It's a waste of time. It's not like this at all. This time is almost here.

When I got to the door of the bar, I had already seen Kang Xiaole waiting at the door. I knew this girl was right and wrong. I told her not to come just now. Now that she really comes, she will be waiting there early.

"Xiaole, I'm here." When AI Meng got off the taxi, he saw Kang Xiaole standing at the door and jumped decisively.

"I said, miss, it's more than 10 o'clock in the evening now. What are you doing here? I remember you used to go to bed very early. Also said that women can not go to bed more than 10 o'clock, otherwise what wrinkles ah what's going on now

AI Meng smiles and holds Kang Xiaole's arm. Then he says, "I call it a whim, but Xiaole, you are so good." Said deliberately looked at the people around.

Having known Kang Xiaole for so long, Aimeng didn't really know her very well. She only knew that Kang Xiaole's family was not very good. Her tuition was earned by some scholarships and her own work. The only thing her parents left was the house with two bedrooms and one living room. Although it was not very new, she could see that the people who lived in it were very clean and diligent in cleaning.

"Go away, dead girl. I want to die."

Aimeng followed in with a smile. Curiosity occupied her whole heart at the moment.

She had never been to a place like this. She looked dazzled.

The dance floor is full of women who show their hips and breasts. They have all kinds of good figures. When you look at the clothes they are wearing, it's really incomparable.

When she was at home, she had searched all the clothes in the wardrobe. In the novel and on TV, it was said that the women in the bar were very coquettish, so she couldn't wear too lady, but there were only small dresses and Lady dresses in the wardrobe.

No way, from small to large, her father raised her as a princess.

But these people are too revealing. This should see, and should not see. The situation is very strange

"what are you looking at? Go in. Now these are just small ideas. What's more exciting later?" Kang Xiaole has been working in this bar for more than a day or two. For these pictures, she has been familiar with them for a long time, but Aimeng is different. At a glance, she knows that the girl is curious.

"What, it's still a small one." It's still a small idea. What's the big idea. AIMUN put out his tongue and was scared.

The lights inside are flashing everywhere, and the neon is gorgeous with a trace of ambiguity.

Kang Xiaole took Aimeng to the corner of the bar and sat down, "just sit here and watch. Don't join in the fun. I'll be off work in a few hours. I'll go back together."

"Don't worry. I can take care of myself. Go." Aimeng waved to Kang Xiaole to do his own work. Kang Xiaole wanted to explain something, but because someone was shouting, he didn't say it at last.

Aimeng thinks that since she has come to the bar, she should have a drink. Otherwise, it's a waste of her time.

But she felt that she was a little drunk, just a cup of wine, and still a very good-looking glass of wine, how on the head so dizzy.

Stand up, want to go to the bathroom, wash a face to wake up, but accidentally, hit a man's arms.

Looking up at that deep look, she felt really drunk. This man has this very clear outline. He is tall or not. I feel that he is more than 180 years old. Then he has eyebrows, mouth, nose and eyes. He is a handsome man.

Mo Yanke just got off the plane today, and there will be a major shareholder re-election meeting of Mo group tomorrow. As the second son of Mo family, he must come back, no matter for whom, for himself, or for the dead mother.

In fact, his studies were over long ago. He spent less time than others to complete his studies, and his grades were excellent. He knew he was smart, but he hated his family name. Mom shouldn't have brought him back.

Of course, the people of the Mo family did not inform him to come back because they were afraid that he would take away their so-called property. However, the property of the Mo family is a big piece of fat. At least in city a, the status of the Mo family is very high.

Two days ago, as soon as his friend in a city called, he knew it was time to go back.

Night rose is Shen Luo's territory, he got off the plane naturally came here, a few good friends for a long time no see, naturally get together. It's just that he just came in. It's such a big gift.

It's like Barbie's face is bright, her face is bright, her eyes are red.

The light in the eyes seems to fill the whole world.

"Kang Xiaole didn't say there are so many handsome guys in the bar." Aimeng murmured to himself, as if he was not speaking to Mo Yanke.

But Xiaole didn't say that there are so many handsome guys in the bar, and the dead girl has such good welfare every night. I thought, do you want to work in the bar in the future.Mo Yanke's dangerous eyes narrowed slightly,

unexpectedly, he met such a woman on his first day back.

"You're looking for men."

"Why, do you speak to me?" AI Meng said with a smile. With a simple and honest face, it's really that one.

There seems to be a fire in the eyes.

When Kang Xiaole came back again, he lost the trace of Aimeng. Damn, where did the girl go.

Because at this time of the night, business is very busy, so I think maybe this girl went to the toilet, but she didn't notice that the glass of wine on the bar is empty.

Aimeng is in a daze. He feels that his head is heavy and his feet are light. He's really drunk. He can't drink so much. It's just the end of a cup.

Dizzy head, some uncomfortable, the stomach seems to burn in general, it is hard to die.

private box, Mo Yanke looked down at the little girl in arms, did not know if there is no adult, looks like a small look, but think that people who can come to this place, certainly not what good girls,

this woman seems to be the embodiment of the devil, no body outside the woman's strong perfume, as if it is light milk flavor.

Because his head was a little dizzy, Aimeng wanted to find a comfortable environment, and then twisted a few times in his arms.

But don't know this action for the emotional man, it is fatal.

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