"Ah, Ke, I've found out the man who took the fence. American Mafia people, it seems that your old lover has involved some people who shouldn't be involved in recent years."


"Yes, it's no wonder that Wang Lin had no way to find out who this person was before. The information about the Mafia in the United States is very secret. How can it be easily cracked. This time, I also took a little means to get in, but it's strange that Li Luo and them will know each other. I followed the clues and found out that three days ago, after the man bailed her out, they went directly back to the United States. When you had an accident the day before yesterday, Li Luo and the man were in the United States that day. Maybe there's something to do with it. "

Mo Yanke was suddenly silent. In fact, he thought about the worst at the beginning, but he didn't expect that this would be like this. If this thing is really instigated, then he seems to be able to easily understand, because that day the target of the sniper is not him, but dream.

If you think in this way, then maybe it's really a hedge. All of a sudden, Mo Yanke's eyes have a sense of killing.

"Don't say anything about it, and then follow this clue to see if she is still in the United States."

"No, she has returned home. The plane after you has returned home. That's why I said that this matter may really have something to do with her. Otherwise, how can you get on the plane in front of you, and then she will go back home. According to the normal thinking, since you have been bailed out and left this place, how can you never come back I'm sorry. But don't you think it's strange that you went back to the United States on the day of bail. However, as soon as you came back from the United States, she came back immediately. How could there be such a coincidence at the end of the day? "

"Well, I know. But don't talk to the two women downstairs about this. I'm afraid that Mengmeng will think wildly. If she knows that the fence has come back, and it's very likely that this thing is what she did, and it's probably not for me, but for her. I'm afraid that she will have a burden in her heart. "

"I know that. I won't talk about Xiaolv, but what are you going to do about it? If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid there will be hidden dangers. "This woman has a little bit of that."

"I know. I really need to deal with it well this time. I thought the last time would be a lesson. The result is not that I don't cry when I see people. It's really my kindness."

"Yes, but it's also a lesson. By the way, how's your injury? Wang Jie has seen it."

"Well, there is a bruise and a bullet wound, but the bullet has been taken out. It's just a little bleeding. The rest is OK. Don't worry, Wang Jie said that he will come in the evening. He will call later to ask. " ;

then when the two men went down, the two little women downstairs had already started to prepare dinner. Looking at their backs, both men laughed.

In fact, this kind of feeling is really good.

Wang Jie estimated that he arrived at the right time, just in time for their dinner, and then sat down together.

During the meal, these men never mentioned anything about their work, but two women chatted there. Of course, most of the topics revolved around Xiaolv and Fang Yucheng.

"Yucheng, it's not right for you to act like this. You're so fast that you haven't waited for me." Wang Jie said with a smile.

"Then you'll work hard." Maybe Fang Yucheng is used to this kind of voice, always light, during this period, little green has been low head, and then do not speak.

In fact, she was embarrassed. She always felt that the happiness came too fast. In addition, it was only yesterday. Today, many people came to ask, but there was still something in her heart that she could not react to.

But Fang Yucheng was calm, as if he had accepted this kind of thing very soon.

"Yucheng, alo will be back tomorrow."

"So soon, is the honeymoon over?"

"That's not true. You've all found happiness. Our brothers, of course, want to celebrate for you." When Mo Yanke said this with a smile, Fang Yucheng's back was cold. Only he knew that when Mo Yanke said this, it was a big calculation.

"Ha ha."

"Little green, isn't Robert's work over yet? Didn't you promise to go back early next month?" Aimeng suddenly remembered that she was married and had already handed over the work there. Anyway, the network is so developed now, and now the computer can work. Anyway, it's only one month to hand in the design draft. But Xiaolv is different. Although she is her assistant, this assistant is also because she had to work in Menghe in the past two months, so she is a good assistant There's no way, but now she doesn't go back. She's a idle person.

"I haven't said it yet. I'm sure I'll go back, just now." Now this kind of situation, she is also more hesitant. First, the relationship with Fang Yucheng has just begun. If she chooses to go back to Paris at this time, it seems to be a bit bad. Besides, if one is here and the other is there, the feeling of separation and long-distance love is actually the same, although the book says that distance will produce beauty.But that's all in the book. It's not like that in reality. After all, the distance is too far, so if she really decides to be with this man, she must give up something, such as everything in Paris.

And then return to domestic development.

"It's OK. I'll respect your choice." Fang Yucheng did not have a reason for a word, but let little green a lot of peace of mind, but the more this man is like this, the more embarrassed she feels.

In fact, it's strange, but what can I do.

After a dinner, there are not many topics. There are men's topics among men, and women don't understand them very well. After dinner, three men are chatting on the sofa, and two women are busy living in the kitchen.

AI Meng can't help asking, "little green, do you really think about it?"

"Sister AI, actually I'm a little at a loss now, but I only know that I don't exclude this man. In fact, it was an accident that I met him. I remember when I went to Sanya for a trip. I met him there, and then something happened. Finally, I came back, but this man was chasing me all the time. In fact, at that time, the idea was very simple. I just thought this man was so handsome, but after getting along with him for nearly a month, I found that this man was not only good-looking, but also had many advantages. "

"Well, silly girl, I can understand your mood. I used to be like this, and I felt the same way about Mo Yanke, but you are much luckier than me. Mo Yanke and I have experienced too much."

"Sister, you are very happy now."

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