It's just that things are happening in a hurry, and it's Chinese New Year's Eve, so how can we deal with it.

How to press.

Now the best way, of course, is to find out the real insider, and then clarify the matter to the public. This is the best way, but obviously it can't be tried out at present, because it's not known who's playing the trick.

The detestable part of the Liu family's influence is that they united with the Lin family, and they even said that their mo family's several product plans had been stolen. It is expected that in the next year, Mo's business will be greatly affected, and its performance is expected to go down all the way, with continuous losses.

There is even news that when Mo Yanzhe was in power, he was already in a state of loss. All the projects had been withdrawn or failed to sign a contract. Now the only few projects in his hands and the last chips have been stolen, so it's hard to say. Maybe Mo will be paralyzed soon. It's not going to work right now. Maybe it's time for Mo to declare bankruptcy when it starts next year.

This kind of news is a big impact on the shareholders. If they waver and put their stocks on hand, it will be a great harm to the Mo family, which is now tense everywhere. At the same time, this kind of news will also make the companies that have cooperative relationship with Mo family doubt whether they want to continue to cooperate with Mo family.

At first, everyone's attitude has been shrinking. We are continuing to do so. It is estimated that all partners will refuse to cooperate with Morse at that time. Once we lose these partners, what else can Morse have at that time? The rest is a shell.

It can only be said that the opponents around are so strong that they seem to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big stir, in order to discredit Mo Yanke and make them have no room to fight back.

They are good at seizing every opportunity to crack down on the Mo family. Therefore, for the sake of Mo family and Mo family, we must suppress this rumor as soon as possible and determine the scapegoat quickly. Because if no one comes out to carry this black pot, then this matter will be clarified by their casual words, and no one will believe it. Now people are smart, will seize every loophole to wantonly say.

However, this candidate can not be easily manipulated and fabricated, so as not to let the people of the Liu family exploit a loophole and encounter the conspiracy of their forces.

So, thinking about it, they identified two people.

One is the suspect who provoked this incident, that is, the one who refused to say anything, so far still refused to say anything, only said he didn't know anything..

One is Aimeng.

But the former seems impossible, because that person is just a messenger. They have been asking for a long time, and they really can't get any information. Therefore, this person obviously doesn't have much effect. It's just a messenger who can know how many. It seems that he doesn't know anything. Maybe he doesn't even know how things are like.

But the latter.

At the beginning, Mo Er yelled that Aimeng had stolen something. Everyone's anger was directed at Aimeng, which did not affect Mo Yanke. It was only because Mo Yanke wanted to protect Aimeng that he came forward to explain there. And the wonderful thing is that Mo Yanke was not present at the time of the incident. I came in later.

Well, you might as well push this matter to Aimeng first. In this way, Mo Yanke's reputation can be preserved, which is convenient for him to continue to act after he returns to the Mo family. The reputation of a woman is not so important, but she is not enough. Even if she has a bad reputation, she is also Mo Yanke's wife. After a period of time, when this matter is covered by other things, it will be over It's too late.

After all, in the eyes of Mo's family, with Mo Yanke covering Aimeng, Aimeng can be her rich young grandmother without any worries. Even if her reputation is discredited for a while, she won't be wronged too much.

When the truth came out, she would have no worries, and she would enjoy all the glory and wealth. If she really cares, it's a big deal. They don't have to make up for it after family affairs. Anyway, the most important thing now is to save Mo Yanke's face and not let this matter affect him at all.

"But Mo Yanke thinks highly of Aimeng. I'm very protective of her. " From what happened this morning, they can see that Mo Yanke cares about Aimeng. Otherwise, so many of them would not have apologized to a woman.

Mo Er calm face, point out this point. However, the apology was never mentioned. We all know in our hearts that it is not a matter of long face and there is nothing to say.

"It's Lin Meng's fault. I'm afraid Mo Yanke will be angry. At that time, the gain is not worth the loss. In case Mo Yanke is angry, everyone will not get the benefit at that time. What if he doesn't come back instead? "

He doesn't agree to let Aimeng carry the black pot. They still need to discuss this matter from a long-term point of view. The Mo family's work is not very authentic. If they carry the black pot, it's better to let the tough guy carry it.

Anyway, we can't do such a thing now. Once AI Meng is offended, Mo Yanke will be angry.But Mo Er didn't think so. He explained: "anger is only for a while. After all, it's just a temporary black pot for AI Meng. It's better than directly smearing Mo Yanke. We are helping him, not setting him up. He is only angry for a while, and can't be angry for a long time. As long as he really wants to understand this problem, he will definitely understand it. "

"If you let that person stand up and take the blame, there will certainly be problems at that time. After all, he is an outsider and doesn't know anything. It's hard to say even when he asks. At that time, if they think that this person is our internal person, they will think that our Mo family is the internal thief. I'm afraid they will believe that our secret research projects have been almost stolen. "

"When the time comes, those people of the Liu family will make trouble again. I'm afraid there will be no end for us, and the situation will be even worse. But, if you push this matter to Aimeng, you can completely bite to death. Such a small project has been stolen, and the others are safe and sound. Moreover, Aimeng and Mo's family are at odds. She also has this reason to steal. And even if a woman does this, we won't have more ideas. When it's over, Mo Yanke will come back safely. By then everything will not be perfect

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