He is not the only one who doubts the fence. Fang Yucheng is also suspicious, and the leader also informs him to be careful. Maybe this woman is not simple. The meaning of the leader is to let him hide himself as the first premise in all his actions, and then observe the fence properly. Don't irritate her for a moment, and don't make a stiff relationship with her for a moment.

He really didn't want to think that once such a simple, beautiful and quiet woman would be linked with the secret service. But now that she was suspected, she had to do some things.

In fact, it is only a short time from receiving the notice from the top to now. He didn't have much thought in his heart. After all, it was all in the past. Now he only knew that he only had Aimeng, the woman in his life.

Only the woman in his arms, he could be sure that she would not betray him. This kind of trust, as if hidden in the bones, and then can not give up.

So, he would be so sure that the relationship between her and Rocco was just playing. Not really. In the end, it turned out that it was exactly what he thought. But even if it was just playing, he was still upset. She belongs to him, so she should not show her attractive side to others. He was even given a kiss by the boy.

This kind of thing makes him feel uncomfortable. Why is his woman peeped at. I'm still having dinner there. Why.

"Wife, you have to reflect on what happened just now. No matter how unhappy or wronged you are in your heart, why don't you tell me that you have to go to find that Locke? Do you know that you make me sad? "

The man is generous, but in this matter, he became very careful, again can't help but mention.

AIMUN "cut" a, completely ignore him. As for what happened just now, nothing happened except that Luo Ke accidentally gave him a kiss. In fact, they just arrived at the restaurant just now, and then they just ordered a meal, and they were just ready to enjoy it. He came here. Some things can't be seen from above. She explained everything, and he had to haggle over everything.

Now I think that even in the generous men, in the face of their own women and other men intimate, this heart is still uncomfortable.

"If you don't reflect on yourself well, you and I won't be polite again. It's light to beat that boy a few times today."

She immediately opened her watery eyes and looked at him fiercely. "Mo Yanke, why are you so violent? It's wrong to beat people. Today's incident is not Luo Ke's fault. I told him to do it."

"If you ask him to do it, he will do it. If he doesn't want to do something wrong with you, will he agree? You are the only girl who is heartless and thinks it's good for others to help you."

Aimeng hummed and didn't speak.

In fact, the man will not really how to her, everything is just what he said orally, to really do that, I think he is also distressed. This man is sometimes more duplicative than a woman.

"Wife, if you dare to fool around again, I can't do anything about you, you know, because I can't bear to. But I'll kill the man who plays around with you. "

He knew that Mengmeng must be very angry now, but he couldn't say anything. He could only stare at him fiercely, so he continued to scare her. "If you don't believe it, you can try it. I'll see if I have the ability to kill him. It's light to beat that Locke a few times today. I'm afraid it won't be like this if I change another person next time. "

She puffed up her cheeks and felt that she was about to explode. How could there be such a violent man in this world. But she just likes this man very much, so she is pressed to death by him. Every time she loses, every time she fights with this man, she will lose.

It's really irritating. Too hateful, can't let her win back, lose every time, how ugly.

"You can't bully me all the time. Don't treat me as a bully. You are a bad person. I don't want to talk to you anymore. "

she turned away resentfully. She tensed her mouth and really didn't want to talk to this man.

The man immediately pulled down his face, arm a tight, will her enclosure firmly, seems not to open the general.

In the cold winter, two people sitting here so holding, it seems really can warm.

Aimeng seems to be silent for a while, and is not so rigid. His body is still around her waist. He lowers his head and starts to kiss her ears, cheeks and ears gently.

She's got a stiff face, but even if she's not dead. Being so gently comforted by him, I couldn't help reaching out and pushing him, indicating that he didn't move his hands and feet. But she didn't open her mouth. He just kisses her like a baby. It's going on all the way.

"Mo Yanke, what are you doing? Don't do anything to me."

"Wife, let's go back."

Aimeng didn't say a word, but didn't refuse. It seems that he agreed.The car quickly left the underground garage, and then drove all the way to the villa. It was only a little way on the road that the car stopped.

"Sit here and don't move. I'll go down. I'll be right back. You stay in the car."

Aimeng didn't say a word, but also nodded, thinking that the man was going to buy something to eat, because just now he said that he didn't have dinner.

He came to kiss her mouth and got out of the car.

So she turned her lips and put out her hand to wipe her lips. I'm not happy with the man's behavior.

He came back soon, she still did not look at him, taut, as if angry with the whole world, but the things touched by the corner of her eyes, or strong into her eyes.

He came back, holding a large bunch of flowers in her hand, or blue enchantress, delicate color, and fragrance, she couldn't help looking back.

"Wife, it's for you."


Suddenly, she was surprised. The man bought the flower for her. Suddenly, her heart beat a little. She bought the flower for her. He wanted to compensate for what happened just now, didn't he.

She pretended not to pay attention, so he forcefully put the bouquet into her arms. Seeing her strong refusal, he touched her nose and said in a low voice.

"It seems that I didn't send flowers to you before. It's my fault. I'm not used to sending flowers to others."

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