Sure enough, half an hour later, Aimeng saw a black car. It was mo Yanke's car. Aimeng remembered the license plate number. Fortunately, there was only one way up here. Otherwise, she was really afraid that he would not find a place.

As soon as he got out of the car, Mo Yanke frowned slightly, "how did you come here?"

"I'm not." Aimeng just wanted to say that she didn't want to come here. She couldn't come here alone. What she wanted to say was that Linhan brought her here, but the man didn't give her a chance to talk.

"Get in the car."

"Oh, by the way, the scenery here is very good. Have you ever been here before? You know, my father and I used to come here once. At that time, there was a house in front of us. Now there are many houses and the windmill. It's very beautiful, right? The air here is definitely fresher than the urban area." Aimeng said to herself, did not see Mo Yanke walking in front of her face slightly changed.

Mo Yanke gets on the bus without saying a word, and then AI Meng gets on the bus with him. She doesn't know how busy he is in his hands before he drives here to pick her up.

AI Meng's words made Mo Yanke tense in an instant. Then just when Aimeng was safe, the car quickly turned around, and then galloped out.

His action was sudden and reckless. She didn't know where she had offended him and made him look so bad. The speed was getting faster and faster. If it wasn't for her seat belt, she was afraid that she would run into the front. She did not dare to ask why he was suddenly so angry.

She decided to shut up this time. She was afraid that as soon as she spoke, the man would be angry and throw her out.

The atmosphere in the car was so tense and weird that she panicked.

The car soon left the city and got on the highway. Aimeng was terrified. The speed on the highway was not as fast as that in the city. A car with excellent performance was like a runaway Mustang. She was afraid to pull the handle of the car, and then the whole person trembled.

The man's speed was so fast that she wanted to vomit,

she screamed in fear, and then said in a very weak voice, "Mo..... Mo Yanke..... Don't be so quick, I'm afraid. "

But the man as if did not hear, continue to drive crazy, afternoon on the high speed, not many vehicles, more can let the valiant car, with the maximum speed to play incisively and vividly.

AI felt that his heart was about to jump out of the window. This man is absolutely crazy. He behaves like those drag racing gangs. She thought of the worst in her frightened mind.

"Shut up."

Mo Yanke said angrily to AI Meng and accelerated the accelerator. It seems that he used the fast speed to vent his anger.

After a moment's silence, Mo Yanke suddenly leans over and his gloomy face is full of anger. He stretched out his hand, untied the seat belt of Aimeng, slowed down the speed, when the car stopped, opened the door and pushed Aimeng.

"Get out of the car!" It's cold, like a cold drive.

Aimeng nearly fell to the ground because of the force of being pushed. Before she could stand still, she saw that the door was quickly closed, and then the black car rushed out like a rocket. She watched the car getting smaller and lighter in her sight, and then slowly disappeared.

Aimeng was surprised, and finally came back in this series of changes. Looking at the cars passing by, Mo Yanke finally regained her mind. She actually left him on the highway. She didn't even know where it was. There were no road signs on it. Behind her were all kinds of trees. They were dark green and looked so green.

She couldn't figure out what she had done wrong or said wrong. He could throw her on the highway angrily. This is the highway. If she took a step forward, she might even be smashed to pieces by the fast-moving vehicles.

She walked to the side and looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone. It was already more than 3:00 in the afternoon. Unconsciously, the man had been driving on the highway for more than an hour. She felt that she wanted to cry without tears.

She wants to make a phone call, but just dial Xiaole's phone, the mobile phone suddenly stops, the screen turns black, she forgot, it seems that the mobile phone did not charge last night. In the boot, but how can not open up.

Standing on the edge of the highway, I watched the sky darken little by little. On autumn night, when it was dark, it was cool. Her feet were sore and she squatted down again.

The cold wind blowing, blowing her goose bumps, only wearing a thin coat of her, gently shivering up. Even feel the teeth are fighting, reach out, ring his arm, looking at the paint black, shaking green trees, as if in the dark formed a huge network, a little bit of surrounded her, devouring her. White face, suddenly left a few tears, helplessly looking at the occasional car through the highway.

She didn't know where was ahead. Because it was too cold, she ran a few steps in the direction where the car had just come. She was hot or tired. She squatted down to have a rest. In the morning, she ate a small piece of bread. She still didn't drip water. She licked some dry lips and covered her painful stomach.She didn't know that even if she went back to the city, she would have hung up. According to her current situation, she can't make it to the city by herself. She didn't feel it in the car just now, but now she can't make it to the end. Only the dim lights on the highway are shining slightly.

Occasionally after a few cars, but no one stops. Today's society is mostly like this, and you can see the warm and cold at once. Perhaps she should understand that no one will stop the car. On such a high speed, it is impossible for people to walk around. Now that there are people walking around this evening, it is estimated that no one will meddle in their own business.

Think about it. If they stop, they are afraid of what really happens.

The cold wind was blowing unintelligibly. The autumn night was windy, and the leaves on both sides were rustling. It was like walking steps. She was afraid to look back, and then there was nothing. For a long time, she finally couldn't walk any more. She simply leaned against the fence on the side of the road to have a rest. Gasping, the body has been protesting, when can this come to an end.

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