Because in the final analysis, the fight between the brothers is a family affair. It's better for outsiders not to join in the fun. If it's not good, when their brothers are reconciled, it's not to blame them. So they still slightly taboo.

So, Mo Yanzhe, who was beaten, was really like a pig that could only fall on the ground and moan. He couldn't even get up. His face, shirt and trousers were stained with blood to varying degrees. It's quite frightening to watch. It can be seen that Mo Yanke's attack is so heavy that he has exhausted all his strength.

But for Mo Yanke, it was just the beginning. All the anger rose at that moment. Because of Aimeng, because of himself, what Mo Yanzhe did, it was absolutely hateful. It was not too much to beat him today. Because he should be guilty, all charges are established, even if he wants to explain, sophistry, that is no way.

He squatted down, palm turned, a sharp knife, delicate appeared in his hand. He grabbed Mo Yanzhe's neck with one hand, and the sharp point of the knife was close to him, and it was close to the corner of his eye.

The sharp cold light, in front of him, made Mo Yanzhe's eyelids jump. He was afraid that if he was not careful, his eyes would be scratched. I dare not move at all. I'm afraid that Mo Yanke will really do something like this. He knows what kind of person Mo Yanke is. Even if he is angry, he has to bear some things. Today he comes in a rage, he must have something to do.

He panted frequently and made a terrible sound in his mouth. It was still because of pain, but he glared at Mo Yanke with anger and fear. Although he wanted to say something, he didn't say it in the end because he was afraid and worried. Behind so many people, even if he has the ability to resist at the moment, everything is just like this.

"You make me unbearable, Mo Yanzhe. Do you know what you're talking about, what you're doing, you're playing with fire? Do you know, you don't know, your end is very miserable. Have you ever thought about what you'll end up with after you do something like this. Since I didn't think about it well at the beginning, I don't want to do it there easily. " Mo Yanke smile, cold knife tip, slowly slide over the corner of his eyes. The cold touch made Mo Yanzhe's pupils lock up for a while, and he begged for mercy from the bottom of his soul.

"Don't, don't, I beg you, don't, what did I do wrong? What did I do. You have to make it clear to me first. You have to make it clear. I'm not convinced if you don't make it clear. "

Mo Yanke sneered coldly, and the evil eyes on his face were even more terrible. "You said you don't want it, please don't want it. You don't know what you did, do you. Really? I really don't know. "

When he raised his voice and hummed coldly, there was a falling voice and a startling light. Mo Yanzhe suddenly gave out a shrill cry.

"Ah -"

but Mo Yanke stabbed the blade into the palm of Mo Yanzhe's hand. The sharp pain, accompanied by thick blood, makes Mo Yanzhe's face change greatly, and the look of his eyes completely turns into his fear of Mo Yanzhe. Because he didn't think that Mo Yanke would stab him with a knife. He didn't think that he would do it. He thought he was just bluffing him, but he didn't think it was not.

He really dares to do so. In Mo's family, in his territory, he dares to be so presumptuous.

Mo Yanke is crazy. What are you doing? What's going on.

Mo Yanzhe thought in great pain. Then, there was a shrill "ah --" sound, but Mo Yanke held the dagger and pulled his palms out of the ground. Once again the pain, let Mo Yanzhe repeatedly back pumping at the same time, the eyes slightly black up.

That's it.

Mo Yanzhe's forehead suddenly burst out of sweat. The facial expression seems to have a cramp, and the heart suddenly stops. Some didn't respond.

Mo Yanke holds the palm of Mo Yanzhe's hand and pushes it in front of him. The blood of the wet girdle, merged into several strands of thread, dripped down to the floor drop by drop, and then became a charming flower on the white fluffy carpet.

Finally, it slipped from his hand, it seemed very big, and a thick smell of blood dispersed in the air.

And the dagger that penetrated the palm of the hand was suddenly pulled out by Mo Yanke, and then a scream broke through the whole Mo family, which was like that.

Mo Yanzhe was scared. His heart began to tremble, but he didn't stop. Too painful, really too painful, sweat on the forehead is full down, in this cold winter day, more and more severe.

Blood mixed with sweat, evaporated in the air, and then emitted a very strange smell.

He looked up at Mo Yanke. That pair of dark eyes, it seems that at that moment, the expression on his face is happy, excited, smiling over there.

It's like a bloodthirsty devil, who is making public there, but he doesn't resist at all.

It is such a fearless, lawless person, how not to let people fear and fear, directly to find him, and then severely devastated him, in front of so many people, made such a thing to him. But all the people stood there to have a look. No one came forward to stop them. Even the guards of the Mo family stood far away and didn't come forward."I have hundreds of ways to make your life worse than death. You should know what kind of end you will get from what you have done. Since you dare to do it, you should take such responsibility. Don't deny it to me when you do something by yourself. This time, you can't deny it. Don't think that everything will muddle you through. Don't think that all the luck is on your side, and don't think that there will be someone in the Mo family to guarantee you. This time, you are not so lucky. You'd better think about your own consequences first. "

Low words, each one, are like thunder, in Mo Yanzhe's head roaring burst, and then a little bit of spread in the air.

As he spoke, he was a cunning man with a smile on his face.

Mo Yanzhe now has pain to pale, bean big sweat, suddenly out of his head.

Mo Yanke, with a smile on his lips, looked at him from a condescending angle.

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