All of a sudden, she felt that she was so useless. She always held him back. It seemed that she couldn't help him when something like this happened. Looking at his pain and pale face, she couldn't help him.

I really want that shot on myself.

Deep remorse, the bullet is taken out, but the blood really killed a lot.

Looking at the gauze one by one was thrown to the ground, and then are dyed red. The eyes are moist.

Finally, the doctor treated the bullet wound, and then stopped the bruise. This man is strong. Aimeng doesn't even know what kind of perseverance he has. He doesn't play mahjong, so painful. He directly cuts the meat with a knife, and then takes out the bullet. But the man just frowns a few times, but he seems to have nothing. How strong he should be. If it was her, maybe he would have fainted.

"Ako, the wound has been treated, but during this period of time, at least for a week, you can't touch water. You have to change gauze and liquid medicine once a day to avoid infection. Are you going to return home tonight or tomorrow?"

Mo Yanke looked back at Ai Meng, "Meng Meng, when was the ticket?"

"When I went to book just now, there was no one for today, only for tomorrow morning."

"Since I'm leaving tomorrow morning, I'll leave this medicine for you. Then you can change the medicine and go back tomorrow morning. I've informed Wang Jie that he will be ready for everything he needs, and let him help with the follow-up wound." The middle-aged doctor explained carefully, and then left some things on the tea table.

"Well, I'll trouble you today."

"What do you say, but in the future, you'd better not do such a dangerous thing. You only have one life. This time, you're lucky. Once you just scraped, once you didn't hit your main part, and the bullet deviated. But if you don't deviate, you'll lose your life now. Well, America is not a place to stay for a long time. Just now I have known the general situation. I will send someone to guard this hotel tonight until you leave tomorrow morning. "

"It's too much trouble."

"OK, take good care of yourself. I have nothing to do with my marriage this time. Next time I return home, I have to make up for it." The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then packed up to leave.

AI dream suddenly or some don't trust of come forward, "that, doctor, he really all right?"

"It's OK. It's just that there's too much blood. Go back and give him more blood tonic food. Don't worry. The boy's body is very strong. Such a small injury won't kill him. You haven't seen anything more terrible before."

"Ah. More terrifying. "

"Well, I'll go back first. I can't stay here long."

"Well, take your time. Next time you come back, call me."

"Well, don't worry. I will blackmail you."

The middle-aged doctor left with something, and then several people who just came in also left together. In the room, there were only Mo Yanke and AI Meng.

Aimeng still hasn't responded. What the doctor said just now was still terrible before.

Then I suddenly realized something. I walked over and looked at the man lying on the sofa. Then I went over and squatted down. "Sorry, it's all my fault. You were injured because you blocked the bullet for me."

Mo Yanke said, "fool, what are you talking about? You are my mo Yanke's wife. Even if I die, I won't hurt you."

The man's words, let her tears suddenly more fierce, and then a cover Mo Yanke's mouth, "don't say what to die, I don't allow you to die, if you die, what should I do, you know, in fact, I'm not so strong, this period of time, I'm used to have you around, I can't do without you."

"Well, I won't die. Don't you think I'm all right now? Just now, the doctor said that my life is very big. Such a small injury will not kill me, but will be a little weak. Don't worry, your man is very strong. It's just a little blood. "

For Mo Yanke, this is really a small injury. The previous injury is more terrible than this. He lay unconscious for half a month in bed, but finally came back from the gate of death. If it's just on his shoulder, just take out the bullet and pay more attention to rest, it's OK.

"Just now, the doctor said that you had something more terrible before, didn't you?" AIMUN didn't go on because she couldn't imagine.

Mo Yanke uses the uninjured hand, and then props up to sit up. Aimeng quickly helps, and then uses the cushion to lean against his body, sitting beside him, not touching his bandaged hand.

"I've suffered a lot of injuries before. I remember one time when I was shot, and then I didn't wake up after lying in bed for half a month. The doctor was with Wang Jie just now. He brought Wang Jie out at the beginning, so I knew that I would be OK when he came here just now, because when I suffered so many injuries, he and Wang Jie helped me treat them Yes, once the bullet hit my heart, but it was just a little bit worse. It hit my heart, and I would die. But maybe I was lucky and my life should not be lost. At that time, I still survived. So he said, such a small injury is nothing to me, so don't worry about it. "Aimeng listened, and then suddenly looked at the man, "Mo Yanke, I warn you, don't let me worry, don't let yourself get hurt, and don't do such a dangerous thing. You don't know, I will be very worried if you are like this."

"Yes, my wife, I obey. I will never be like this in the future."

Aimeng suddenly looked at him sternly and yelled at him. "If you don't listen, I'll take care of you."

This sudden surge of momentum, with her slightly pale face, somehow, Mo Yanke's heart is soft. How many years, no one has ever worried about him like this, and it is the kind that worries to the bone.

Then he reached out and tried to hug the woman beside him, but he was suddenly scolded.

"Don't move anything. Sit down for me. I'm going to put the bath water on you, and then I'm going to take care of it. Otherwise, it's not good to see so much blood. You sit still and I'll be ready in a minute

For a moment, Aimeng's mind was so clear that she was surprised.

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