When Mo Yanke left, there was a complete silence in the room. No one said a word, because they were shocked by what happened just now, and they didn't react at all. Most of the people who can stand in this room are the older generation of Mo's, who have experienced the storm for most of their lives. It's really the first time for them to see such things.

Everyone didn't react to the shock of Mo Yanke's kneeling until Mo Yanzhe finally cried like a pig was killed, and everyone's face changed.

"It hurts. It hurts."

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to Mo Yanzhe. Nine out of ten of these people were disgusted. If it wasn't for him, how could it have come to this point.

Things have become what they are today. What reasons do they have in the future? When Mo Yanke left just now, although he didn't speak, his behavior just now was very clear.

Many people understand the profound meaning of Mo Yanke's kneeling, so they feel sad and sigh. Unfortunately, even feel sad.

Of course, Mo Yuanhan also understood. It was impossible for such a man not to understand, so when Mo Yuanhan's cry came out, he seemed to wake up from a dream. All of a sudden, he softened down and knelt down on his legs.

A cold, from the bottom of the foot to the heart.

His eyes are crazy, but his lips are a little bit white, his temples are a little cold sweat. As for what happened just now, he was really a little hoodwinked and completely failed to react. Mo Yanke would kneel to himself. The deep meaning of the kneeling just now is beyond expression.

"Send Mo Yanzhe away tonight."

Uncle Mo made a sound at this time and got everyone's agreement.

Just like what Mo Yanke said just now, Mo Yanzhe will stay in China again, and he is not sure what he will do. He can ignore the overall interests of Mo's family for his own benefit.

When today's events happen, it's hard to guarantee that his heart will be filled with hatred, which will lead to bigger things at that time. In order to revenge Mo Yanke, he will do more daring things at that time.

Just because he used to be the president of the Mo family, and because his father now defends his performance, he can boldly steal company secrets today to frame others, and tomorrow he may sell them to others without scruple. It may even be like what Mo Yanke is worried about, and it may be even more unfavorable to Mo Yanke. Therefore, this kind of thing is absolutely necessary.

Even if it's not because of Mo Yanke, they have to think about it for themselves in the future.

Only a place like South Africa, with inconvenient transportation, is suitable for Mo Yanzhe. Limited communication equipment can cut off his external disturbance.

In fact, after calming down and thinking about it, it seems that this is absolutely correct. If it is in a place with developed transportation and convenient communication in the United States, even if it is sent out, it is also to enjoy life, not to really punish, just to make his life more natural and unrestrained, without any punitive effect.

After Mo Yanke knelt down, everyone's mentality changed a lot. After Mo Shu's analysis, he agreed to send Mo Yanzhe to that place.

"In fact, Mo Yanke had a good heart. He has his own ideas and what he does, which is absolutely well thought out. Even if there is hatred in his heart, he will still think about the overall situation. " At this time, uncle Mo began to help Mo Yanke.

"I think he must have Mo's in his heart, or some of us. Otherwise, according to his previous means, he would not have told us today, but would have passed us directly and handed over all these things to the police. He specially called us all over, maybe just to see our attitude. Looking at our attitude towards this matter, you see, we could easily persuade him to change his mind in the end. As for his insistence on sending Mo Yanzhe to South Africa, there should also be his side for Mo and for us. Moreover, I think he really made a big concession. After all, he is mo Yanke. No one can control his idea. If he made the decision before, he would definitely implement it. It is also urgent. At least today, he did a multiple-choice question. At least at the end, he didn't stick to his previous idea. Instead, he acquiesced to Lao Mo's idea and gave him face. But as for sending him to South Africa, I think it's the same Well, other places, after all, can't play any role in punishment. Ah, zhe has gone too far this time. How can he do such a thing? It's just unfair to Mo Shi, so he must be punished. Mo Yanke's doing so has given him the greatest face. "

"Old mo." With a sigh, Mo Shu stepped forward and helped Mo Yuanhan up from the ground.

"Forget it, just send ah zhe away. It's like sending him to grind his heart. It's a bitter place, but it's also a good place for people to exercise. Ah, Zhe, you have to be controlled. Otherwise, there is a Mo Yanke who can ask you to plead. Later, he will commit a bigger crime. Who else can you plead with? I think today's affair will make the relationship between you and him difficult. "Uncle Mo gritted his teeth and said it.

In fact, even if it is not said, Mo Yuanhan himself also understands that some things are placed in front of his eyes. When something like this happens today, even if something else happens in the future, it is estimated that Mo Yanke will not give face, because Mo Yuanhan has indeed done something too much today. It is really bad to force him like this.

There is no reason why Lao Tzu kneels to his son. Later, Mo Yanke's kneeling also paid off everything.

Uncle Mo's words, like a fierce cold whip, fell on Mo Yuanhan's heart, making his heart suddenly hurt. At the same time, Lingtai was also stimulated to wake up suddenly.

The so-called "loving mother and many losers", he seems to have also embarked on this path. Since he was a child, because he had no relationship with his mother, he has always been very fond of these two children. Is it he who caused the situation they are in today? Even he doesn't know.

The onlookers see clearly!

He sort of understood it, and he really understood what he had just done. But. After all.

Thinking about Mo Yanke who just refused to leave, his eyes darkened and he sighed gently.

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