Sure enough, people can be easily incited. It's like there are always two kinds of ideas in people's subconscious. One is like this, and the other is like that. Now someone suddenly says that, and then the idea is bound to tilt.

As Mo Yanzhe said, they are members of the Mo family, and the Mo family is also the property of the Mo family. In this respect, they must consider the problem from the perspective of the Mo family. Facing that the assets of the Mo family may be infringed and misappropriated by Mo Yanke, and a large number of infringements and misappropriations, they are hard to calm down.

Some people's expressions have changed. At once, Mo Zhe's voice was low.

"Here, I sincerely ask you to do me a favor! If you know something about Mo Yanke's job infringement, or just know something about it, please let me know in private. I will thank you for your efforts on behalf of mo. or, for some reason, some of you know something but it's not convenient to disclose your name. You can also email me anonymously. Today, on behalf of the Mo family, I would like to say thank you. I hope you will not take this matter lightly. "

He bent down and made a standard 90 degree bow. It's as if I really want to thank all of you.

Some people on Mo Yanzhe's side stood up and applauded, expressing their hatred for Mo Yanke's behavior. They firmly supported the police's involvement and gave a fair and strict investigation. At the same time, they would do their best to collect evidence from all sides for help.

It seems that Mo Yanzhe's words are true and effective, while Mo Yanke is guilty and sinful.

With their help, some people became indignant and offered their help. Most of these people are young people. They are bloody, so sometimes they are easy to be provoked, so they lose themselves. They do what others do, and they say what others say.

It's like drifting with the current. The wind blows on both sides. Seeing which side the situation is relatively stable, we all stand on which side. We all want to protect ourselves. Now that Mo Yanke has left, he is no longer their leader. Then they don't have to follow all the time.

After all, it's meaningless to go on like this. They have to make a decision. Mo Yanke is really good and good for them. But now, Mo's master has changed. If they want to continue to stay, they have to follow the public, so that they won't be affected.

They are not so stupid and impulsive to say that they want to follow Mo Yanke to the end. It doesn't mean much. In the end, it's their own fault. So they gave up Mo Yanke and chose Mo Yanzhe. They forgot all the good things Mo Yanke had done to them and thought of their future interests.

While some people keep their rationality, say nothing, and just watch deeply, while others have great doubts about what Mo Yanke said, but they are helpless that the voice against Mo Yanke is so high now. If they say a word, they can be pushed back by those people who are rushing to the head, and they can only be subdued in silence. Some, in the heart began to play other abacus, thought, once the meeting, should inform Mo Yanke, let him be careful. Besides, there are others Anyway, everyone has his own mind!

After thinking about all kinds of thinking, thinking about how to do, thinking about wait a moment is not to immediately give yourself a decision.

But for Mo Yanzhe, this is definitely the beginning of a victory. As long as we maintain this momentum, we can always find out some of Mo Yanke's pigtails. He doesn't believe it. During his five years in office, nothing happened. Is it really so aboveboard and clear? He doesn't believe that no one can resist the temptation in front of interests. Especially so much money.

What's more, it's still such a big piece of fat. How could it be that he was not moved? That is, he once had compassion. But because of the wrong time, it was held down.

So looking at these people below, I couldn't help laughing. Mo Yanke, just wait for the gift I gave you. I don't know if you like it or not.

He knew that most of these people have no brains, and they will shake when they say something. At that time, if he really catches something, he will see what tricks Mo Yanke can play and how he can play.

Five years in office, from the beginning to the end, in so many days, not to mention Ronghe department store, but now Chonghe department store is the biggest suspect. At that time, he will kill him with such charges.

No matter how powerful Mo Yanke is, no matter how he destroys his body. There will always be a trace. Unless Mo Yanke has never done anything, it is impossible. Even those officials in this city have not been able to do it cleanly. There is something more or less, but there is no explanation. That is to say, I don't know how many scandals will come out once it is revealed.He thinks Mo Yanke is no exception. This man is not a saint. He has such great means and ability. He really does everything in silence.

So he made a good calculation in his heart, thinking, how, with what reason, immediately went to report Mo Yanke, thinking immediately made him feel bad, his psychology suddenly happy.

The words just now are obviously effective. Those people are ready to move. They want to find out Mo Yanke's criminal evidence so that he can be brought to justice.

He pulled the corner of his mouth and then laughed again involuntarily. In his mind, he can already think of Mo Yanke's shriveled appearance at the moment. At that time, let's see what he does. Once the police get involved, then even Mo Yanke's great ability will be useless. After all, in front of that, all the words are redundant and useless.

So he was happy, thinking that Mo Yanke was going to collapse soon, which was cool in his heart. It's not long before he talks about everything.

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