In fact, his heart is a little complicated. In fact, he also hopes that Mo Yanke is a scum, and then indifferent to dreams. However, this is obviously not the case. Mo Yanke's care about dreams is obviously beyond her imagination.

It's just that I don't want Mo Yanke to be too happy. Otherwise this time back, so not fun, always want to find something.

"I heard that you just announced your identity as the boss of Chonghe hospital. Many things happened one after another. It can be seen that your life will not be too ordinary." He said it looking at Mo Yanke. "There are so many things. Can you be busy? If you can't be busy, I can take care of Mengmeng. I just want Mengmeng to be safe. The rest is not my business."

Jing Hao said softly. Low smile, with evil spirit. As if with that kind of expression, let Mo Yanke see is really uncomfortable.

"Can you protect the person who has a dream, can you protect her heart. Jinghao, don't think I don't know what you are thinking in your heart. I know everything you can think of, but I won't let you just do what you want. You can try, you can't get it. "

"People's heart is not something you can keep an eye on all the time. Now that you know what I want, it's easy. "

Aimeng listened and frowned slightly. In fact, he knew what they were talking about, but he didn't interrupt. It was strange to think that they were talking about her.

Sheng Tang's action pauses for a moment. He looks back at Mo Yanke. He looks as usual, as if nothing had happened just now. He really admires him. This man always looks like this in front of the outside. It's hard to imagine that he played a rogue like that in the morning. But she brought something to call, calmly poured out the soup, put a big bowl, and brought it to Jing Hao.

"Drink while it's hot. It's not good to drink when it's cold. Don't say there's none. I can't be more clear about who you are."

Jinghao looks at Aimeng, smiles, takes the big bowl and says. "Mengmeng, you know me. It seems that some people don't know me. I'm an imaginary enemy. But it's still my dream. You know what I'm thinking. It's a good soup. It won't make me strong

"If you think too much, drink your soup. If it's good, drink more." Aimeng said with a smile.

Between the eyebrows and eyes, it is very gentle. For Aimeng, Jinghao is more like a big brother. Maybe it's because she doesn't have a brother, and he takes care of him so much, so Jinghao is a big brother. This description is more consistent and appropriate, but it's a little bit different from love.

After all, some things really need to come first and then come. She met Mo Yanke first, so she can't hold any other men in her heart. In fact, sometimes she thinks that if she met Jing Hao first, maybe it's not like this today. If she met him first, she might fall in love with him, because he is also a good man. She treats him well She really has nothing to say.

Jing Hao took a sip of the soup and laughed happily.

"It's delicious. Menger's love soup specially made for me. Tut Tut, it's delicious. I have to drink more."

"Drink your soup, where comes so much nonsense. You've got to go ahead. " Mo Yanke, who had been reluctant to speak, finally opened his mouth. "It's just a leak from my mouth. It's a bowl of soup that makes you beautiful. It can be seen that you haven't had a woman serving you like this in your life. If it's true, you can enjoy it for a while. After this village, there won't be this shop."

Jing Hao slightly changed his face, while AI Meng was a little anxious. He turned his head and looked at Mo Yanke unhappily. Sure enough, this man just can't follow me. What are you talking about? Listen to me. Anyway, Jinghao is also her life-saving benefactor. It's very impolite to say that.

Jinghao looks like he's hurt. Looking at Aimeng, he feels sad. "Dream. What I drink is really leaky. Is this soup for Mo Yanke first, and then the rest for me? "

"Don't listen to his nonsense. I made this specially for you. He hasn't drunk it yet. He's not injured and can't drink it." AIMUN turned her mouth. "This soup is specially made for you. No one drinks it except you. I just tasted it. Is it delicious?"

Mo Yanke made up for it. "The so-called leak picking is the soup made by Mengmeng. I've drunk too much, and you've caught up with it. Besides, it's only when you're injured that you can get such treatment. If you're not injured, where can you get soup?"

Jinghao is not in any other mood, still happy. "I see. But if you can catch up with it once, you can count it once. Besides, it's a long way to go. Besides, I don't plan to leave this time. I want to drink the soup of Mengmeng, but I can't drink it. I don't think Mengmeng will be so cruel. "

Squint, he looked at Mo Yanke with deep meaning. A face of provocation, as if, I just want to drink, you can take me how to do.

Mo Yanke's heart was tight, and the temperature in his eyes dropped a little bit. "You said you wanted to stay, right? It seems that your identity has been arranged almost. But I advise you, you'd better not do anything that has something to do with illegal activities. After all, you have a criminal record. If you can live a fair life here, it's good.""Mo Yanke." AI Meng called out in a loud voice. He didn't like what he said.

Jinghao's face, too, sank black. It's Mo Yanke's style to be sharp as soon as you export. I really don't know what Mengmeng likes about him. It's not cute at all. On the contrary, it's annoying.

He retorted coldly. "I don't have to bother you. Now Jinghao is just a slap in the face. It's no different from you. You know, we people will change our identities at a certain time, so you don't have to worry about me. If I can't live here openly, I won't come back. You don't think so, boss

"Unless you change your face, there will always be some trouble if you want to bring the old things up again. In other words, your organization is really powerful enough to erase everything and even let you live in a different face. " Mo Yanke looks at Jinghao with a smile instead of a smile.

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