After three days in the hospital, it was time to set off for the honeymoon.

Aimeng packed up early.

The destination of the flight is Maldives, a country with pleasant scenery. For example, it's winter here, but the temperature is very comfortable there.

Aimeng is looking forward to the kind of days when she only wears a long dress with suspenders. Fortunately, the injury on her foot is still very fast.

Mo Yanke has his own private plane, but he is not a person who likes to show off his wealth like this. What he enjoys more is the time with Meng Meng, so this trip is very low-key. Although he bought first class, he did not travel by his own private plane.

Mo Yanke forced her to lean against his arms, this kind of feeling seems very wonderful.

Besides them, there are two other people in the first class. They are probably lovers. They are even more exaggerated than them. They kiss me there, just like nobody else.

Aimeng some shy head buried in the man's chest, and then secretly watching.

Mo Yanke touched her head with a smile and said softly in her ear, "wife, you peep at them."

"No way." Jiaochen beat the man's chest.

The journey of more than ten hours is not close. As soon as Aimeng gets on the plane, she sleeps in a daze. She has a habit that she always likes to sleep, whether by plane or by car.

Mo Yanke didn't feel sleepy at all. To be honest, he was excited. The woman in his arms was so real. He finally married her. Although five years late, but at least now everything is real, so good feeling.

Aimeng sleeps for more than 4 hours. She wakes up because she is hungry. Then Mo Yanke recruits a waiter and eats something. When he was hungry, Aimeng was satisfied with his food. Although the food on this plane is not very delicious.

Then Aimeng actually had many questions in her heart, but she didn't know whether to ask. She frowned and hesitated.

"Wife, you have something to say." Mo Yanke knows the new wife very well. Every time I have doubts in my heart, I always frown.

"Well, I just want to ask, did you spend a lot of money on this wedding? I saw that the food on the banquet was very good, and I overheard some guests say that the wine on the banquet was very expensive. And when I was picked up, there were so many Porsches. " She leaned on Mo Yanke's shoulder, and then played with the buttons of his shirt.

The man suddenly laughed, "wife, do you think your husband is very poor, even if you get married, or do you worry that getting married will make your husband's assets poor, and you will become a poor man in the future."

The woman smiles sweetly, "no, if you have no money and become poor, I can support you. Don't worry, I also have money. My current design draft is very valuable? Don't look down on me Now at least she is a little famous designer, she can spend a lot of money to buy back AI's villa, if you support a person, it's absolutely trivial.

"Really, when did my wife become so powerful?"

"That's a must. You know, my designs are very popular in Paris, but I can't go back now. " Finish saying, there is a light pity on the face.

In fact, men also know that if Aimeng decides to stay in China, it means that everything has to start from scratch. He has to give up what he has accumulated in Paris for five years. It's a pity. "Wife, if you want to go back, you can still go back. The big deal is that you can fly back to Paris and China."


"Of course, you are my favorite wife. If I make you feel wronged, I am not guilty." In fact, Mo Yanke also wants to understand that he is satisfied to be like this. If he can say that marriage will make Mengmeng lose everything, it means that this marriage will make her lose her freedom. Since she is talented, she can't hide. She is his woman, and he will help her with everything he has.

"You're the best. I'll talk to my godfather next time. He should be happy, too

"Yes. OK, no problem

The man's smile is more and more big, sometimes think about it, he is to repair a few lifetime fortune, to marry such a good wife. We can go to the hall and the kitchen again. And at a young age, he has already done something. He should be happy.

Two people use not big voice to say words, all sweetness in them.

Finally, they got off the plane. The time difference here is different from that in China. When they got off the plane, it was just in the evening. When a warm wind came, they felt very comfortable.

"Wow, it's so comfortable here. The air here is much better than ours. You see, the sky is blue."

"Yes, let's go to the hotel first and put things away. I'll show you the night scene here."

"Good." Aimeng smiles, takes Mo Yanke's arm, and then walks around. It's good to find this man around. You can not think about it at any time. Everything will be arranged. Even if it's small, this man will check the weather and remind her to prepare something.Then there are all kinds of necessities in life, which should have been his job, but now it seems to have become his.

Sometimes I feel that she has nothing to do, as long as she is responsible for having a good time. In this way, they feel very relaxed, because they have made preparations in advance, so the clothes on them are already suitable for the weather here. Aimeng was wearing a straw hat and looked a few years younger. Big sunglasses almost covered half of her face, and her long skirt looked elegant. Compared with Mo Yanke's dress, Aimeng seems to be on vacation.

"Where is our hotel?"

"Don't worry, we'll be there in a minute."

Before I came here, Aimeng checked some information. Maldives is located near the equator, so there are no four seasons in a year. Although in China, it's cold in winter, it's like early summer. The annual average temperature is about 28 degrees.

This kind of temperature is suitable for living, this kind of light wind blowing, people will feel very comfortable.

Their first stop was mal é, the capital of Maldives. This is the place where Maldives controls the economic lifeline and the most prosperous place for the development of tourism. Since I came here, I had to stay in their capital.

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