She really took the sleeping pills, and the amount she took was a little too much. Although she was sure that she would not die at all times, if there was any mistake, she would die. That is to say, if her parents find out a few minutes later, they may really die in such a thing, so she is making fun of her own life. But it looks like she won.

After eating the porridge slowly, Mo Yanke wiped his lips with a paper towel. Then she asked as if she didn't care. "By the way, I heard that Aimeng stole some of Mo's confidential information. This matter She is such a person, you What are you going to do to her? "

Better kick her. However, of course, this is the thought in my heart, which I didn't say. Although it's necessary to strike iron while it's hot, it's not suitable to perform too fast.

"Watch first. She has time for me, so I can't go too far. As you know, she still has most of Chonghe's shares in her hand. If I do something unacceptable to her all of a sudden, Chonghe will not be mine. You don't want to see me have nothing

She sighed, her face full of loss. "Of course, I'm not like that, but you know, I really love you. I don't care if you're married or not. As long as you're really nice to me, I'll follow you with no regrets. Why should she stay with him when she is so dangerous. This way, you will be very dangerous, I will worry about it

And he laughed.

"There are some things you don't understand. This is also a way to paralyze opponents. Moreover, if I ask for divorce right now, I won't get any benefits. Isn't it? "

" but I'm not worth it for you in my heart! "

He was silent for a moment.

She thought about it, and said. "I don't think she's worthy of you. Although she gives you financial support, what does that mean. She did that, but the key point is that you are very kind to her. She should not have done such a thing to you. "

He frowned again, remained silent, and finally murmured as if with a sigh.

"I don't know how it has changed. Maybe too many things have happened recently. Maybe she hated me when she saw my closeness to you. In addition, Jinghao came back, so she didn't know

Li Luo suddenly smiles in his heart. It turns out that the wild man from outside has come back. No wonder he looks like this. When he suddenly thinks of this, his heart suddenly brightens.

Aimeng that woman definitely does not know, originally Mo Yanke treats her like this, see how arrogant she will be in the future.

"Well, you are a patient now. The most important thing is to take care of your body first. I will handle all these things well. And I can't handle these things in a day or two. Forget it, I still don't want to say it. "

"That's not true. But do I want to know? " Li Luo was smiling in his heart, but he softened his voice and wanted to lure him on.

But men seem to have clenched their teeth and never mentioned anything like this.

However, according to reliable information, the Mo family intended to take him back to be the president. Although Mo Yanzhe has made a mess of Mo now, his hundred year old background is still there. Mo is a fat oil field. Even if he is attacked again, his property is still coveted.

When he got the news, he began to doubt Mo Yanke, but at the same time, he also moved another mind, that is, try his best to win him over.

In addition to valuing Mo's huge network of relations, he also valued Luo Fusen, the military boss behind Mo Yanke. That can't be underestimated.

If it can be used by them, it will definitely be very good.

Because of her personal enmity, she made preparations early in the morning, but unexpectedly, she was lucky to be valued by the top and got the task from many people who were far more qualified than her. Because of her initial plan, because of the face of Mo Yanke's first girlfriend, if it turns out that Mo Yanke is not an agent, but a simple businessman and innocent, why don't she take another road, that is to get rid of that Aimeng. In this way, at that time, the man will be her own, and then she will leave the organization Then you can be mo Yanke's woman.

Since she had a good feeling for him in her heart, she had this idea. You can't waste this face. Touch Ke, she wants it; Chonghe hospital behind him, Mo's, she also wants it. Although she is a little greedy, if this man is his, then everything is not a problem.

But the idea is always beautiful, but the reality is always cruel, because the imagination is not the same as the fact.

Then a phone call did not know who was calling, Mo Yanke got up in a hurry and said that she was going to leave and let her have a good rest. Naturally, she couldn't hold on. After all, from the performance of last night, the man really seemed to have changed. At least the behavior made her very happy.Now she has been dazzled by this joy, and no matter whether the man is sincere or not, as long as the man can stay with her now, then everything can develop in a good direction.

Looking at the corner of his mouth, Li Luo smiles for the first time.

This man will be her sooner or later. Aimeng is nothing but a woman. She is very confident that she can take back this man from this woman.

Think of here, the heart is very happy. And, how to say, this man also said when he left, as long as he did things well, he would come to see her immediately.

Mo Yanke returned home with fatigue and dryness. At the same time, his stomach was empty and he didn't eat anything. Aimeng met him from the door. Before he could untie his tie, he hugged her and buried his head on her shoulder.

He almost delivered the weight of half of his body and pressed it on her, so it seemed heavy. AIMUN stepped back a little bit What's the matter? What happened

Silently, she reached out and patted him on the back. For a long time, she didn't speak much. I don't know what happened to this man. She didn't come back one night last night, and she didn't ask, because she believed that this man would not do anything wrong to her.

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