He shook his head. When he was a little full, he just wanted to hold her. So he suddenly picked her up and went to the sofa. In view of his "bad deeds", she couldn't help thinking about "warm thoughts" first. She found that the longer she stayed with this man, the more her thoughts would change. A lot of times, she felt that she was a very simple little girl, and she had the potential to move towards the big gray wolf.

So, the ear is a little red for a while, at the same time in the heart thought, can't let him fool, how also must let him immediately sleep. This guy seems to have stayed up late last night. The deep dark circles under his eyes really look thick.

I haven't seen him so haggard for a long time, and I don't know what to do. Ask also don't say, always say nothing, but how can it be all right, she is not a fool, can't even such a little clue can't see, this man as long as there is something on his mind, always like that expression, she knows too much.

Then what did he do? How did he make himself so haggard? Although he looked much better after taking a bath, his eyes were red. Looking at some distressed.

But the man just as she thought, threw her on the sofa, that pair of wolf claws, to her chest touch. Sure enough, the wolf is going to get angry and want to beat Little Red Riding Hood.

She breathed unsteadily and her face turned red.

"Stop, stop, Mo Yanke, what are you doing? I'll tell you, you've just had enough to eat, you can't do strenuous exercise, and you have to go to bed quickly. You have to look at your dark circles and the red blood in your eyes. You don't have to go to bed quickly."

Strong from turn over a body, face him, a school of upright looking at him. "Go to bed. No mischief. "

He came to kiss her, full of hot breath, she almost unsteadiness, let him succeed.

In the end, it's daytime, and it's still early in the morning. The bright light and strong sunlight in the room make the room bright. The curtains of the French windows make the light in the room very strong.

The darkness of the night helped her a lot, so she held on. After he had a big kiss, he pushed him away bravely. It was very fierce and uncivilized. He made a kick, climbed on him and pressed her. Hold your face and command him.

"You sleep for me now. Go back to your room and go to bed immediately. You can't delay a minute. Otherwise, I'll take care of you."

He gave a murmur of unknown meaning, which closed his eyes, "don't go upstairs, just sleep on the sofa." It is to hold her not to put, let her so press him, also not afraid that she presses him to suffer.

This man, in fact, sometimes cute like a child.

She thought to herself that since he wanted to, she would hold him down for a while. Reach out, she gently stroked his face, like a mother, gently stroked his child so gentle.

The man closed his eyes, but his mouth made a voice, "wife, stay with me, don't go."

She laughed and coaxed him. "Well, well, with you, I'm not going anywhere. Then you go to bed quickly. You can see what you are tied up like. Just go to bed and wake up. "

He suddenly opened his eyes, and then added in a low voice, "stay with me all the time. No matter what happens, stay with me all the time. "

He looks very serious. I didn't even blink when I spoke.

She thought to herself what he was saying. Of course, she would accompany him all her life. However, this kind of oral comfort, in such a delicate moment, she will not be stingy to say.

"Well, I'll be with you all the time, husband. Go to sleep. Don't think about it, I will always be with you, never leave you, as long as you don't give up on me. Go to sleep. "

This words, probably finally make him happy, he closed his eyes, this time, it is fast asleep. After a while, she felt his breathing smooth.

She lay down on him for a while, and then she wanted to come down and take the blanket next to him to cover it, but he held it very tightly. When she moved, he murmured discontentedly and frowned sharply.

She was afraid of disturbing him to sleep, and she didn't move much. She was held stiff for a long time.

It was not until more than ten minutes later that his hand was a little loose. Maybe he was a little sleepy. She took advantage of this to get off him and stand up. And then, with his arm around her, she could no longer escape. She took the blanket and covered it gently.

This pair of even if is asleep, also overbearing to die appearance, really let her angry and funny. She also wanted to close the curtains to block the sunlight, so that he could sleep better. Now, it seems impossible.

Forget it. Just make do with it.

Anyway, as long as he's asleep. Seeing him so haggard, I feel that I don't like him in general. I feel that what makes him look like this, as if he is entangled with many things in his heart.

Even though she was sleepless, she thought it was a kind of peaceful enjoyment to just close her eyes and accompany him to sleep. It's just this kind of enjoyment. I don't know how long it will last.He had a deep sleep, but it didn't seem deep. He didn't sleep all night. Even if he was an iron man, his body couldn't stand it.

About two or three hours later, when I saw his body move slightly, I knew that he was going to wake up.

"Wake up." She grunted lazily. Just now, it seems that she fell asleep inadvertently. It seems that she is going to become a pig recently. She really sleeps when she eats and eats when she wakes up.

His voice is a little bit hoarse, and then because he just woke up, he felt a kind of cute feeling. "Well, I wake up. I have something to deal with today."

Even if it's a big new year's day, it's an eventful time. If you don't pay attention, you'll be easily miscalculated by others in business. Only by doing well enough on one's own side can we be stable.

Although others may have a rest, some people can't relax at this time.

She frowned.

"Sleep a little longer. You have to rest when you are busy. It's the third day of the new year. Don't be so tired. "

"There are many things. no way out. Now a lot of people outside are eyeing the last thing, and the explanation of the Mo family to you has not yet held a press conference. This matter can't be settled like this. " He grunted and came up to steal incense around her neck.

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