Aimeng calmly finished her breakfast. If it was five years ago, she would not be so calm now. But it's not five years ago now. Now she is different from before. She has spent five years to enrich herself. It's five years to make herself strong, so that she can sit like nothing happened today?

Mo Yanke's eyes are on the verge of anger. Is this woman dead? Is he such a living man, pretending not to see it? She ignores it thoroughly.

I was so angry in my heart, but what can I do? Now he has no way to do it. She has been here hard, but she is indifferent. She also says that we are all adults and nothing has happened.

Do you want him to beg in a low voice? What is she? In those days, she left without saying goodbye. Since she had the courage to leave, we should know that we have to bear the price when we come back today.

I think hard in my heart.

Aimeng wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and then stood up with a smile. During his time in Paris, he seemed to be reborn. In any way, it has changed a lot.

Robert took her to learn all kinds of etiquette. She used to feel disgusted, but now she thinks it is useful.

It was as if when I saw her face approaching the wall just now, the first person he and muroko put their eyes on was muroko.

"You are so open-minded. Do you really think what happened just now is a love game between men and women, or a love game between adults?" He a little bit of approach, the whole body pressure on her body, looking down, as if to see something from Aimeng's eyes.

But there was nothing, nothing in her eyes.

AI Meng tears a smile, "Mr. Mo, you are like this now, I can sue you."

"Sue, Aimeng, you actually want to sue me, so you go to sue me, and accuse me of rape or something."

"If there is nothing to do, you can leave. I don't think there is anything to talk about between us. I didn't come back to find you this time. If it wasn't for my job, I don't think I would ever want to step into this place."

"Aimeng, you are so cruel. Do you think that if you leave, there will be nothing left? Do you think that if you come back, you can really concentrate on your work. I tell you, it's impossible. Since you come back, I will tell you that you can't escape." The man's eyes are red.

After five years of peace of mind, he suddenly became manic, and then the whole person was full of haze. He was angry. How could the angry woman say such words? Angry? Why did she leave without leaving a word at that time? Also angry? How could she not believe him at all.

If she had a little bit of trust in him at that time, maybe now they would not have such a relationship. In five years, maybe they would have been together. But now it's still different.

"Mr. Mo, go back. I'm going to change my clothes and start working later. I don't want to be seen by others. I'll go back to Paris as soon as I finish my work here. I won't disturb your life. Now that I have a fiancee, I'll do well and don't hook up with a married woman like me. It's going to be bad for you, for me, for anyone. " Aimeng even in Paris, but also know, Mo Yanke in that time announced and Lin Qian Lin Han engagement, after nothing published, also did not say engagement ceremony, but Lin Han several times as a fiancee appeared in his side, accompany him to participate in various activities.

She doesn't know these things. She just doesn't want to make it clear that it's not good for her to tangle with them all the time, which will only hurt her feelings. And since she decided to leave at the beginning, she must have been ready in her heart. Even if she met one day, she also wanted to face it calmly.

But the only thing that can't be calm is that at the sight of this man, she can't resist, just like a hungry wolf rushing towards her.

Mo Yanke only felt that he didn't listen to anything, but he heard a sentence, fiancee, married woman. "What do you mean by what you said just now? What do you mean by fiancee or married woman?"

"It doesn't mean much. It means I'm married, I'm married. Do you understand? So you can go now. I don't know what you mean by coming to me today, but it's impossible between us. Five years ago, we missed it, but now, it's impossible for us."

Aimeng's words seem to be a solid fact.

Mo Yanke suddenly a little silly in general, and then some ferocious hold Aimeng's shoulder, strength is very big, "you are married, you actually married, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous." Then suddenly a release, and then vigorously open the door, left.

Aimeng grinned bitterly. Yes, she got married. Even though the marriage was nominal, even though it was just because of her registered permanent residence, she got married. In the column of registered permanent residence, the column of marriage was married. It's ridiculous to say, it's ridiculous indeed.However, this kind of ridiculous relationship seems to cut off all her marriage. No one can cover up the fact that she is married, so no matter how it looks, it can't go back to the past. Many things are really doomed at the beginning, and then even the later efforts to change, it can't go back to the original together.

So it's better to break these relationships as soon as possible. In this way, I have no idea. She doesn't owe him and doesn't hate him. After so many years, nothing can't be put down. What should be put down has already been put down. After all, time is the best weapon for healing.

Mo Yanke won't just let it go. When he got out of the hotel, he immediately called Wang Lin and said, "investigate everything about Aimeng in Paris for me. I want a detailed report, and I want to have a good look at her marriage."

"Well, I see."

He wants to see what's going on. If he gets married, will it be Mr. Luo in the assistant's words? Damn, she got married. He's been waiting for so many years, but she got married. What does she mean.

Opened the car door, left quickly, at the moment the heart is very angry, fire.

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