After leaving AI's villa, Li Luo went to find Lin Han.

The younger sister, who had been around Mo Yanke before, is now a grown-up, but after the last thing, the Lin family has gradually faded out of the business circle. The business is still going on, but the scope has also narrowed.

Maybe the Lin family is really scared by Mo Yanke.

"Lin Han, remember me? I'm Li Luo."

"Remember, what's the matter? What's the matter today? Come to me."

"Even if I came back, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I want to ask you out for a chat."

"If you come to me to talk about brother Mo, then I have nothing to talk about with you. The matter between brother Mo and me is over, and I have thought it very clearly. Maybe I was too stupid before, but many times, I know, things are not like this. So I have frankly accepted the fact that Mo's brother and Aimeng are together. I also know that you have fallen in love with Mo's brother before, but I think how many years have passed, it's all gone. "

Li Luo suddenly felt a little excited. "In the past, why should I go there? He used to say that he wanted to love me for a lifetime. Why should he go there? He should be mine now. You know, it's mine." A roar, in this kind of coffee shop seems a little abrupt.

On this side, Aimeng slept in the rest room for an afternoon. When she woke up, she woke up because she was hungry. She was sleepy and uncomfortable.

When Mo Yanke opened the door and came in, he heard a few grunts in the quiet environment.

She froze at once, and then her face suddenly became hot. She looked at herself and looked up at the man.

What a shame.

It's a shame that my stomach should make such a bad voice at such a moment. Don't open your eyes. She's really embarrassed to see him. And the hand of the man, touched her small stomach all of a sudden, pressed slightly.

"Hungry." He asked softly, with a smile. I was a little busy in the afternoon, but I forgot. If it hadn't been for Wang Lin's reminding, he didn't even know it was time for dinner. I just came in in a hurry. "If I'm hungry, I'll take you out to dinner. I'm also hungry."

"Are you hungry, too?"

"En en en, yes, you get up first. There's a bathroom over there. You can wash your face first, otherwise it's uncomfortable. I'll take you out to eat delicious food later."

Mo Yanke didn't mention today's incident, and AI Meng didn't say it, as if he had filtered it out automatically. I went to a place that is not high-grade, but absolutely in line with Aimeng's taste.

"Why did you bring me to eat hot pot? Don't you come to eat these things?"

"But don't you like it?"

Aimeng is stunned. Is this man here because she likes it. There was a surprise in my heart.

"It's delicious!"

curved the charming eyeliner, while she ate it, vaguely praising it. Bulging his cheeks, he almost wolfed down.

I haven't been so happy eating for a long time. In recent days, because of the fence, she has been in a bad mood. But now that the fence is gone, her mood is suddenly better. This woman is gone, which means she has lost an eyesore.

"If it's delicious, eat more. If it's not enough, I'll give you some."

"That's enough, that's enough. We just can't eat too much. That's enough. Don't order any more. I'm full. By the way, where did you put the fence

"A house on the outskirts of Beijing. The location is good, two rooms and one living room, which is arranged by Wang Lin, but I didn't go to see it. It should be OK. "

"Do you blame me for this. Blame me for being mean. Blame me for not letting her go. "

Mo Yanke suddenly smile, "blame what you do, you are not wrong, this thing is wrong with me. Well, we won't mention these things. Anyway, it's all over. Eat more and have your favorite corn. "

"Well, then we won't talk about it."

"I like to eat, and I'll bring you next time. I checked this store a few days ago, and they all said it had a good reputation."

In this case, it comes out casually, but Aimeng knows that Mo Yanke has put his mind into it. If not, how can he know that this store has a good reputation.

Mo Yanke picked up a prawn, peeled its shell, and carefully put it on Aimeng's mouth, "be careful to scald it." Happily, she bit in and nodded her head. He just leaned on the table, leaning slightly on his chin, his mouth with a smile, cold face, now incredibly soft, from time to time revealed tenderness and doting.

No one else has this indulgence.

AI Meng eat half, Mo Yanke suddenly stretched out his hand, "also like a child in general, are dipped in sauce."

She tooted a small mouth, gave him a smile, and then ignored to continue to eat. With her intimacy with him, she couldn't take this seriously. Anyway, she would wipe her mouth after eating. As long as she eats happily.

In front of this man, she doesn't have to be very elegant, and she doesn't have to pay attention to the rules when doing anything, because men will tolerate her.Finally, I can't give you enough to eat. I can't give you enough to eat Aimeng bashfully beat Mo Yanke on the chest.

The man smiles, hugs the woman by the waist, and then pays to leave. Handsome men and beautiful women, even the manager of the restaurant feel beautiful.

"The car is parked over there. Let's walk over. I think you're too full. You have to walk around."

"Well, yes." It's rare to have such a quiet time when the night is slowly falling and the lights on both sides of the street are also on. It looks very beautiful. This city is different from the beauty of Paris. There is a kind of serenity here, and Paris is a kind of gorgeous.

Seeing that the woman around him didn't respond, Mo Yanke bowed his head, "what's the matter, what are you thinking, why don't you talk."

"It's OK, I suddenly think of some things before, some of my life in Paris, and the night scene in Paris is also very beautiful, but I never went to see it well."

"If I miss you, I'll go back another day. Don't worry. I'm not so stingy. I know there's no relationship between you and Robert. He told me before that he should treat you like a daughter, so I won't have any idea about that. I'll go back and have a look sometime."

"Well, then I'll check the time and go back. Thank you for your understanding, Mo Yanke. "

"Fool, what a fool to say."

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