She bit the lip, the lip petals are bleeding to bite, but still bite, did not let go, it seems to taste the taste of blood, is how that.

"Stop, I haven't finished yet. Do I allow you to go?"

Mo Yanke is also a little angry at the moment. Originally, he wanted to be angry with a woman in the evening, but now she looks like a ghost. Who is she going to show. He knew that she was protesting, but why did she make fun of her body? He just couldn't see her like this.

Aimeng suddenly turned back and looked at Mo Yanke, "Mr. Mo, do you have anything else to say? Do you need me to tell you when this child was born? You should not remember that night. That night when you came back from the United States, Jinghao was not in the villa. You humiliated me ruthlessly, but now you laugh that it's not your child. You should forget it Remember, I cut my wrist that day. "

She said this with a smile on her face, blood on her lips, white clothes and loose hair. She looked like a ghost.

"You think I believe you when you say that." But when he said this, the man was a little silent, and Mo Yanke was thinking about some things.

He was silent because he was also recalling that night when Aimeng committed suicide a month ago, he did go to her and did that kind of thing to her. But was it really so coincident? Was the hit rate so high? He was silent too. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. This, he really did not think, he seems to automatically filter out the event when Aimeng committed suicide.

"Anyway, the child is yours. If you don't want it, I'll be born by myself. It's my child. No one can move, even you. If you do, I'll hate you. "

"The child has to be knocked out." Because Mo Yanke remembers what Wang Jie said, Aimeng's body is not suitable for pregnancy now. If he insists on giving birth, there may be only one end. Either the child or the adult will die.

So he has to kill the child, whether she hates it or not. We all have to do that.

Aimeng ran upstairs crying. Mo Yan and Ke Ze, with a look of chagrin, went out and drove out.

That night, destined to be a sleepless night, Aimeng didn't know how to fall asleep, just washed his feet, washed his face, looked at himself with red and swollen eyes in the mirror, pale like a ghost.

It's a sin to bring yourself to such a state.

Mo Yanke is a real jerk. Why don't you believe that this child is hers? But now Jinghao has left, there is no evidence. Even if Jinghao says that he hasn't touched her, it's estimated that Mo Yanke won't believe it. People like him feel that what he has done is right and others are wrong.

But what should we do.

He said the child had to be knocked out. What else could she do. Can she escape? But where can she escape? This place is so big. Who is mo Yanke? She will be found soon.

While Mo Yanke drives to the night rose, Shen Luo takes Kang Xiaole out to see a movie. When Shen Luo takes Kang Xiaole home, Mo Yanke has drunk a lot.

The relationship between Shen Luo and Kang Xiaole is really enviable. At least compared with Mo Yanke and Aimeng, they are a very happy couple.

"Ah Ke, why are you here? Why aren't you at home with Meng Meng?"

"Come, it's brother's. come and have a drink with me."

"What's the matter with you? Why are you still drinking here so late?" Shen Luo sat down and poured a glass of wine.

"I'm not a jerk." Mo Yanke's inexplicable words make Shen Luo a little confused.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? You're drunk."

"No, Arlo, do you know that AIMUN is pregnant and says it's my child? Do you believe that?" Then he laughed. He took another sip of wine.

Shen Luo was surprised. He didn't expect that a Ke would know so soon. It's only a few days. Did Aimeng take the initiative to say that, but he couldn't. Aimeng and Xiaole said that they still wanted her to keep secret, but how could they know so quickly. It shouldn't be.

Before Shen Luo answered, Mo Yanke continued, "it's not that I don't believe that the child belongs to me, but how can I believe it? In the past month, Aimeng lived in Jinghao's villa. Jinghao once told me that he didn't touch him, but do you believe it? How can I believe it? Aimeng said that it was the night she committed suicide, That night, but. I hesitated

Shen Luo suddenly sighed a little, "a Ke, actually, I believe that Aimeng will not do anything sorry for you, because she is sincere to you when I come out, but there are always too many things happening between you. Maybe we can see things clearly by the bystanders."

"In fact, I know all these things. I know she likes me. I did something in the evening. I found a woman to perform a play in front of her. I know her reaction. She cares about me, but it's because of this that I can't let her give birth to this baby.""Why do you say that?"

"Yesterday, I had a meal with Ren Tiantian, and then I took her to the nightclub. But I don't know why Aimeng went there. Of course, I knew it later. When I went back to the villa, she wasn't there. Last night, she sat alone outside the gate of Aimeng's villa for more than four hours. At that time, it was still snowing and she was very happy Just one person froze there for more than 4 hours. When I went there, the whole person was frozen unconscious. I was sent to the hospital. Wang Jie said that her body is not suitable for pregnancy now. If she insists on keeping the child, then the adult's life is in danger, so you say whether the child should stay or not. "

At this moment, Shen Luo is also surprised. After all, a Ke is still unable to let go. He insists that Aimeng lose his child because he is afraid that Aimeng will lose his life because of this child. But after all, for Aimeng, a piece of meat in her stomach is still reluctant. They all say that maternal love is the greatest.

But what happened last night, they really don't know, and Mengmeng is pitiful.

"But what to do now? Will Edmund agree?"

"This matter, she does not agree to do so, there is no other choice." He can't watch her lose her life because of such a child. It's no matter how hard she is. It's better to let her hate herself now than she will be like this in the future.

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