Fang Yucheng was eating, and he didn't talk for long.

But only half an hour, a few people started a video conference. In fact, he has some things to hide the dream, but this thing, tomorrow will know.

Tomorrow's business. There are some things that need to be arranged. During this period of time, he was very decadent. In the eyes of those outside, he didn't do his job. Since he got off the stage, he almost never went out. He either took Aimeng for a sightseeing tour or stayed at home, which made people outside think that Mo Yanke was decadent because of that incident.

Tomorrow, he will appear in front of the public in a high profile, but it is a different identity. Therefore, there must be certain arrangements for the appearance of tomorrow, because now he is in the light, and they are in the dark. Don't know who the enemy is, that's the most terrible thing.

After all the details needed to be noticed were confirmed, several people talked about the recent sniping incidents.

However, there is no one to be sure.

Unable to get a strong result, Shen Luo goes off the line to accompany his wife. The man is absolutely a slave now. He will never fight against anything his wife says, but Fang Yucheng is left on the line.

"Yucheng." Mo Yanke hit the table with his fingers, as if he was meditating, and as if he was making some kind of decision that was difficult to make up his mind. Finally, he opened his mouth.

"Please help me to check the fence again, and be careful. The information last time is too general. You go to the last direction to investigate. I think it's a bit strange this time. Maybe there's something else I don't know. "

Fang Yucheng was immediately surprised. "How."

I felt a little worried, so I said in an urgent voice. "Ah Ke, you don't want to revive the old love. I tell you, this Aimeng is not bad for you. She is a good woman, because you have suffered so much. You should cherish it. It's good. You don't want to be with that woman."

Mo Yan Ke stayed for a while, watching Fang Yu Cheng squint, cold Sen, not happy.

"What do you say? How can I do such a thing? Mengmeng is my wife, which will not change. Besides, I ask you to investigate not because of this, but whether there is someone behind her."

Fang Yucheng knew that his guess was wrong, but he didn't dare to criticize Mo Yanke. In fact, what Mo Yanke had done before, no matter who thought that fence was of great significance to him, he suddenly asked him to go to check the fence again. Naturally, he would doubt whether Mo Yanke was bewitched by the fence, so he was interested in any details of her.

"You investigated her because of the last incident. By the way, speaking of this incident, I still remember one thing. I forgot to tell you last time. Didn't the person I told you before see that she was trading? She paid a high price for our goods last time, but behind that time, it was not over. Your guess just now is not over No mistake. There is a person behind her, maybe more than one person, maybe an organization. Because the last transaction volume was very large, how could she take out such a large amount of money by herself? "

"An organization."

"Yes, but this is just a conjecture, and I didn't confirm it. And last time my friend said that this woman's skill is extraordinary. Will she go through anything in these years? Maybe she joined some organization. "

Mo Yanke looks gloomy.

Fang Yucheng looks at it and feels that something is not right, so he immediately takes his face seriously and patiently waits for Mo Yanke to speak.

Fang Yucheng is a very trustworthy person. Over the years, the three of them have the strongest relationship. No matter what the matter is, Shen Luo is more playful, but he is more rigorous in doing things. However, compared with Fang Yucheng, Fang Yucheng is quite serious, but he is also the most reliable in doing things One, basically, as long as it is explained, it is absolutely proper.

In this way, after waiting for several minutes, Mo Yanke opened his mouth.

"I A little suspicious of her. " He didn't want to doubt it, though.

However, the combination of these things is indeed a complex network. It seems that it is getting bigger and bigger now. Before the shooting in the United States, he was already suspicious. However, the evidence at that time was not enough, because it was also the evidence that someone proved that she was not present. So at that time, the matter was done.

However, she suddenly went back to the United States, and then came back with a big boss like Jack. The speed was really fast. Then, a few days ago, there was a shooting incident in the resort, and she immediately received a phone call from her, saying that she had returned home. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? Everything came together.

It's only two days since she came back to China. Although he stayed with her, there was a lot of time that he didn't stay with her, but something happened to Mengmeng immediately.

What's more, the time when the accident happened was when the dream was outside, but when it was at home, it was peaceful. So it's more doubtful that the one in the middle may have been targeted for a long time.Fang Yucheng's heart jumped suddenly, but he was a little frightened. In this way, the fence is not simple, but it didn't make him pay much attention because it didn't involve him before. After all, this woman is mo Yanke's ex girlfriend.

In fact, according to his previous investigation report, except for a car accident in the United States, other parts of the fence seem to be normal. After the car accident, she was a third rate little model in the United States, followed by some lists, and then lived. But in the next few years, she was photographed sleeping in the homes of rich people and directors.

It is estimated that in the face of money, individuals can not resist well. However, when he investigated, he did not find out what abnormal behavior this woman had, nor did he find out who or what organization was behind it.

But there is a possibility, perhaps, that these things have been well wiped out. She may not have this kind of ability, but the person behind her has.

Although Mo Yanke asked him to investigate before, he thought that a Ke couldn't forget this first love, but now it seems that he is doubting, rather than simply investigating, which means that the status of this woman in a Ke's heart is getting weaker and weaker. What's the first love? These are all things in the past.

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