"Mr. Mo, I think you can talk to my assistant about this matter. She will talk to you about specific matters. I have something else to do, so I left first." Aimeng gets up and doesn't want to face Mo Yanke. This man has changed. It seems that I can't see through.

However, she did not have such a good concentration, in the morning and he just happened that kind of thing, can immediately come to see her in such an identity.

She felt that her heart was too weak to bear such a thing.

It's just strange for her that she just returned home yesterday. Up to now, it's only 24 hours. He can talk to her in the way of a sponsor. Maybe she underestimated him. Five years has made him more enigmatic.

"Miss AI, that's your fault. It's not good for you to ask your assistant to talk to me when I come here so sincerely." Mo Yanke's mouth is pulling a smile, but it makes people feel numb.

"Mr. Mo, I have been dealing with the affairs of our sister AI all the time. If you have something you don't understand, you can ask me directly." Little green a little white wood, did not see, between these two people small clue, also silly said such a word.

Mo Yanke suddenly turned cold and looked at the unintelligent man, "Miss AI, please let your assistant go out first. I have some personal things I want to talk with you." For the sake of saying this, even a fool can hear it,

"sister AI, it's too much."

"It's OK. Go out first. Wait for me outside. I'll call you if there's anything Up to now, Mo Yanke has calculated. He can't come here without any preparation.

In the box, there were two people left in a moment. Mo Yanke suddenly got up and approached Aimeng. "I said, I won't let you leave so easily. You think you can really escape when you come back. This time, it won't be as easy as five years ago."

"Mo Yanke, what do you want to do? I said it's impossible between us. I'm married. We can't go back to the past."

"Really, if you say you can't go back, you can't go back. I tell you, it's impossible. There's nothing I want that I can't do."

Aimeng suddenly became angry and yelled at Mo Yanke, "Mo Yanke, are you crazy? Are you brain sick? Don't you understand what I said? I said, I'm married. It's impossible between us."

"Yes, I forgot that you are married now. What should I say? You are married, but you can roll with me in the morning. Aimeng, I really don't know. You can be so open now."

Aimeng seems to be blocked words, the color of the face changed and changed, instant pale.

She took a deep breath, said with a smile: "since I am such a person, then you should not be far away from me, this is not just right, we do not owe each other anything, I open up, you can go where?"

"AIMUN, don't push me." He hit the table angrily, and all the cups on the table rattled.

But Aimeng's eyes were red. Why did he say it like this? Why did he say it like this. Did he think that this was her fault? The final fault was not Mo Yanke. If he didn't force her then, would she be like this.

"How can I force you? Should I say this? Don't force me. My life is good now. Why do you want to disturb my life and treat me like this? It's impossible between us."

Mo Yanke is actually doing, is entangled with Aimeng married, a can be a father, now like this. Interesting.

"You tell me, what can I do?" he hated her hanging in other people's names. Anyway, he wanted it.

"Divorce. Mo Yanke, it's not your business. It's not your business who I marry or divorce. What identity do you use to talk to me? "

After five years, she has changed.

"You say, are you because of the money, because that Robert is rich, that old man who is nearly 50 years old, do you still love him? I don't believe it. Or, what you do now is for revenge." Mo Yanke smiles with disapproval.

Aimeng thinks it's unreasonable. Mo Yanke is here to find fault today. I can't communicate well at all.

"Mr. Mo, I don't think it's necessary for us to continue to talk. If there's something at work, please ask my assistant. If it's a personal problem, I don't think there's anything to say between us."

This man is on purpose. I mean to say that here. She just doesn't understand. Well, can't she live their own lives.

"AIMUN, do you think you can escape today and tomorrow?"

"What do you want to do. You say, what do you want to do? Can you tell me, I really know what I want to do. I feel at a loss because of you. I really don't understand what the president is doing at the moment. Shouldn't you be very busy? Why do you still have time to talk nonsense with me here? "For five years, she is not the Aimeng who knew nothing and was afraid of everything before. There are so many things that time can change, including people's temper.

Mo Yanke suddenly has some chagrin. He has done so much, but now he is said to be rubbish. There's something wrong with your brain. He also felt that he was brain sick.

At least this conversation, they are not happy, Aimeng left the door.

"Little green, you can help me deal with the things here. I have friends here. Go to them first."

"Well, OK. How can I answer the phone call from Menghe?"

"You can tell them that if they still send someone like today, you can attend all the next things."

No matter what it is, it's good for her not to see it now. When she sees it, she will always think of what happened before. She admits that maybe she is so nostalgic.

"OK, I see. I'll take care of it."

Aimeng didn't leave with her assistant. In fact, when she came back this time, what she wanted to see most was Xiaole. After five years, she didn't want to contact her. She was just afraid. Once she contacted, she couldn't help it. I can't help thinking about coming back.

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