Just when Mo Yanke walked in, Aimeng suddenly began to laugh. Her lips were red and her teeth were white, and she called softly and sweetly. "Husband."

Like a string of notes, in the string mischievous slide, hook people's heart inexplicably crisp. This is my husband's call on purpose.

Mo Yanke was obviously stunned for a moment, and a thick doubt appeared on his face. Feeling should not be like this, he thought, Mengmeng should be very angry, should be the kind of angry want to slap the fence, but he was confused. I don't understand what's going on.

But in front of the dream this reaction is really too incredible. Not angry, but laughing. All of a sudden, he felt waves of worry.

Aimeng leaned over, took the man's arm, and then just laughed sweetly. But he didn't talk.

Her delicate body, with a faint fragrance of women, is a unique flavor, quietly into his nose, his heart, began to restless.

Her hand, mischievous to swim in his body, and then in Mo Yanke had restless, but suddenly let go of the hand.

"Congratulations, Li Luo." Then in that situation, Aimeng smiles and pushes open the door of the ward to leave.

She is fed up with everything like this. She hates such things, but it happens to her every time, challenging her patience again and again.

She realized that patience is not so good, such a thing once is enough, but more will be meaningless. More, will lose patience, more will feel irritable.

Mo Yanke immediately went out with her. Sure enough, Mengmeng could not be angry, but she changed her way, performed the scene in front of the fence, and then left naturally and naturally.

Aimeng left in a hurry, but just when she was about to reach the elevator, her hand was held by the man.

"Wife, listen to me. It's not like this. Listen to me. I just want to see if she's lying or not. I want to know if she's playing tricks on me this time. So I have a purpose to keep her. And your gunshot wound last time, I suspect it has something to do with her. So I want to keep her and know more about it. "

"You're sure." She was deeply mocked. "My eyes only see that once the fence is forced by death, you will be shaken. It was the same last time, and it is the same this time. Do you forget that this person is likely to be acting in front of you? Do you forget that this person is likely to be the mastermind of your injury in the United States, or the mastermind of my shooting incident. But you forget everything, as long as she talks about your memories, and then shows such a pity Xi Xi's appearance, you will be soft hearted, you will shake, or you said, you just did not shake at all. You can't be unshakable. I know that you once had such a beautiful past. These are not my business. I only know that this woman has affected my life. "

Mo Yanke pursed his lips, his pupils narrowed slightly, trying to explain, but there was no way to explain, because just now he really wavered a little, and then he remembered the past.

"Why, I can't say anything, because I'm right in your heart. That's what you just mean. Yes, you have so many memories of the past that you and I don't have. You ride bicycles together, and I don't have them. You eat lunch together. You will leave her what she likes. How can't I find that you mo Yanke are such a careful person I don't want to mention the past again. I know who has no past, but your past always reminds me. What do you want me to do? "

Aimeng reaches out his hand, pushes Mo Yanke away with some boredom, and then presses the elevator.

"If I can, I wish I could have a car accident myself, so that I can forget all about you."

"Dream, don't be silly. Don't challenge my patience. I have my reasons for doing so. It's impossible between me and her. I've said that for a long time. It's only ten years ago. It's all in the past. It's just this time that I want to find out the truth, so I left her here. I don't know whether her words today are true or false. If it's true, what do you want to do? If it's false, what do you want to do. "

Aimeng snorted coldly: "you have patience, don't I have patience? I thought that when I sent her to the police station, it would be the end of this matter. Before I got married, this woman was pestering our life. Now I'm married with you, but this woman still appears in our life. At that time, she was with other men, and I thought this woman was you I gave up on you, but how long ago, this woman came back. The drama that had been staged two days ago, now comes again. My life has been made a mess by this woman. I'm tired of it. This time and again, I'm not so generous and fraternal. I can share a room with your ex and first love. What do you want, you have patience, I have patience? "

Aimeng dropped her eyes quietly, her long eyelashes falling down, and the thick shadow under her eyes seemed to compromise helplessly, and she seemed to be tired of it.Then the elevator came, and she walked into the elevator without looking back. There was not even a moment of hesitation.

Mo Yanke didn't follow up. He thought maybe if he could give her some time, she would understand, because Mengmeng is such a smart woman, so something should come to her mind.

It's just that he is wrong. In this kind of thing, even if it's a smart woman, it can't be solved by being smart. She's a woman, after all. If cleverness could solve the problem, it would not be like this.

looking at the elevator closing, Aimeng suddenly burst into tears. She thought Mo Yanke would follow up, but he did not. He just stood like that until the elevator closed, but he was not moved at all. She didn't understand what this man thought, and she didn't understand what this man was doing. How long have they been married? They all say it's seven years old, but now they don't even have a year.

Suddenly faint smile, and then reached for a tear, when the elevator stopped, the head did not return to go out.

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