In fact, Aimeng knows the seriousness of this incident. It's not something that happened in such a big department store.

Plus, after all, it's dead this time. Although it was out of self-defense, whose self-defense was with a gun. Things seem to be complicated.

Aimeng knew that in this matter, the man must have concealed something from her.

But he didn't take the initiative to talk about it, so she naturally didn't ask. There are some things that people will say if they want to, but if they don't want to, it's meaningless to ask too many questions.

"By the way, how did you deal with Wang Xiang in the end?" AI Meng tilts his head and leans on the head of the bed, because it's inconvenient on his leg, so he can only lean on it.

Seeing this, the man pulled the woman's small head, put it on his thigh, rubbed her soft hair, and said softly, "I asked Wang Lin to prepare his affairs, but I've asked the police to deal with it. Now it's under pressure, but after all, there are some people who witnessed it in the hospital that day, so it's inevitable that it will spread I went out a little bit, but it didn't affect me very much

"Then." Aimeng looked like he wanted to talk and stop, "well, what are you going to do with Ronghe? I know you won't really turn it off. It's only temporary, but how do you plan to deal with this matter? Will this matter have any impact on Mo?" In fact, she was only worried about everything that involved him.

"Wife, don't frown. Don't worry. Leave these things to me. I'll deal with them well. Since something like this happened, I'll close it for two days."


"Shh, don't think about it. I'll change the dressing for your wound. Your wound can't touch water for a while. It's estimated that it will take a few days. I'll take a towel to scrub it later."

Aimeng nodded.

This man is very careful about her.

This makes her feel very sweet.

These days, basically, he took care of her wound and washing. Although, Aimeng is very shy, also expressed the protest, but every time is the man insisted, later, she also has no way.

Men always say, you are my wife, you enjoy my service, that's a matter of course, in the end, she is always the defeated person.

In fact, the wound on the leg was not very serious. After all, the bullet didn't go in. It was just a little scratch, but it really hurt. At that time, it was a little painful and I wanted to faint.

In this life, it is estimated that it was the most shocking time. She was afraid of these things since she was a child. If she wanted to make a hole in her body, she would be scared to death.

"Fortunately, it's winter now. You don't have to clean it every day. Otherwise, your wound will heal very slowly. If it doesn't work well, it will be easily infected.

"Well, I'll be careful."

He caressed the wound and frowned. This time, it was his fault and carelessness. He shouldn't have left her alone in the hospital ward, but he didn't expect that Wang Xiang would be so brave.

"Well, you go to take a bath. I'll be fine. I'll play some games first. You go quickly. "

AI Meng looks at Mo Yanke, and his expression tells him that he must be blaming himself again. In fact, it's OK. Besides, things have already happened, so what can't happen.

He has done very well. At that time, on the roof, when he could exchange his own life for her, she felt that she was lucky and met a good man. Anyway, at least after experiencing this event, she felt that she would cherish it more.

When Mo Yanke got out of the bath, he went to the study again, took back a box and handed her two big red notebooks

"keep them, they will be yours in the future."

"What, it's so mysterious that you can't hide your old love letters." Aimeng said with a smile.

"Wife, what's in your mind?" Mo Yanke couldn't help flicking Aimeng's nose, a burst of intimacy.

She looked down with a smile, and when she saw the big words at the bottom of the big red book, she was stunned.

When I opened the red book, it was her signature. She was surprised, staring at the book, started to stay. I didn't respond for a long time.

This man, when, when did these things, why she didn't know anything.

At this time, the man reached out and gently put his arm around her shoulder to make her more comfortable in his arms, and then bit her little ear and chuckled. "Wife, you have been curious about how much money I have before, and then I went to estimate that some fixed assets can't be moved, such as Morse's shares, which can't be used. The working capital on hand is only tens of millions, not much."

Aimeng opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. Tens of millions are not much. What's more.

Is this man joking."You have so much money."

"It's all yours in the future. By the way, I've transferred the ownership of this villa to your name, and the one in the East. I didn't have time to go through the formalities last time, and I'll go and do it next time I have time." Mo Yanke smiles.

These days, over and over again, so many things happen. He has to take good care of them. In fact, the house has been transferred a long time ago, but he hasn't said it all the time. It's also because too many things have happened, but it's delayed. He doesn't pay much attention to money, because even if he doesn't have it, he will earn it back. So he didn't care so much, but he knew that women were very insecure. When he made these decisions, he just wanted to show that he could love her all his life.

But Aimeng didn't understand, "why did you come to this house so suddenly?"

"Wife, I'm a man without a house now. You can't drive me away." The man suddenly changed his attitude, and then dawdled on the woman's shoulder and neck.

Women giggle over there. "Don't make trouble. What's the matter? How can you suddenly transfer the ownership of the house to me? I don't know about it."

"It's a surprise. Of course you don't know. If you do, is it a surprise? Wife, this period of time is my fault, in fact, I do these, really nothing else

But how can Aimeng not understand that men are well intentioned. What he did was to make her feel more secure. Let her stop thinking.

She suddenly sat up, put her hand around the man's waist, raised her face and took a sip on his face.

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