Mo Yanke named Mo Yanzhe and let him go there, which really disgusted him to the extreme. Because it's not a place that anyone will go to. It's a place that is too poor to be broken. That kind of bureaucracy is very strong. If you are a ruler, you can live well in South Africa, just like Mo Yanke's brothers, Li Mu and Liu Heshan. People like them can live in South Africa Because the territory is theirs, it is the absolute ruler.

But if Mo Yanzhe goes, it will never be like this. Because when he goes there, he will be a person of the lowest class, who will not be respected. Even in that place, because you have no status and are an outsider, you will be pushed out by the local people.

Even if we don't send him to prison, it's hard to go to that place. In particular, in Africa, all kinds of tropical diseases are rampant. When you go there, you always have to worry about being infected with some serious diseases.

In other words, when you go there, you are good. When you come back, you may have a lot of problems. Or there is another possibility that once you step into that place, you may be more likely to come out. So it's better to put it in the police station here. At least you can make it better for him to live in it It's also a never-ending life, but it seems better than Africa.

Mo Yanke wanted to kill him so that he could no longer resist.

Mo Yuanhan is not a fool. On second thought, he disagrees. If you really agree, it's like sending him to die alive. One son has turned against himself, and he doesn't want the other to.

"There's no problem with double compensation, but it's too hard to go to Africa. Ah, if zhe goes there, he's going to die. There's no way to live. It can't be like this."

"You can only go to that place, or you are a prison. There are only two choices." Mo Yanke interrupted coldly. "I don't mind going somewhere else. Your son, you know it. I won't give my opponent another chance to get back at me. I can only allow you to send him to that place, otherwise, give him to captain Lin. This is your last two ways. You can only choose one from the other. There is no reason to bargain. "

Mo Yuanhan glared, looking angry. Mo Yanke is so angry that he can't leave his elder brother a way out. After all, they haven't had a good relationship since childhood, but if they don't give him some face, it's too hateful. After all, it's his Laozi.

"Ah, Ke, don't be too hard between brothers. We are all your family. No matter how we look in the future, we are the most cordial members of your family. We will certainly stand out for you when we meet the situation. "

Cruel or not, he knows that family and kindness are all giving up. If they really treat him as a family member, they won't be indifferent to him for so many years. Now that they make mistakes and have to accept punishment, they will recognize him as a family member. Kindness is not the word "kindness" in his life. When he is good, they can't stand it. When he is dead, Instead of helping them, they have fallen all the way down. They can do all these things, and they deserve to be family members.

Mo Yanke was impatient and didn't want to spend more time with this eccentric old man. That's a waste of time. Today, he has wasted most of his time on them. He doesn't want to talk to these people any more. No matter how much he says, it's meaningless. This time, he is determined to teach Mo Yanzhe a lesson. Some people don't give him any color. They really don't know what's going on. What they do will only be more and more difficult Points.

"Two ways, you choose. One's going to South Africa, one's going to jail. "

His cold and hard tone showed that he had made up his mind.

Mo Yuanhan is rich and powerful in his life, and his previous life was brilliant. At that time, he was the president of Mo's, and he was also handsome. But when he was old, he was not willing to send his son to that ghost place to suffer. Even though the son let him down again and again, it was his heart. After all, it's something I've loved since I was a child.

"You beat him like this. This matter, or - "

" say your choice! "

Mo Yanke has no patience. He didn't want to talk to them any more. Mo Yuanhan's one more word explanation made him more impatient. Listen, that's full of sophistry. Such things can't be allowed.

Mo Yuanhan was blocked by Mo Yanke several times, which made him angry. Especially, in front of so many people, it made him lose face as a father. After all, he can be regarded as his Lao Tzu. At least he needs to save a little face for him. But Mo Yanke didn't have it at all.

"I'm your father. In front of so many elders, can you talk to your father like this? Are you too ill bred?"

"Parenting, are you talking to me about parenting? Yes, I have no parenting. Of course I have no parenting. My mother left me when I was young. My father sent me to the United States cruelly when I was young. You don't care. Where do you think I got my parenting? Where do you think I should go to find parenting? Since you want to ask me about parenting, you should ask yourself What absurd things have you done in the past few years? Besides, Mo Yanzhe was brought up by you. Do you think it's OK for you to be brought up like this? What he did is cultured. So don't say that to me. You are not qualified to talk about education with me. If you can't do it yourself, don't blame others. "Mo Yanke didn't make any more arguments. He just looked at Mo Yuanhan deeply. His cold eyes narrowed slightly and suddenly turned around.

"Then give it to captain Lin. I'll call him in now. It's very convenient."

Meanwhile, the pace is ready to leave.

That decision made people's heart beat like a drum, as if it had been decided.

"Mo Yanke, you wait." Mo Yuanhan cried out.

Mo Yanke ignored it.

Seeing that he was about to leave the room in a few steps, Mo Yuanhan was angry and dry. I'm afraid it's too late. By that time, my eldest son will have no chance at all.

"I beg you, I beg you as a father. It's not good for you to let go of your big brother. It's just this time, and it's the last time. It's absolutely impossible to have such a thing in the future. I promise that he won't appear in front of you in the future and will not do anything to you."

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