She pushed him as hard as she could, but he held her tightly, just like before, again and again. Man's arm bend is powerful, but now she can't use her strength at all, so her resistance for men is just a little skin.

"Wife, I don't know what Zhang Tian came to you today and said to you, but he is not a good man. He suddenly came to you today, and it's impossible to say that he just came to you because he was bored. He must have some purpose, and there must be something he wants to do, but you don't know, and I don't know."

She was always irritable, but this time she burst out and yelled at him directly.

"Can you stop it? I don't know what's going on and I don't want to know. I'm so tired. I want to sleep. "

He narrowed his eyes dangerously. This little woman, too much, he just so nervous back, so worried about her, but suddenly this woman said so.

Can you not be angry? He is worried about her and what harm she will get. It's an eventful time, and many things are unpredictable. He had to protect her from a little bit of harm.

"No matter what that man said to you, you will forget it all. Also, for you, I am not overbearing, but because I am your man, so I treat you like this. I protect you, and I don't want to hurt you. "

She immediately bited her lips heavily, only to feel the fire in her heart. She could not vent it. Because what the man said was right. He was protecting her, so he would get angry, nervous and say things like that. In fact, she understood all these things. In her heart, she knew exactly what the man was like to her. She knows all about it.

But just because of what the man said, maybe it has something to do with Mo Yanke. Just such a word, her psychology was in a mess, because it was related to her father, the closest man in her life.

She has no way to calm down. Even if she knew that it was mo Yanzhe who did it at the beginning, she also investigated it afterwards. But now, after so long, it was suddenly moved out again, and what she said was so true that she had no way not to guess. She also told herself in her heart that maybe it was the man's psychological tactics and wanted to provoke Alienating the relationship between her and Mo Yanke may be to use this to make her betray him.

This may be very possible, but how to say, a person suddenly mentioned his father in front of you, and also suspected an object. Such a thing is doomed to make her unable to calm down. So when she saw Mo Yanke appear, she didn't know how to face it. She wanted to ask.

But she didn't know what to ask, so she was more upset.

When she saw Mo Yanke, she was already suppressing her anger, but she didn't know anything. She just felt confused about many things. I really want to get angry with someone, but I can't get angry. I'm confused and don't know what to do.

So he chose to escape and didn't want to say anything.

But Mo Yanke obviously understood something in his heart, so he continued, "recently, he and Mo Yanzhe incited the police to deal with me. You said that he suddenly came to you today, really just want to say a word with you, tell me Mo Yanke not to be so arrogant. He must have other purposes. I just don't want you to have something hidden in your heart or to say it to me. You have also said it yourself. We are husband and wife. We have something to say. Don't hide it. I know that today he will not just say this to you. There must be other things. "

Men have always been very smart, this dream also know, even if she does not say, he will know, as long as slightly to investigate to know.

"I'm tired. Let me sleep for a while. I'll tell you."

"You're tired." Then he dragged her and lay down again. This time, he did not stop her, but let her rest. "Now that you are tired, take a rest. Don't think what you have is a waste of your brain power. When you wake up, we'll have a good chat. "

But the more like this, the more uncomfortable it was for her, because the man seemed to know nothing in his heart, but it happened that he wanted her to say it, but it happened that she didn't want to say it.

Distressed, she clung to the quilt. If the matter is as simple as he said, how could she be so.

But just now the man said that it was Zhang Tian who united with Mo Yanzhe to incite the people in the police station to deal with him. If there was such a thing, then he suddenly wondered whether this thing today was done by that person on purpose. He said those words on purpose, and then made her heart in a mess. Then he wanted to take advantage of her heart , to compete with Mo Yanke, let Mo Yanke because of her, and confusion.

She doesn't know whether her guess is right or not, but if it's true, then. Suddenly some fear up, the brain is also more and more painful.

This man obviously hates Mo Yanke, but what happened before.Maybe there is something missing in the middle that I don't know.

"Good, sleep." He coaxed her and treated her as a child. Kick off the shoes, he lay on her side, across the quilt, embrace her, while a palm gently patted her shoulder, still coax.

She is in the heart dry, but actually because of the man's so placate slowly calmed down.

Then the consciousness began to blur. It was estimated that it was because of drunkenness. Then the whole person was in a daze. He only knew that his eyelids were heavy and he was going to sleep.

But she can feel that the man is still lying beside her, holding her like that. Can such a man really do something to hurt her? Knowing that her father is her death, will he do something like this? She sees his kindness in her eyes. It's not pretending.

Maybe she thinks too much about it. She can't doubt Mo Yanke just because of other people's words. After all, this man is her man and she will rely on him all her life. She should not easily doubt, but should go to believe him, believe anything he does, now this kind of situation, she should well help him resist Mo Yanzhe means.

Think of here, the heart can not help some open-minded up. It's just

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