"It's a pity. My dear brother, I let you down. Why, if you lose, you're not convinced. The young master of the Mo family has a good temper. This measure should be bigger than usual."

"Mo Yanke, don't be complacent. I won't just let it go. " He's just an illegitimate child. He never cares about it.

"Well, everyone, today's general meeting of shareholders is over. There are a few words. I want to say before the end. Today's result, I think you can see that Mo's is a family business. However, no matter who the leader is, I will not treat you badly. Of course, I don't like people behind my back. Since they are all Mo's shareholders, I just want to talk about it If you are smart enough, I think you should know who to support. Well, I will come to work on time tomorrow. I won't let you down, and I hope you don't let me down. "

Mo Yanke's words are neither slow nor warm, but they are all warnings. He never does anything he is not sure of. If Mo's family doesn't take him seriously, he will never forgive him lightly.

Aimeng kept lowering her head, but she also knew that it was going to be over. Watching them get up, she looked up and saw that the people in the meeting room had basically left. She also picked up her bag and was ready to leave.

Just just walked to the door, the arm was hard to grasp.

"You let go."

As soon as I look up, I see Mo Yanke's cold face. In fact, Mo Yanke and Mo Yanzhe are not the same type of people, and they look different. Mo Yanzhe's eyes look gentle, but they are also so insidious. On the day of his father's accident, what happened and what he said were in his heart.

Mo Yan and Ke Qiang endure the anger in his heart. He didn't expect to see such a scene when he came back from the United States. He still thought about the little woman in the United States and wanted to find her when he came back, but it seems that he was really wrong. Now AI Meng here is the shareholder holding 5 shares of Mo Shi. He doesn't know what the matter is and doesn't want to know, What he cares about is that the object of her vote today is mo Yanzhe instead of him.

A drag to the underground parking lot, just let him go, but bully body pressure up, "Aimeng, you really let me look at."

"Let me go. I don't know you well

"Not familiar, right? I'd like to see how not." Mo Yanke forcefully presses AI Meng's writhing body with his own body and fiercely kisses the restless woman in front of him. As if to kiss to the bone.

"Well, you let go." How can this man be like this.

Perhaps it was unable to resist him, but in the end it was futile. Body a little bit of soft down. If it wasn't for Mo Yanke, Aimeng felt that he must have fallen to the ground.

Mo Yanke's eyes were angry, and he held AI Meng's chin fiercely. "Why, I can't wait to find a gold owner these days when I'm away. Why AI Zhengsong just died, and you just want to find the next gold owner. Are you also touched by my dear brother? " Mo Yanke is carrying Aimeng's clothes. The clothes in summer are cool, but his action makes the inside of the chest clear.

AIMUN just bit her lip, but she didn't say a word. How can he say that in his heart is that kind of shameless person? He thought that she was the kind of person who played tricks when she lost herself to him in the bar. It's ridiculous. The man she thought of a few days ago is now such a naked shame on her.

"Why, I feel guilty and don't talk."

"It's not like that." He didn't know anything. She had no choice but to say that.

"It's not like that. What's the matter? Now I'm the CEO of Morse. Now I regret it." Mo Yan Ke sentence a burst of blood, cold face, there are suppressed anger in the heart.

Aimeng just shakes her head, but tears can't stop flowing down. After all, she is only 18 years old. A few days ago, she just suffered her father's leaving, but now she is so aggressive that she admits something she doesn't have. "It's really not like that. No, I didn't know you were his brother, and I didn't know you would be here."

"Woman, don't play tricks in front of me. You should know that what I hate most is that others betray me. You say you don't know. As a rich second generation, you don't know who I am. Your lies really have no credibility." Mo Yanke insists that Aimeng has betrayed him now. Maybe that night in the bar was a trap.

Now AI Zhengsong is dead, she is so anxious to climb a big tree.

"I didn't, I really didn't. No Maybe she was too tired these days. After her father left, she could hardly sleep well. Every night she opened her eyes until dawn. She was timid since childhood. Now that her father is gone, the huge villa becomes empty. She is even afraid of the arrival of night.

The day before her father's accident, Liu Meiling and Liu Lele disappeared and took away almost all the company's money. If it wasn't for the money left by her father, she might not be able to pay the company's employees.

Perhaps tired, plus these days did not sleep, in front of a dark, the whole person fainted.Looking at the woman in his arms, Mo Yanke suddenly didn't know what to say. A different emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Alo, help me find out how AI Zhengsong died. And what's going on with Ehrlich. " Hung up the phone, picked up the woman and left.

Shen Luo left early. Today, he will be here. It's just a passing act. He starts the car and doesn't get into the traffic.

Kang Xiaole just got off the bus and rushed back. She called Aimeng so many times, but there was no reply. It was just a text message in the morning. She guessed that something must have happened.

Even though she is 18 years old, because she has experienced many things, she has accepted some things too early that she should not accept at her age. Therefore, she is more mature than Aimeng in thought.

I was a little anxious because I couldn't get a taxi. When I passed the traffic light, I was almost hit by the car because I didn't pay attention to it.

Shen Luo has been driving for so many years, but he has never seen such a miserable person. If he hadn't stepped on the brake fast, he would have knocked the girl off.

Rolling down the window, when I saw the familiar face, I just wanted to scold and swallow it.

"Why are you here?"

"You don't have eyes when driving. Do you know you almost hit me?" Although Kang Xiaole's palms were sweating with fright, she didn't want to die young, but her mouth was unforgiving. She didn't see Shen Luo sitting in it until she finished scolding, "it's you again."

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