That day, aimengwo was on the sofa for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what was going on. After lunch, Jinghao went to his study.

He can leave, but the most important thing is Aimeng. This girl has no plan, so she has no city. She always encounters so many things when she is young. She should have studied well in school at her age, but now, the development of this thing has deviated from the track.

The organization has already issued an order that a special person will come to pick him up at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Once he leaves, he may not be able to come back in a short time. Last time, the leader said that there is a big tiger behind him who is holding on to this matter. So the matter became serious.

It's OK for him to leave, but Meng Meng can't let go after all.

Mo Yanke is not surprised when he receives a call from Jing Hao. He can't be unaware of the recent situation, and the news on the road always spreads quickly. Plus being wanted by the police, it's no small matter. It's not a joke about killing people to pay for their lives.

But after all, there are loopholes in this society, and the rules are set by people.

"Hello, Mo Yanke, it's me, Jinghao."

"I know it's you. What can I do for you?"

"I'm calling you today because I want to talk to you about something."

Aimeng doesn't know that she has been told by Jinghao to Mo Yanke. That day, Jinghao seems to have told her a lot of things, such as the spare key of the villa and the house property certificate of the villa.

"Mengmeng, you can remember what I told you. There is a defense system in this villa, and there is a general switch in the computer in the study. And there is a car in the garage. This is the key. I remember you have a driver's license. If you want to go out next time, this car can be driven. I transferred the car to your name

"No, Jinghao, how do you feel like you are explaining something? I can't take these things." AI Meng quickly waved his hand, these things do not say how much money, this 10 million is the base. The value of this villa is linked to the city. She always thinks it's wrong, but she just doesn't know what's wrong. Because Jing Hao's reason is too perfect.

"Mengmeng, I just want you to keep these things for a while. You know I'm wanted by the police now, and the things under my name will be found by then. So I transfer the ownership to you in the hope that you can keep it for me. Besides, you don't have a place to live now. That's not just right."

This makes Aimeng speechless.

After breakfast and lunch, Aimeng sat alone on the sofa reading, but nothing happened.

At 5 p.m., Jinghao suddenly told her that she wanted to eat the roast foie gras of the family in the city. She said that if she left, she would not know if she could eat it again.

AI Meng naturally agreed to buy it, but what she didn't expect was that it was mo Yanke, not others, who were waiting there.

"Boss, give me a roast foie gras package."

"Don't pack. Sit down and have dinner. I've already ordered for you. It's all your favorite food." Mo Yanke's voice with a sense of familiarity makes Aimeng suddenly turn back.

"It's you." She was surprised not only because she met Mo Yanke here, but also because he said this sentence. I ordered food for you, all of which she loved. Did he know she was coming here. But it's not right. Since that night, they haven't contacted each other or met each other.

"Sit down first. Don't you wonder why you are here? You think Jing Hao really wants to eat roast goose liver."

"Then you say, what's the matter? Do you know anything?" Aimeng was a little worried all of a sudden.

"Sit down first, order and come up immediately. The taste here is still good. I ordered the roast foie gras you said. You can try it." Mo Yanke seems to be a carefree man.

For him, Jing Hao would call. He was surprised. He thought that even if the man left, he would leave with Aimeng, but he didn't.

I still remember that he said, I haven't touched Aimeng. We are just like friends. I admit that at the beginning, I had a wrong idea about Aimeng. But at the beginning, I also admit that I like her. She is a heartless girl. She is nosy, but kind-hearted. There is always a feeling that people want to protect her.

I'm afraid I can't protect her this time. The reason why we were together at the beginning was that you, Meng Meng, wanted to protect you. At that time, your reputation was not very good and so many things happened. I don't think you have time to take care of it. Meng Meng just didn't want to drag you down. That's why we made such a stupid decision. Do you know that time She's in a trance every day. She's a fool. Sometimes she sits for a whole day and eats just a little. If it's not for you, why should she say those self destructive words in front of others? She's really good to you and you should be satisfied. Today I just want to tell you that I hope you can take good care of her in the future.If I know you are still hurt, maybe one day, I will come back and take it back from your hands.

He also remembers his reply at that time. You won't have such a chance.

Now the girl is sitting in front of her, but she finds that she is like a stranger. Jinghao says that now he has finally returned to Zhao.

"I'm going back." Aimeng gets up and wants to leave. She always feels that it's not right today.

"When you come, just finish eating and go back. I'll take you back later. Even if you go back now, there is no one in the villa. Jinghao has left, so you can't see him even if you go back now."

"What did you say?"

"I said he had left, and he called me yesterday to ask me to take good care of you in the future."

Aimeng suddenly realized that she should understand when he took out those things in the morning and gave them to her. Jinghao was telling her these things, such as the key to the villa, the key to the car, and the real estate certificate. He explained that he must have known that he was going to leave for a long time.

But why didn't he say it directly? He was afraid that she would be sad. No wonder he had to say what roast foie gras he wanted to eat just now, and he had to ask her to go downtown to buy it. It was five o'clock at that time. It was time for her to start preparing dinner, but why didn't she think of that. That's stupid.

If she had a little consciousness at that time, it would not be like this now. Even though she knew she was leaving, she still wanted to say goodbye to him.

This period of time, in her most sad and sad time, accompanied by her side is always him.

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