Slightly bit his palm, "Bata" two, she fell out of two tears.

He changed his face slightly and scolded painfully.

"What are you crying for? Don't cry. Now things are not so absolute. Don't cry. It's OK."

Thinking that there are outsiders here, Mo Yanke can't help but lower his voice. After all, it's not good for some things to be heard by outsiders.

"There are others here. Pay attention to your image!"

"What image? I just can't help it. What do you want me to do when you say such a big thing happens? I'm in a mess now. I don't know what to do. As your wife, I can only watch you go in, but I can't do anything for you. Do you know, I'm very sad. "

She refuted him, raised her head and gave him a angry look.

Although her eyes were still a little wet, she never shed tears again. Before she came, she said to herself, don't cry, don't let this man worry. Just now, I was just in a state of mind, so I couldn't control myself. After all, she didn't have a clue about such a big thing. It was this man who was always around her and dealt with everything for her. Even five years ago, when she came to this place, because of some things, it was the man who managed everything. But now, even though she has made little achievements, she still doesn't have that kind of cry The wind calls the rain.

So I can only watch Mo Yanke be taken away and locked up here, but there is no way. She felt that she was useless. When she was in trouble, Mo Yanke could help her in time, but when he was in trouble, she could do nothing but worry.

"I'm not very useless." Suddenly some step down the small face, and then a sad face.

"Well, what's useful or useless? You're my woman. There's no need to worry about such things for me. As long as you're good, don't think about anything else."

"All right."

He spat out his tongue at him a little. He looked cute.

The man didn't say much this time, but his face was much more gentle. He gently touched her little hand.

"Shen Luo told me about it. Shen Luo and they are already trying to find a way, but they say that the current situation is not very good. "

"I know that Mo Yanzhe brought me in this time. He certainly didn't want me to go out so quickly. He would exert all kinds of pressure and let me stay here for a few more days. Shopping malls are like battlefields. It's a normal business war. If it's over, it will be fine. This time, they are trying to kill me. "

"What are you going to do, and your uncle."

"Shh." He gave her little hand a big squeeze. He whispered, "don't say it."

Then he glanced at the C.O. standing next to him.

Aimeng immediately became interested, and then wisely stopped talking about it. But it was precisely because she had to be careful and carefully consider what she said that she had no bottom in her heart. She always felt that things seemed more serious than she imagined.

Otherwise, Mo Yanke would not be so depressed, as if something really happened. He was very worried and uncomfortable.

It happened that when she wanted to ask, the man didn't say anything, and this kind of situation really couldn't be said. The people behind her were staring at something, which was really hard to say.

He glared at the people behind him with indignation.

What's the matter? I'm so worried.

She lowered her voice. "Ah, Ko, what need I do? You tell me, I will try my best to do it."

"If you don't say it, there's something you need to do."

Her eyes immediately brightened and she looked at him expectantly. But the voice is obviously much smaller. If you say something, you have to have a look at the prison guard standing behind Mo Yanke. I'm really worried.

"What I need you to do, and what you must do well for me, is to take good care of yourself. You don't have to think about anything else. It will be OK. Shen Luo and Yu Cheng will deal with it. You don't have to worry."

This man, can be affectionate, can also be unkind, what do you mean don't worry, her husband is now in prison, she as a wife can not worry, he said, feel very that, let her very uncomfortable, how can not worry, don't worry is false. What do you mean? You don't have to think about anything else. No matter how heartless she is. It can't be like that.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of myself." She muttered softly, feeling a little angry. Every time something happened, the man always pushed her away. I don't know what he thought, and I don't know what position he put her in.

"Mo Yanke, I'm a little angry, because every time you have an accident, you always push me away. I don't like that, you know? ""Mengmeng, don't be angry. I don't mean that. I just don't want you to worry about it."

"Do you mean to tease me. Do you think it's fun to make me feel like a roller coaster Then he gave him a glance. I'm not happy. The eyebrows are raised.

He is silent to smile, just slightly up the corner of the mouth so a hook, but the eyes, another kind of gentle.

But she was defeated in such a vision, also defeated in his silent insistence, had to beg for mercy, solemnly guaranteed.

"Well, I will certainly take care of myself. You can rest assured, but you also have to take care of yourself. I don't worry that it's impossible for you to be like this. You know, I've never been that kind of person. I'm just worried about things like this, but I didn't expect that things would develop so badly. I didn't expect that. It doesn't matter if Zhang Tian saw me last time. "

"Well, don't think about it. It's not like that. It's none of your business

The visiting time was almost consumed by them, and the prison guards began to drive people out. AI Meng suddenly red eyes, tears almost fell down. This kind of parting is really that.

Aimeng didn't know where he came from, so he stepped over the square table and rushed to the top of his body. He held Mo Yanke's face in his slim hand, kissed him heavily, and even pushed his lips open. He pushed his little tongue in.

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