But Mo Yanke took the initiative to let AI Meng listen.

"Mengmeng, what do you think of this time?"

"Ah, me? You're asking me."

In the face of Mo Yanke, Fang Yucheng and Shen Luo, Aimeng is a little silly. These people know each other. That's right, but that's another thing.

She didn't feel like she had many ideas. I can talk to them in detail.

"In fact, my idea is not so mature. I just think that we should make some defensive preparations for the dynamic moment of Chonghe stock market. I have arranged for Wang Lin to find someone to stare at those who may want to buy maliciously this afternoon, but now we have to wait. As for other things, I don't know about some of the operation processes, but I think you have to give Mo Yanzhe a warning. He must have got the news from ah Ke now, and may be thinking about the next plan, so we should avoid future trouble. I just don't understand. Is he really just trying to make you have nothing? "

"In other words, Mo Yanzhe is really cheap. He gave back the identity of the president of Komori. What else did he want? He was still playing insidious tricks there. This time, his paw was even extended to your uncle. I see, he really planned for a long time."

"Don't worry. He won't be proud for long."

Mo Yanke obviously listened to AI Meng's idea. Now that she has made such a plan, Mo Yanke's next action needs to make certain changes. First of all, he told Wang Lin to hold still for the time being. Before that, he was not allowed to move despite the stock price plummeting all the way.

On Aimeng's side, Mo Yanke also gave orders. Don't be in a hurry. You might as well let the stock price fall again. In this way, you can get more shares in the end. Chonghe hospital is run by Mo Yanke. As the boss of the company, he naturally knows best what his company looks like now. It is most suitable for him to grasp when to start to absorb stocks. In this respect, Aimeng fully believes in Mo Yanke. Because this man always has the ability to strategize and win in the last lesson.

Then, after Chonghe's share price continued to fall three times, Mo Yanke used his capital to buy it quickly.

And the people who arranged in advance began to buy Chonghe's shares crazily. For a time, Chonghe's stock price began to rise slowly after several back and forth shocks at the beginning.

Such a situation is absolutely something people with ulterior motives do not want to see. Therefore, immediately other voices came out and attacked Mo Yanke and Chonghe.

They show that Mo Yanke just came out of the police station a few days ago, and the investigation has not been made clear, while Chonghe is still under investigation by relevant departments. The investigation is not over for a day, and Chonghe's future is worrying. At present, the stock price seems to have a trend of recovery, but this is likely to be Chonghe's internal operation.

In order not to maximize the loss. So I don't know who published it anonymously.

Just wait. It won't take too long. The stock price will be knocked down. We should also be alert to those investors. Don't mess up our position because of this little fluctuation. We need to be careful to buy, and don't suffer heavy losses at that time.

Even a few people who are well-known in the financial and investment industry have commented on this kind of thing, saying that some people maliciously manipulate it behind the scenes, so it has such a good prospect.

And then, they don't know where to find out that Mo Yanke's wife is actually the one who bought a lot of money, that is, Aimeng, the president's wife. After such a thing is done, everyone's suspicion is even more serious. Those people show that Aimeng is mo Yanke's wife and Chonghe's president's wife. She bought a lot of Chonghe's shares in her own name, absolutely to protect her husband and her company. It's really suspicious. Thinking that Chonghe might be going to die, she used her family's financial resources and wanted to buy in this way And then stabilize.

Behind them, of course, is also inspired. They are so ambitious that they want to force Chonghe's shareholders to give up their stocks so that they can take advantage of the opportunity to buy them.

Therefore, they are most willing to see Chonghe's stock going down all the time. Chonghe's stock price has always been very high, but now it has only dropped by the limit for three days, which is far from enough. At least, it will have to fall for a week.

Of course, this is the true thought in their heart, and also the true thought of those who inspire them.

Therefore, Zhang Tian is not idle. He immediately manipulates Chonghe by using his authority. He even wants to discredit Chonghe and Mo Yanke. He even makes a statement to show that Chonghe is going to be unable to survive. So he deliberately makes a stunt for himself to make the stock price rise and strive for a good price. Finally, in everyone's eyes After all of them bought stocks, they would sell off a large number of stocks.

And now Mo Yanke, they are all using their own internal strength to buy. I hope they don't believe it.

Zhang Tian was defeated by Mo Yanke from that position before, but he can't turn over. Now, he has changed his identity to fight with him, and he has to win this time.This kind of negative report is very bad,

it's very shocking, and it's also the most frightening. Some people really believe it, and they are still a little wandering, so they quickly sell their stocks.

So, it's at the beginning of the morning. The stock price is going up a lot. Suddenly, it's going up and down again. It's just a few hours.

It's a process of fighting wits and bravery, and it's also a process of seeing who is calm first.

Chonghe's public relations department immediately said, "Chonghe hospital is now operating normally. Although Mo Yanke himself has been investigated by relevant departments, it's not harmful to the overall situation. Please believe in Chonghe."

It's just that after such a response, there was almost no response for several hours. Repeated just now is just a line to deal with, not much important role.

Then, despite the shaking of the earth and mountains outside, they stood still, as if determined to go on in such a cold situation.

This kind of failure to respond makes those people agitated and wonder what happened and why they didn't respond. It is reasonable to say that there should be a response, but they are beginning to wonder why they didn't respond.

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