So again and again, he whispered again and again, maybe his comfort really worked, maybe that sentence had been engraved into her heart, played a strong psychological hint, and finally she fell asleep, even in the middle of the night, her forehead was changed again and again, did not know.

It's too much sleep.

Maybe it's because of the effect of the drug that I can't sleep until I'm unconscious and have no reaction at all.

When I woke up in the morning, I found that I was quite clean, and I didn't feel sticky. I even changed my clothes. Turned into pajamas, this situation, let her feel so familiar.

The words that the man said last night still lingered in his head, and then the man's voice sounded on her head, and she looked up slightly.

"You sweated a lot last night. I wiped your body. I changed my clothes to make you sleep more comfortable. Do you feel better now? It's cooled down last night. "

Aimeng nodded, "well, much better. It's just that there's something wrong with the nose. " Then, when I saw the washbasin on the side and the towel, my nose was slightly sour. Last night, she could cool down so quickly because the man was applying the towel to her forehead all night, doing physical cooling.

Sometimes it's lucky to think about her. It seems that she is much more lucky than other women. If you want to know whether a man loves or not, you may not see it at ordinary times. But when you get sick, you can see whether a person is really good to a person.

Not all men can take care of a woman when she is sick and stay up all night. Although it may seem very simple, few people can really do it.

She stared at his chest for a long time, dazed and confused.

"I asked you to get some white rice porridge in the morning. It's good for you to eat it now. Maybe you don't have such a good appetite now. I have something important to do in the company for a while. I have to go there myself. Wife, after you have porridge, you lie down and continue to sleep. When you wake up, I'll be back soon. "

He gave her a heavy kiss on the forehead and his slender body left. She felt that there was a prick on her forehead. Before her eyes could see it, her brain naturally showed that he was slightly green.

All of a sudden, a bit of rogue performance flashed in my mind. I feel that men are really handsome and sexy, and who knows that Mo Yanke, who has always been aloof from the outside world, still has such a side in private.

In fact, the man didn't leave suddenly, but turned into the bathroom. He didn't sleep last night. He needed to take a bath to make himself look less bad. After all, we have to deal with some important things later.

She took the cell phone and saw the time on it. She was shocked. It was almost ten o'clock. She even slept for so long, and then thought, the man will not take care of her for so long, now almost ten o'clock, he has not gone, will delay his work, he became the boss a few days ago, although he was also a boss before, but after all, it was hidden before, but now it is aboveboard, the eyes of the people below are probably looking at it, now so Late, will not affect the good. In the heart slightly some worry.

However, when I see several short messages on my mobile phone, I click to see that they are all from Jinghao. He is also worried.

After washing, the man gave her a heavy kiss and told her to have a good rest. He almost told her what to do before he left.

Just left, Kang Xiaole came. Seeing her like this, she was sad there.

"Xiaole, why are you here?"

"You also said that if it wasn't for the president of your family to call me and ask me if I have time to take care of you today, I still don't know that you are sick. You said you are OK. How can you catch a cold and look haggard? It's really distressing."

"It's OK. I'm much better now."

Kang Xiaole actually knows that there is a contradiction between Mo Yanke and Aimeng. After all, Shen Luo is his husband, and some things will be conveyed by Shen Luo for the first time, so what she knows is very clear. As a good friend and a girl friend, she naturally says good things for Mo Yanke in the mind of not wanting to see the two people torture each other.

No matter how bad Mo Yanke is, his best friend has married him now. The attitude of a man depends on a woman. She doesn't want to see anything bad between Meng Meng and Mo Yanke. It's better to be happy.

After all, Mengmeng has suffered a lot for so many years. She doesn't want to hurt her.

"I heard from Shen Luo that Mo Yanke didn't sleep all night, and stayed up until just now. I'm taking care of you. "

Aimeng nodded. I knew that when I woke up in the morning, he had already made porridge for me. I thought that I should get up early. Last night, I had a high fever. When I got up, the fever had subsided. I saw the washbasin and towel on the side. He should have done the physical cooling for me. ""Yes." Kang small heart secretly a smile, but also sigh. "In fact, it's just that you've been tortured by men, but you don't know what you've done in your heart."

"Yes, in fact, I know that although I was in a daze last night, I didn't sleep very well. How could I not know that he was good to me, but there were some things in my heart, which were so awkward and a little hard to think about. I heard something I shouldn't have heard yesterday. Yesterday, someone said that my father's death had something to do with Mo Yanke, So I will be so tangled, plus, originally in the heart of irritable, the fence and call, I am more irritable. You know, I'm not a person who can hide things in my heart, so many times, I'm depressed in my heart, but I don't want to say it. I'm afraid I can't say it, and it's not the answer like that. "

"Mengmeng, I don't know who you said that to you yesterday. I know exactly what happened to you and Mo Yanke five years ago. Although men were really hateful to you at that time, I also know that you left because of the child, but Shen Luo told me later that the child was not Mo Yanke's intention to kill, but you At that time, the body was not suitable for having children. If the child insisted on giving birth, when the child was older, your body might not be able to bear it, and it might affect the blood clot in your head. You know that there was a blood clot in your head at that time. "

AIMUN nodded.

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