In front of the woman lying on the hospital bed looks so pathetic, for any man, in the face of such a woman, it is estimated that this heart will be that.

But Mo Yanke is not like this.

"Since it's like this, it's time to go to the police. What's the use of begging Mo Yanke now?" Aimeng said. She just didn't like this woman's appearance.

"AIMUN, do you want me to be killed by those people, and then you will be happy, won't you?"

She looked at Aimeng with some hatred. It seems that if you can, you even want to squeeze her neck. But the situation is not right.

Then the tears fell more ferocious, and continued to say, "I look like this, how can you be so cruel, if I go to the police, it is a dead end, they said, if I go to the police, they will find me, and then this time is not so good, will directly kill me."

"Dream is what I mean. You really should go to the police. The police force in a city is not so bad. You are like this now. There is no other way except to report to the police. Do you want to swallow your anger as if nothing has happened? "

"Ah, Ke, you can't treat me like this. No matter what, we used to have feelings. You can't treat me like this. I won't go to the police. They said that as long as I call the police, I will die. I won't go anywhere. I want to stay with you. I've been through life and death many times. I'm more afraid of death than anyone else. Ah, Ko, you can't do that. " The fence gnawed its teeth heavily. "I'm not going anywhere anyway, I'll follow you."

"Interesting, Li Luo, do you think it's interesting that Mo Yanke can abandon me and continue to be with you. We are married. If Mo Yanke wants to divorce me now, all his property will be half of mine. Some things even belong to me. If Mo Yanke has nothing, you will want to marry me Do you want to see him? " Aimeng was also cruel. There is no need to speak kindly to such people.

The fence fell suddenly. "What did you say?"

"I said that we signed something after marriage. If Mo Yanke and I divorce, then all his property will be in my name."

"It's impossible. Ako can't do this. You must have lied to me. It's impossible."

"Maybe not, you can ask."

"It's true." In fact, when Mo Yanke made this decision, the first thing she opposed was Aimeng. After all, it was a big thing. Although Aimeng didn't know how many assets, real estate, movable property, bank deposits, and cash were under Mo Yanke's name, she didn't know anything about them.

Only that day, when the lawyer came to the house and showed her a piece of things, she was really stupid. She was a little dazed with the man's assets and so many zeros behind.

Chonghe hospital, Ronghe department store, Mo's company, these are not his American companies. It's money that I can't spend all my life.

At that time, Aimeng was against it, because although it was a guarantee for her, no one could predict the future, but the man insisted that she sign this thing. Now, I didn't expect that today, it would give her such a hard blow.

In fact, the reason why Mo Yanke did that was to give Meng Meng a guarantee. Although he was confident that they would be together for a lifetime, the money was all outside. He didn't care that much.

And he is confident that he can be with Meng Meng all his life. He is also confident that he can be good to her. So this kind of thing is just a piece of paper, and it has nothing to do with it.

Li Luo didn't believe it and looked at Ai Meng. "Aimeng, no matter what you think of me, I know that you want me to leave ako. But I tell you, I will follow him. I won't go anywhere now. There will be danger wherever I go. It's the safest to stay at ako's side."

"Shameless" is the most disdainful word, and finally came out of Aimeng's mouth. During her five years in Paris, she always felt that she was an elegant person, because she had been taught the elegant etiquette of Paris, but now, she was really forced to say these rude words.

The fence bit its lip and dropped its head. Then suddenly, as if thinking of something, he raised his head.

"Ako, we have the best memories. Have you forgotten all of them? You really have to be so cruel to me. When we were together before -"

"enough, it's all about the past." Mo Yanke also seems to have a bad tone at the moment. It seems to be holding back the anger in my heart.

But the fence seems to be iron hearted, and then regardless of Mo Yan Ke's black face, and then not afraid of death and continue to say.

"At that time, we were so happy. We rode bicycles together, and then I sat behind you. At that time, we were just together and didn't think much. Then we did our homework together and went to fuming road to see the scenery. Have you forgotten all these?"She bit her lip and there was sadness on her face. "Ah Ke, if I come back a few years earlier, at this moment, the person standing beside you should be me, not her, but you won't think about why I left you so long and didn't come back. It's because I had an accident. I can't leave America. But when everything is settled and I want to come back, there will be someone around you. What is Aimeng? She's just a substitute Instead of my position, you should have been mine, mine. " The woman roared out in anger.

Then with the pale face at the moment, it looks very pitiful. It's really lovable. No matter who it is, I feel pitiful.

"You're done." Mo Yan Ke coldly asked, Jun face above is the expression of indifference..

Li Luo bit his lips, and then the red lips were bit by some broken, exuding some blood, and then it looked like endless tenderness and grievance. A low cry, "ACO."

"Since you have come back this time, I will tell you that there is only one wife of Mo Yanke, that is Aimeng, and no one can replace her."

Affirmative tone, but also like a merciless sword, as if ruthlessly inserted into the chest of the fence, then, a sudden change in the woman's face. As if smashed all her fantasy and self deception, as if everything is ridiculous, everything is her wishful thinking.

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