Because there are still things that haven't been handled well in the company, she took Aimeng to the company. This is not the first time Aimeng came here. She still remembers that some bad things happened last time. It's just that things are right and people are wrong. Time is really a good thing, and there are too many things that can be changed.

"You can have a rest here. There's a rest room. I'm going to have a meeting. Don't worry about what happened just now. I'll deal with it. " Mo Yanke gently explained.

He also didn't ask, is Aimeng really saw that murderer, these are not so important, the important thing is, he won't let her have something.

Aimeng was sleepy and didn't know what time it was. She was awakened by E. she was a little hungry. She seemed to have slept for a long time in the lounge. I found a bottle of milk at the head of the bed and drank it. In fact, if Mo Yanke is not so ferocious, it's good.

The huge conference room suddenly became quiet.

Fang Yucheng has great ability. In less than one day, he checked all the things that should be checked.

"Ako, the big driver just made a verbal molestation, and didn't make anything substantial, so I only let my brothers teach me a lesson once."

Mo Yanke nodded, "let him know a lesson, don't think anyone can tease." He was satisfied with the result of the treatment and then asked, "what happened to the people killed in the hospital today. The cops are holding me up today. "

Fang Yucheng sat on the sofa, his brow slightly wrinkled, he is black, today this matter he can't not know, his people have already given the report, but he didn't expect, actually involved some people and some things.

"The dead people are government officials who just took office some time ago, and they specially control the land. I went to see the situation at the scene. People are lethal with one shot. If they are not long-term trained killers, they can't shoot so accurately and impartially, which happens to be the location of the heart."

"You mean it has to do with that."

"But now I just doubt, there is no conclusive evidence, I will continue to investigate this matter, the last interruption, up to now there is no news, I guess there seems to be something wrong." Fang Yucheng frowned. Last time he had agreed, but half an hour before the transaction, he received a call to cancel the transaction. There must be something about it, but now they don't know much about it.

"I also think this matter is strange. You should continue to follow up, and I will continue to contact the United States."

"OK, I'll go first. And, AIMUN, what are you going to do?"

"I'll take care of it. Go back first. I've worked hard for you these days. "

"Then I'll go first." Fang Yucheng got up and left naturally.

Mo Yanke couldn't help thinking that he could not only rely on the industry of Mo family, and he took over Mo family some time ago. So he, Fang Yucheng and Shen Luo always have some sidelines, but these sidelines must be little known.

As for Aimeng, he hesitated. For her, he couldn't put it down, but he couldn't help it. She is too young, and there are so many things in his world that he can't even estimate.

Aimeng is really hungry. How can that bottle of milk fill her stomach? Besides, she was so flustered that she didn't even have lunch today. It's already afternoon. How can I have dinner.

Carefully opened the door of the rest room, but saw Mo Yanke sitting there.

"Well, I've lost it."

"You wake up. Let's go to dinner." Mo Yanke remembered that he didn't take her to eat since he took her out of the hospital in the morning. Although he put milk beside her bed, he really forgot.

But before the door of the office went out, the door of the office was knocked, and it was director Lin who came in.

"Mr. Mo, he is determined to see you." As Mo Yanke's assistant, Wang Lin naturally has the responsibility to block these unexpected guests for him, but the city's top director, this point, did not let him stop.

"It's OK. You go out first."

"Ah Ke, when did you have a golden house?"

AI Mengting's face turned red. Is the so-called Jinwucangjiao talking about her. But she felt that she was just shameful, so she had to hide it.

"Lao Lin, today your men are not less difficult for me." Mo Yanke sat down on the sofa with a smile, together with AI Meng.

"I've just learned about it. I've come to you just now. Today, the people under my command can't handle it. Don't worry. However, someone reported that Miss Ai saw the suspect at that time. I still need to ask Miss AI to go back to the police station in person to make a record."

"There's nothing wrong with going to the police station to take a note, but she's mine, and I don't think she can have anything to do with it." Mo Yanke's words seem to be light, but they are firm. She is my person, which makes AI Meng sitting beside him move a little.What does he mean by this sentence.

In the end, Aimeng was accompanied by Mo Yanke, and the police station made a record, which was a routine. But Aimeng felt that her words could play a big role. In fact, she lied, but today she saw it. But she didn't want to get into trouble, and she didn't want to get into trouble. Her life was chaotic enough, and she didn't want to have such a thing to fight I'm not bothering her.

"Ah Ke, it's really troublesome today. You'd better go and have dinner with us some other day."

"OK, it's OK. Let's go first." Mo Yanke has been cold face, and then hugged Aimeng and left. As soon as he walked out of the door of the police station, Mo Yanke said, "hungry, now I'll take you to dinner, what do you want to eat."

AI Meng hasn't recovered from Mo Yanke's transformation. He just had a cold face. Now he has a new face. "Well, whatever you like, as long as you have enough. I'm not picky about food."

In the end, Aimeng didn't think that he would take her to eat noodles. It was just a well decorated small store, but Aimeng was very happy. In fact, she didn't like to eat in a big restaurant. She felt that there were too many rules and exquisite things, which made her lose her appetite. Besides, she had to be careful when eating out with her father. She didn't like it when she used to eat out with her father. She liked to be less restrained. So she still likes to eat something like this in this kind of small shop, a bowl of noodles, and then a few small dishes, she can feel very satisfied.

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