clothes dirty terrible, gray everywhere, and black things. Of course, she couldn't wear the clothes back, but if she didn't wear them back, how would she go out. After hesitating for a long time, I finally put a nightgown on my body, then went out and took a suit out of the wardrobe.

When I left, I didn't take all the things here. Now I'm still in good condition, but any one of them is her size.

When he went down, Mo Yanke also changed his clothes.

Aimeng looked at the man, after all, she sighed deeply. Since she had chosen to leave him, she thought not to drag him down, so she shouldn't get involved with him again.

She should understand that his world does not belong to her, and his future partner will not be her. She should be the kind of person who can help her in her career, and she is nothing. Maybe she had capital, but now, all the capital is gone. She's just so ordinary that she's nothing.

"Aimeng, I'll ask you again. I'll give you two choices. Either stay here, or follow Jinghao, or go back to Kang Xiaole."

She should understand, long pain is better than short pain, some feelings can not follow their own heart, once put in, it will be doomed. It's not her. It's not her after all. It's her. It's her even though she's been through a lot of hardships.

AIMUN suddenly began to laugh. "I'll take the second one and follow Jing Hao. There is nothing wrong with him. At least he is very good to me. He won't make me sad or despair. " This sentence is for Mo Yanke.

For the first time, she was so clear about her heart. See everything, thinking that will not be shaken.

The man's face, slightly twisted up, looked at her eyes, resentful to tear her. As if with a strong anger.

"Think carefully before you answer." The man growled. I couldn't help but increase the volume.

Aimeng bowed his head, meditated for a while, and looked up again. "I won't change my attitude if I choose the second one. Just like when I decided to leave. "

"AIMUN, I make you think so much!"

He roared at her, angry to the point that his facial expression was ferocious. He thought that if he didn't choose him, he would at least choose Kang Xiaole. But this woman was ok, and she would choose the second answer. He even gave her a way out, and didn't directly ask her to make the decision whether to ask him or Jing Hao.But this woman still doesn't understand. She chooses the second one. If she chooses the third one, he can take this opportunity to have her again. But now, she is still so stubborn.

This woman, he again and again, again and again soft, concession, again and again, again and again to give her the opportunity, how can she be so ungrateful.

"You're sure you choose the second one. You still have a choice. If you choose, you won't even have a chance to regret it." His words have been so white, the hint is so clear.

"I won't change. I'll take the second one."

"Do you know what I'm talking about?" He squeezed his chin angrily again, hoping to crush her chin bone. He's already given in like that. This woman is still so uninteresting.

But she is so stubborn, mouth spit out or the second choice. He gave her such a chance. But still. I don't know what to do.

Aimeng stubborn not to let go, as if it is decided that things will not change, or for her, this is the best outcome.

Just as Fang Yucheng said at the beginning, her presence at his side is always his obstacle. She can't be so selfish, just think of her as a toast.

At least he'll be fine.

As long as he's good, that's enough. I hope he can understand that she has no choice but to do it. If she can, she will not give up her own happiness. Who would be silly to do that.

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