He didn't want to go back, but he got a call.

He didn't know why Li Luo knew his number. When he received the call, he heard her voice panting.

"ACO, help me, I'm sorry."

"What's the matter with you, what's the matter with you." Mo Yanke asked, but the voice on the phone was vague, not very clear.

"Help me, I can't breathe."

When Mo Yanke came back, he saw Li Luo trembling all over, lying on the ground moaning and covering his head, probably in pain. Face, layer after layer of sweat, pale very, revealing a thick pathological. Dense sweat, also half soaked her clothes, this is autumn weather, one to more than 6 o'clock, the weather will turn cold, but it is at this time, she is wearing thin clothes, body or sling clothes, although know that she is a model, may have some that in the clothes, but, can't help but wrinkle a trace of brow.

"Li Luo, what's the matter with you? Are you sick? I'll take you to the hospital first."

Li Luo's face was covered with tears, panting, and weakly refusing. "No, No. I don't want to go to the hospital. I hate going to the hospital. Don't take me to the hospital. I'll be fine. I'll just wait for a while. I'll just have a rest. This is my old problem. "

"Old problems, what old problems? Even if they are old problems, they should go to the hospital. If you don't go to see them, even if they are minor diseases, you can't do it. Come on, I'll take you to the hospital. Go to the hospital and let the doctor check, then it will be OK

"No, I really don't want to go to the hospital, I beg you, I don't want to go to the hospital, I just sit for a while." But the fence lying on the ground thought Mo Yanke would come and pull her up, but after waiting for a few minutes, there was no movement. Looking up, he said with tears in his eyes, "ah Ke, why don't you help me up?"

"Since there's nothing wrong, you can get up yourself. It's too cold on the ground." It seems that Mo Yanke has insight into everything, and he seems to be deliberately avoiding suspicion.

"Ah Ke, you were not like this before. In the past, as long as you said I was uncomfortable and where I was in pain, you would be very nervous. You would first see where I was uncomfortable, but why are you so indifferent now. You have changed. "

Mo Yanke sneered, "changed, I have changed. The past ten years have passed. It's not long, it's not short, it's not short. After so long, no matter what, it will change. The environment can change, not to mention people, you've changed."

"No, I haven't changed. I've always loved you, but you know, I had to. When I was forced to leave by my parents, you won't know that. "

"I have a girlfriend." His thin lips were cold. "I leave you, which brings a lot of pressure to my girlfriend. This house is her home, even I live in her place. I hope you know that I only leave you a few days, and I will give you a few days. If you want to stay in China, it doesn't matter. You can take advantage of these days to find a house. If you need my help, I can help you Help, but I won't allow you to overstep any more. "

The fence shed tears, bit the lip, some stubborn back to him. "I don't believe that you forgot me. You said that you would love me all your life. You will forget me if you forget me. You cheat. You must cheat me, right. I know, you must be because of that woman, but you are not married. You said that you only love me in this life. Have you forgotten

"All my life, do you know how many years we haven't seen each other?"

He was stunned. How many years, she naturally knows, it's all ten years.

What kind of oath can stand the destruction of time, not to mention ten years, rather than one year or two years. Ten years may allow a woman to get married and have children, or a man, especially, to love you for a lifetime. Who can take it seriously and believe this kind of pledge.

But how can she not know? She may know, but she wants to make the final cover up in such a way. She has no other purpose when she comes back this time. If she doesn't even want Mo Yanke, what else can she do? So she must not be like this.

"You won't cheat me, and you're not like that. You'll do it. But I just haven't appeared in your life for ten years. Why do you forget me

"Li Luo, I hope you can understand one thing. Many things are not like this. Ten years later, our lives will change. But how can you know that I will wait for you? I remember that you didn't want me first, not me. I hope you can understand that. "

The fence fell again in a daze.

"Then you still love me, right? You must still love me, right?"

"Love, do you think I still love you? When we were in love before, how did you treat me? You said everything was my responsibility. But now, you have really changed. How can you become like this? You clearly still love me.""Get up first. If there's nothing to do, get up first. I'll make you what you want to eat, or you can go out by yourself."

"I don't know, ACO. Don't be like that."

"It's nothing like that. I'm not Mo Yanke ten years ago. Mo Yanke ten years ago may love you to the bone. That's because I'm young and maybe not sensible. But now, ten years later, I have changed. But have you not changed? "

In the last stalemate, the fence was up. Sitting on the sofa, Mo Yanke went to the kitchen. He only knew that she couldn't cook ten years ago, but he didn't know that she still couldn't do it ten years later. Even after ten years, she still thought she was a big lady.

Sitting on the sofa and looking at the busy man in the kitchen, she felt charming. If time could go back, she would not choose to leave this man, but she would never have thought that Mo Yanke would have such a day. But now it was useless for her to regret.

Mo Yanke she must get, this man, so excellent, ten years ago, she did not love, maybe just because of some other reasons.

Now she regretted, wanted to continue to get, thought of taking back her own things.

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