"You are not allowed to go anywhere now. Go back to me immediately. The company needs your comfort. If you leave now, you will not know what the development of this matter will be like. Now the company is in a mess. If you go on like this, do you know that something big will happen?"

What to appease? Do those people need him to appease? Those people have looked down on him, already feel that he is useless, already feel that he can't compare with Mo Yanke, what can he say. What else can he do to appease those people, to appease them, to believe him, is he OK, or to appease them, not to have such a negative heart, can he say these things? Those people are now fixed for him, fixed as a useless leader.

He really didn't do a good job. The company didn't make any achievements since he took office. He only wanted to make some achievements, but now he didn't make any achievements, but he still failed. He thought that such a big project would make people look at it with new eyes, but obviously it couldn't.

Now it has failed.

And the failure was a mess.

In the end, it didn't do any good, but it came to this end. It was despised by the whole company. Now it seems that it has been stereotyped as a useless boss.

To pacify, what is he pacifying? It's not a joke.

It's supposed to be a laughing stock.

Mo Yanzhe thought scornfully. It's all up to this. When facing the public, it's only shame to ask him to appease. It's just a joke for his subordinates.

"Dad, I have something else to do. I have to go out now."

"What can you do? The company has done such a big thing. I already know what happened in the United States. The cooperation case has failed. The company will soon end this year. At the end of this year, you haven't done anything. How do you want to explain to the elders in your family? How hard did I try to get you to this position, I've promised my family that you have to make some achievements. Look at what you've done and what you've done. " Mo Yuanhan questioned, with a little contempt in his voice. "At this time, nothing is important to reassure people. Since you are the leader of an enterprise, do you know that at this time, you can't leave like a turtle. You should stand up bravely and reassure people. If you leave today, I'll see how you can save the field later. "

Mo Yanzhe slightly impatiently tightened the muscles of his hand and forbeared. "Dad, I know how to do it. I have something to do. I really have something to do."

But Mo Yanzhe was totally impolite, or he was angry. He had expectations for his son, but he could not resist the increasing disappointment.

How much work did he do at the beginning, and how many things he did behind his back, so that he could have what he is today.

He was the best to Mo Yanzhe since he was a child, but now it seems that if all the expectations were on him, it seems that he didn't make anything, this time things would be like this.

I know something about the American company. Mo Yanke made a good start before, but he still made a mess. I really don't know how his son does things. It's a mess.

It was mo Yanke who won such a big olive branch before, but now it's the final signing ceremony, and things are still screwed up. What does this mean? It means that there is a problem, and it is still a big problem. The key to this problem is mo Yanzhe's problem.

Mo Yanke left such a piece of fat, but he could let others take it away. It's a wonderful thing to do.

What's worse, it's useless. It's all up to this point, but we still can't make any achievements. How to deal with such things.

Now all over the company are discussing things like this. They all say that Mo Yanzhe is useless. When something so big happened, he still wants to leave and doesn't deal with it. What does this bastard think.

Do you think about the consequences before you do something.

"Dad, I know what to do. You don't have to worry. I'll take care of the company."

"If you knew what to do, I wouldn't call you now. What are you going to do now? Do you feel ashamed and want to hide. I tell you, as a member of the Mo family, you must give me a little promise, and don't drop the chain for me at this critical moment. And don't humiliate me over there

"Dad, in your heart, I am your son. That's how you see me." Mo Yanzhe is angry.

Mo Yuanhan's disappointments and discontent were slightly suppressed. He liked the eldest son and grew up with him. Therefore, he could not criticize Mo Yanke mercilessly as he criticized Mo Yanke. After all, he has invested a lot of capital in his life. After all, he has done a lot of work. After all, he has spent a lot of time."How I see you, how I see you, depends on what you do." Mo Yuanhan sighed in the end and said with a sincere heart. "You should know what Dad has done to you over the years. If dad doesn't pay attention to you, how can he finally drive Mo Yanke away for you. But ah Zhe, you are not young now, and you need to be a little cautious in doing things. You can't do things without thinking about the consequences, and then do them impulsively. If you are like this, you can't really tell what will happen at that time. "

At this end, Mo Yanzhe didn't speak, just snorted on the other end of the phone.

Then Mo Yuanhan continued to say, "ah Zhe, you are a little anxious now. Look at Mo Yanke himself. He won without arrogance and lost without being discouraged. His point is worth learning. You are the president of Morse now. It is very important to grasp this. One failure doesn't mean forever failure. This business can't be negotiated. Learn from it and try to do well next time. People don't come here in this way. No one is happy with everything at the beginning. Do you think it's true that your failure has become like this? Your mental quality is not good. We can't control some things. The key is how to measure these things. "

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