These days, he has no action, but it is not the time. After all, in those days, Chonghe's stock should be calmed slightly. After all, if the stock goes down, there will be a lot of bad things. At that time, if it happens seriously, it will also affect the internal work order of Chonghe hospital.

In the past few days, he has not made any statement or explanation, that is, he is waiting for an excellent opportunity.

If he wants to make a move, he will make a fierce attack and hit it. No matter how rampant Mo Yanzhe is, he has been searching for all kinds of evidence in private. What has happened will always leave a trace.

After all, there are no airtight walls in the world, and there are no things that leave no traces. Since you have done such things, there must be some unknown internal secrets in the middle.

As long as you keep a little more in mind, you can definitely find a trace.

Although Mo Yanzhe used the means to light a fire in the army, not everyone can hide secrets in money, interests, and torture. In this world, only the dead will not leak information, but it is obvious that Mo Yanzhe is not so brave.

So in this world, there is no mouth Mo Yanke can't pry open, and there is no obstacle Mo Yanke can't cross. After all, Mo Yanzhe's actions in private are not small. It's just ridiculous. What are those old people doing? They don't even notice these things. If it's really old, it's useless, so it's only after the incident that I have to tell you what to do. I didn't want to doubt or investigate in the past.

What Mo Yanzhe said, that is how he did it. So when the incident happened, everyone pointed the finger at Mo Yanke and thought that he was the kind of villain who saw profit and forgot righteousness. He took Mo's money to pave the way for himself.

When Mo Yanke strode into the conference room, most of the staff of various departments were in place. Although he left, his dignity remained. His ability is obvious to all. As long as you calm down and think about it, you can know that Mo Yanke and Mo Yanzhe really can't be compared. They are two worlds and can't be compared.

Think about Mo Yanke in the past. When he was in office, Mo was very popular in the industry. No matter what the project was, they didn't have to do it by themselves. They delivered it to the door and asked for Mo's help. Moreover, we have to say that when Mo was in office, Mo's performance was considerable, and the annual turnover increased greatly Yes, and it can grow by several percentage points every quarter.

But let's take a look at Mo Yanzhe. It's almost half a year since he was in the top position. Nothing has been done. Even the biggest piece of fat in the company has come to his mouth and lost. The project of the American company has been talked about almost, but in the end, nothing has been done.

And the company is in a mess. Lost most of the project, turnover plummeted. There is no way to compare the turnover in the second half of the year with that in the first half.

Therefore, we are somewhat disappointed with Mo Yanzhe.

But for Mo Yanke, this powerful ability is remembered by all the people in the company, and they begin to think about it. The company's performance in the second half of the year is not good. Everyone is worried about whether their red envelopes at the end of the year will be greatly reduced at the company's annual meeting tomorrow. After all, in the past five years, they have been satisfied with the number of red envelopes in each year.

In fact, they need someone like Mo Yanke to lead them through this difficult time. Especially when the company has not had any orders or projects for nearly a month, no matter how huge it is, Mo will collapse sooner or later.

Therefore, these people are looking forward to Mo Yanke's return. Although, when Mo Yanke went out at that time, he also said that he would not be able to return to this position in the future, and the survival of the Mo family had nothing to do with him in the future.

What some people say is just like an edict. They do what they say. However, as an employee or any elder in the family, they all feel that if Mo Yanke could come back at this moment, then Mo would not be like what he is now. Mo should be very prosperous and won't appear for a month. Without any orders, such a thing would never happen in the past.

In the past, when Mo Yanke was there, his business was absolutely prosperous and his business kept flowing.

When you see Mo Yanke's face turning green, someone is talking about it in private. Everyone is also curious. What is the purpose of Mo Yanke's gathering so many people today.

The most important thing is that Mo Yanke brought a person in charge of Mo's internal affairs in his family to punish him. However, this person immigrated to the United States a few years ago and seldom came back. After all, the right he holds is still there. Although there are few opportunities to come back, if anything happens, he will certainly come back.Any leader of Mo family will be severely punished once he does something wrong to his family. Those terrible punishments have been inherited from several dynasties, and they are full of tricks. Absolutely no one is willing to bear them.

When Mo Yanzhe was pressed over, his mouth was still cursing people there.

"If you let go of me, are you dead? Can't you understand people's words? If I tell you to let go, I will go myself. Don't forget, this is my territory. If you dare to do anything to me, you will be fed up later."

The sharp voice of abuse, the whole people in the conference room also heard clearly.

The door of the conference room was closed, and Mo Yanzhe naturally didn't expect that there was such a big battle waiting for him in the conference room. When he thought of his scolding before entering the conference room, and then of his embarrassed appearance at the moment, he was now in a state of disheveled clothes, with a face full of scum and no appearance. I just feel that this face is completely lost today.

Even if he didn't want to think about it, an idea that would make him want to disappear in front of everyone came into his mind. Today, Mo Yanke did it on purpose. He didn't say anything when he chose it on purpose. To embarrass him in public.

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