But Aimeng was a little angry and looked at the woman.

"Li Luo, do you know if you still have a little dignity? You look disgusting and shameless. A woman dressed like this, you know that Mo Yanke has a wife, and you still dress like this. You are seducing him. Even I see you like this, I think you are losing We are women's faces AIMUN is another sentence.

Because when I came in just now, I noticed that this woman didn't wear underwear. She vaguely saw the pink dots and the black underneath. She felt sick.

This kind of dress is attractive. Especially for men, it's quite tempting.

Is she dressed like this on purpose? Is she dressed like this to seduce Mo Yanke? Or is she good? Today Mo Yanke will come. Well, she will come.

If this is the case, then this woman is too powerful to be imagined. Just now she didn't leave outside. At first, she wanted to leave, because from her point of view, it seems that they are kissing each other intimately. But later, when she squatted outside in a lonely mood, she heard it The more you listen to the conversation, the more wrong you feel.

Finally, I heard that the fence was falling. I couldn't bear it any more, so I suddenly rushed in. So there was the scene just now.

Now I think it's very wise to stay just now. If I don't stay, I will not see what happened just now. In that way, she is just sad there alone, but she doesn't know that this is still the case.

If you think about it carefully, is the behavior of the fence just now a disguised stimulation to stimulate her to leave? Maybe from the angle she just saw her existence, she had this kind of behavior. Then she deliberately left the door open, so that she could see clearly through the crack of the door, and Mo Yanke didn't know because she was facing her back Tao is already behind them, and she saw her existence, so she deliberately made that kind of behavior. Now, it's really possible.

However, the fence has obviously ignored the speech stimulation of Aimeng, just looking at Mo Yanke with both eyes. The tears on his face are pitiful, which makes him feel some.

"Ako, I love you. I can't live without you. You said before that you have to wait for me, but how can you get married first? I can't compare with Aimeng. I can help you in my career, but she can. She can only drag you down."

Mo Yanke didn't speak all the time, but he was silent, but the expression on his face was obviously serious.

His response is suddenly turned, a pull over, standing beside him, but a little distance between the dream, a kiss on her frowning.

Aimeng is just because of a cry of the fence, but he is a little irritable. He was raided by this man. Man's lips, first hot brush her, into her lips, seems to be forced into. Familiar action, let her understand, although the heart is not happy, but she does not mind using this way to hit the fence, so, she slightly opened her mouth, let the man's invasion.

Then hands active hook the man's neck, body homeopathy by the past, with the paste more closely. If you can hit the fence in this way, then she will feel very happy, because this woman is a little shameless. A good person, who is so beautiful, is really afraid of not getting married, that is, whether she will get married well because of her bad reputation. But now, this woman has to pester Mo Yanke. Is this really interesting.

Even if it is entangled, Mo Yanke is a married man. She can do it. She's spinning in her head. Think of some things, but the man obviously don't want to let her distracted, plate over her body, hold more tightly.

The fence collapsed immediately. "Ah --" with an arrow, he rushed up and pushed Mo Yanke and AI Meng. It's hard to imagine that she, as a woman, has such sharp skills. Her explosive power is just like a wild leopard.

If AI's fingernails had been cut, she would have been scared by her five sharp fingers.

She couldn't help leaning her head. Some worried, instinctively reached out to stop, but damn it, because she was held by a man, her hands were also bound, so she couldn't raise her hand to stop at the first time. She was a little confused at once, and the explosive force of the fence made her hand look like it would fall in the next second.

AI Meng stares big eyes, that second, the head is a little empty. Some didn't react. Did this woman want to destroy her. That fierce expression, that expression that wanted to kill her.

But the man around him will protect her after all. In this crisis, the man will protect her, because at that moment, the man pulled her body aside, and she was all behind him. The man blocked her with his strong body.He stretched out his hand, the palm of his hand was like steel, and he squeezed the wrist of the fence heavily, with a kind of force that didn't mind pinching her. The strong one almost crushed her bones. Li Luo frowned painfully, but she still showed her stubbornness and anger, looking at Aimeng with hatred.

"Aimeng, you have to die because of you. Without you, Ko would be mine. It's all because of you. For so many years, it's just because of your appearance that you disturb his heart and make his heart no longer have me. It's all because of you. You should die."

There was a crack. "You deserve this slap, not my appearance, which makes you lose Mo Yanke. At the beginning, you gave him up first, so it's no wonder that other people should blame you. Why did you give up at the beginning? Now you regret it. If you want to get it, do you think everyone will wait in the same place? Do you think everyone revolves around you? Don't dream about this world No one can live without him. No matter how big things happen today, the sun will still rise tomorrow. You'd better be wise and don't always look like this. Who are you doing this for. If Mo Ke and I had been married for the first time, I would have followed you in my heart

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