"Well, since you don't believe me and I don't believe you, let's make a deal. I want her to be safe. Everything else is OK. "

"It seems that he is really affectionate. It's really enviable. "

"I'll send someone to pick her up. At the same time, I'll shoot myself in the head." This is mo Yanke's last step back.

Wang Xiang frowned unhappily. He screwed up his brows.

"Yes or no, in a word, if yes, then the immediate thing is no good." Mo Yan Ke Leng snorted.

"Oh, no, I beg you not. I would rather die with you than live alone. I beg you not." AIMUN's voice was roaring. It's like desperation.

But this time, AI Meng was not bound, because Wang Xiang also knew that even if he really let this woman die, it would not help. As he thought, it would hurt more innocent people. If Mo Yanke did not die, it would not be useful. Anyway, his woman is in his hands now. I don't think he dare to do anything about it. Besides, this woman has no fighting power.

"Well, as you said, you let someone pick you up, and at the same time, you shoot yourself." Then he suddenly threw a pistol. Mo Yanke catches it.

"Good." The reason why Mo Yanke made the decision so quickly is that the dream can't be dragged on, and Wang Jie's words are still ringing in his ears.

Mo Yanke immediately motioned with his hand, and a man in police uniform came out.

"Mo Yanke, you think I'm a fool. If you send people like this to connect with me, I will die. This person can't do it. Another person, just the one just now, talk to me, the president of this hospital. Tell him to change it. "

Mo Yanke seems to have hesitated for a long time, but Wang Xiang thinks that he is just a doctor and what he can do. So he chose him.

When Wang Jie came up again, he was still wearing the same suit, but it was obvious that the wound on his arm had been treated, but the bloody clothes seemed that his arm had been seriously injured.

"It's you. You come here and take this woman, the others. Step back."

Mo Yanke twisted his eyebrows and said for a while, "Wang Xiang, you'd better not play tricks. Dr. Wang has no resistance. If you don't dare to speak, they won't let you go even if I'm dead."

Wang Xiang coldly smile, "Mo Yanke, our great president, won't be afraid, afraid of a shot in his head, that kind of head blossom, blood flow, brain overflow feeling, originally you also have fear, but I tell you, you don't have much time to hesitate."

Anyway, as long as he can kill Mo Yanke, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he doesn't want to live. In this world, no one is really good to him.

All the people who cared about him and loved him were gone overnight. The Wang family went bankrupt. Those who had a good relationship with the Wang family all gave him cold words.

He's really fed up with it. Mo Yanke made all this. If it wasn't for him, he would not have been like he is today. He would have been an employee of Mo Yanke and did all kinds of things for him.

He wants to finish today. Anyway, he has to die today. It's better to take Mo Yanke to die together. In this way, he has a companion on the way to the yellow spring.

At that end, Wang Jie, with a serious face, came slowly.

"You, stand still. "

he won't be silly enough to let people take him away directly, and then the last hostages in his hand will be gone. Isn't he losing the last chips? Then all these things will be gone. Mo Yanke will not die at that time, and all his plans will be in vain.

"Don't come here. Let Mo Yanke raise his gun."

AIMUN cried over there, "No. Oh, Coe, please don't

"Come on. I can delay, but your woman can't. Do you want to watch her die, she lives, you die, she dies, you live, whatever you choose? "

Aimeng burst into tears. "Oh, Coe, please, you can't die, or I'll die, you can't die, you can't do stupid things. I beg you

It never occurred to her that one day, when she came to such a step, this scene of separation between life and death, she seemed a little uncomfortable, and she would not know that Mo Yanke cared so much about himself that she could exchange his life for her. But she didn't want him to.

"Fool, don't say anything stupid. You can't die. The beauty of your life has just begun. How can you die? You must be obedient to me and live well. After Wang Jie takes you down, you will be treated well. You can't think of anything else. I'll be happy."

"Mo Yanke, I can't imagine that you have such a carefree time. Well, don't explain the last words. There's no chance after that. Besides, if you continue to explain the last words, I can't point out that you, a woman, will also die. It's OK then. You and your husband will be together." Wang Xiang cold smile, the laughter sounds like a goose bumps.At this time, Wang Jie has come to Wang Xiang.

"Your name is Wang Xiang. There is only one word difference between us. I know that maybe nothing I say can change you, but I hope you can think about it. What are the consequences of your doing so? Do you really have such hatred? Even if Mo Yanke dies, do you think your father will survive? The dead are doomed to die, and there is nothing I can't let it go. "

"Don't come here again, and don't say it. It's no use saying anything. "

"You." Wang Jie couldn't help sighing. As a doctor, he naturally didn't want to see the killing, but the situation seemed to be not allowed.

He reached over and gently grabbed Aimeng's arm. "Come, dream, come."

Wang Jie stretched out the uninjured hand and grasped AI Meng's arm tightly. His face was pale. The blood just now was not in vain. Naturally, it all fell into Wang Xiang's serious situation. The shot just now was made by himself, so he knew that Wang Jie's other hand was injured. Even if he wanted to make a mischief, he had no strength. What's more, it was a mistake Doctor, what else can he do, so he slightly lowered his vigilance.

But he didn't know that when Wang Jie was not a doctor before, he was also a man with a gun. Even a man with a scalpel could kill a person.

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