They left in a hurry. She quickly went back to the rented place, and then took her ID card, passport and so on. She was about to leave. If she left, Mo Yanke couldn't have such great ability abroad. After all, there are laws in every country.

Besides, they have no evidence.

But the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel. She had just packed up and didn't even go out the door.

"Miss Li Luo, please come with us. You'd better pray for miss AIMUN's safety, otherwise. " Wang Lin with a ferocious tone, and then fell on the car under the pressure of the fence, she could not even resist.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I've been here all the time. I haven't gone anywhere. What are you doing with me?"

"What are you doing? You really like to pretend. You really don't know, or you don't know if it's fake. If you have something to say, you'd better wait to talk to Mr. mo."

The reason why Mo Yanke knows so quickly here is that there is monitoring outside the hotel. When people are always negligent, they stick gum on the monitoring head, but they forget that in this kind of five-star hotel, whether it is outside or inside, it must be monitored.

So this amount of car was immediately targeted, even if the set of cards, but with the help of Fang Yucheng, such things are not things.

When Fang Yu receives the phone call, he is pressing Xiaolv to eat outside. They come out in the middle of the wedding. In fact, Fang Yucheng is jealous. He is the only one who has married his two good brothers.

"What do you say, sister AI? She's been kidnapped, isn't she? Who's so brave?" Little green stood up with an angry face.

As a result, Fang Yucheng grabbed his clothes and said, "what are you doing, girl? Sit down. Don't worry. There won't be any accident. I'll arrange people."

So the car was stopped in an instant. The man on the car was the man who had just been in the same boat with Li Luo. Li Luo got out of the car in the middle of the morning. He drove the car and continued to leave. Unexpectedly, he was stopped.

Mo Yanke drove the car in person, but in this kind of place, he seems to have increased his efforts to find it.

I keep thinking that nothing can happen to Mengmeng. Today is the first day of their wedding. What should he do if something happens? It's his fault. He shouldn't let her alone. Even if she is tired, she should rest and accompany her.

Aimeng didn't fall very deep. There was a slope. They didn't see the fence because there were many weeds. She was stuck there.

I don't know whether I was awakened by freezing or pain. Some of them opened their eyes and looked at the desolation. There was still a slope underneath. She was afraid.

I've been blue with cold for a long time. The whole person was shaking.

What to do, what to do now, the only thing in my mind now is, does Mo Yanke know when to come back? She is so scared now, whether he will come to save her, whether he can't find her, and whether he can't find such a place.

The fear in my heart is growing.

But behind the card place let her some unable to move, she did not know to move, will fall deeper.

She can even feel that her consciousness is getting weaker and weaker. God won't make such a joke. Today is her wedding day. It should be a good life waiting for her, but now, maybe she can't make it.

"A dream."

"Where you are, if you can hear me, just say something back."

But these voices, just in the ear gently, is mo Yanke coming, really is he, but she can hear, but did not have the strength to answer.


In the hospital, all the people were a little anxious, and everyone seemed to be anxious.

When the doctor came out, everyone gathered around him.

"How about Wang Jie."


"Don't worry, the patient is just because of the cold, and then some injuries on the soles of his feet, other places, it's OK. When he wakes up, just eat more warm things."

Mo Yanke heard this, as if a stone in his heart had finally fallen. Then Kang Xiaole's tears suddenly fell down. "Dream, dream, it's really hard life." Compared with her, she felt how lucky she was. Even though she had suffered a lot and met many things when she was alone, she was happy since she met Shen Luo.

But Mengmeng's life is terrible since she was 18 years old. Today, however, on their wedding day, she suddenly suffered from this kind of thing. Now she is still lying in the hospital bed and has not woken up.

"Well, wife, don't cry. Since Mengmeng is OK, don't cry. Shouldn't you be happy?"


"Ah Luo, go back with Xiao le. Don't let the Shen family wait, so that they won't worry. It's OK here. You all go back. Yu Cheng, you too. Wang Lin, take those two men to the police station. Everything goes according to the judicial procedure. " This time Mo Yanke will not be soft hearted."Well, I see, but she said she wanted to see you. It's been a long time this afternoon, you see

"I won't see you. I'll do what the program does." There is no need for him to be kind to those who have hurt his women. He thought that he would not be so bold, at least not to do such things, but what he didn't expect was that he actually did such things. He thought that they were all things in the past, and if she didn't do too much, she would go, but since she was cruel, don't blame him for doing so. Everything can be forgiven, but can not hurt the dream.

The end of being soft to people's heart is to hurt Mengmeng. He once swore that Mengmeng would never be hurt any more. But now, he felt that he had hurt her again. Looking at her white face lying inside, he felt guilty. Today is their happy day. Originally, he had arranged everything and was ready to fly to honeymoon, but now he made such a fuss. But it had to be cancelled. Fortunately, there was no big problem, but it was frozen. The injury of sole of foot is also like trauma. It will be better to wipe some medicine for a few days.

"I'll stay with you, sister Little green came forward, but was pulled back by Fang Yucheng, "you go to join in what fun, here a Ke will take care of, you here, can't help anything."

"But, sister AI."


In the end, everyone left. After all, they were tired all day.

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