"You said that Fang Yucheng told you that his friends saw that the fence was trading. It was a kind of trading in the underworld."

"In a nutshell, that's what it means." Mo Yanke nodded. In fact, this is the simple explanation.

"So you promised to have dinner with her because of this, or did she say anything else?" Aimeng is not the kind of person who likes to cheat. This thing will not be so simple.

Mo Yanke smiles, then hugs the person in his arms, "wife, you are really sharp."

"Come on, you'd better be honest, or you'll be ruined at any time. Don't forget that this is my territory. If you don't tell the truth, I won't let you off lightly." Aimeng is threatening, and then he pinches his neck.

Mo Yanke covered his neck with cooperation, and then continued to say, "in fact, on the one hand, it's really because of that thing, I want to see that a woman can do that kind of business, that's some of that, and that kind of thing happened before, which makes me doubt that there is someone behind her, and I'm thinking about the gun several times before Is it related to her? In addition, she called because of Ronghe department store, so I became the one. Of course, my wife, I never betrayed you. Although I spent one third of these two days with her, I just took her to dinner twice. In other times, I didn't stay with her In the room, even if there is one, I sit there to deal with the affairs of Ronghe department store. She said that she can help. She said that as long as I serve her comfortably, she can let Jack enter Ronghe, which will reduce the loss. "

"That you are not very cheap, hold beauty, but also get benefits," Aimeng can't help sarcasm.

Mo Yanke smiles when he sees his wife's slightly jealous expression. "Your husband still has a little control. Even if she stands naked in front of me, I won't really touch her. You really have to believe in your husband's self-control. I love my wife. How can I betray you like this? " So Mo Yanke firmly stood his own position.

In fact, Aimeng doesn't really doubt anything, but when she thinks about the possibility of luring Mo Yanke in these two days, she feels a little uncomfortable. Everyone's heart is always a little clean, especially for her husband.

So as long as I think of this, I feel a little worried. Although Mo Yanke also said that it's not right to betray her, that is, he took her to dinner twice at most, but in fact, he said that they did spend some time in the same room.

Even though Mo Yanke didn't do anything during this period of time, it doesn't mean that the woman in the fence didn't. That day, she could dress like this. When she couldn't point to two people, she simply took off her clothes.

I thought bitterly.

"Better not, otherwise."

"Wife, I absolutely have not."

Aimeng didn't turn her head, and then she grasped something in her heart. Liluo has something to do with the underworld. It seems that this woman is not simple. Does that mean that the shooting incident today has something to do with this woman? She is a little hard to imagine. She thinks that the only thing that makes Liluo hate this woman is that she is mo Yanke's wife, and the others I don't think so.

It has to be said that a woman's jealous heart is very terrible. It's absolutely unimaginable that she can do such a thing.

But as Mo Yanke said, there is definitely someone behind this woman. Otherwise, she alone can incite so many things.

The doubt in my heart is growing, but what I heard in the house today is that Mo Yanke seems not so anxious about Ronghe department store. This man must be planning something, but she doesn't know it. The general feeling is that they have been married, but also like her hiding these things, I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why didn't you tell me these things before? Why did you tell me before? Would I be so stingy that I didn't let you know the situation?" AIMUN felt angry.

"Wife, it's not like this. If I tell you the truth, you will be restless."

"You are disgusting. Mo Yanke, how can you be so hateful that you don't tell me anything and make me look like a fool. " She reached out and punched him.

"Well, I'm hateful. Hit me." He offered a way for her to breathe. She was wronged to know what happened this time. After all, it was really his fault. He didn't say anything clearly.

She beat him again, but she didn't appreciate it. "No. When I hit you, my hands hurt. What's the use of hitting you? Can you make these mistakes disappear

He's tough as a whole. It's self inflicted to beat him. She's not stupid enough to ask for it.

He took her by the hand and spoiled her. "Then I'll blow it for you."

It's like a real blow!

She snorted in her heart, but her little ear was a little red uncontrollably, and then she broke away her hand immediately. You can't really let a man blow it. It's all funny. It's not kindergarten children. They still need this move."Mo Yanke, you are guilty. You are guilty. Do you know?" With one finger, she punched him heavily in the chest. "Now I'm very sad, unhappy, angry, and want to curse, beat and vent. It's all because of you. You are so bad, so bad, so boring. You're not interesting enough. Do you still think I'm your wife? "

He was silent and didn't answer. He just hugged her and suffered her loss. A little bit of temper.

Aimeng sniffed and his eyes blurred. When it comes to sadness, she is really sad. It was a very sudden emotion, suddenly attacked her heart, and then let her suddenly vulnerable.

I always feel that this man didn't care about her, otherwise he would not tell her anything. I feel that I still regard her as an outsider. Otherwise, I should be honest about everything between husband and wife. Not so hidden. It seems that there is a big secret in his heart. If she didn't find it today, this man is going to hide it until what time. Is the intention to wait until the accident, just to say, on this point, Aimeng is still not very happy.

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