What is this. She didn't understand and didn't know what to say. She didn't know what was going on. She was full of doubts, but she couldn't say anything. She didn't even have the courage to ask what was going on and what they regarded her as.

For a time, a lot of information about betrayal and extramarital affairs flashed through her mind. Will there be such a problem between her and Mo Yanke, or that he is tired of her, she has a moment of confusion, but soon she remembered that Mo Yanke always said that he was very busy these days, but she didn't know what he was busy. Every time he asked, men would bypass the topic and say that there was nothing wrong.

But she could feel something happened, but she didn't say anything.

She was a little puzzled, but no one came to answer the question in her heart. She couldn't imagine whether he would be here with this woman when he stayed up all night that day.

Her man, she still understands, is very confident.

He can't betray her.

But he cheated her, no matter what, he cheated her.

He said that he was busy and had a lot of things to deal with. He said that most of them were because of his uncle, Luo Fusen. Then why should he be busy and be here with the fence? Although this hospital is his and should work here, it's still very difficult. He's not busy now, he's walking along the hospital corridor. Although there were not many people, he didn't worry that they would be seen. After all, their wedding was so aboveboard in front of the public. After all, she appeared beside him as Chonghe's boss. But so soon, is it going to change owners. He is not afraid of the doctors and nurses in the hospital, secretly informs her, but he is still too confident, confident that she can not appear in this place, also can not doubt him.

With suspicion, Mo Yanke's abnormality in recent days also came to her mind. Intuitively, she thought that it should have something to do with fences. So, he pushed back all the way so fast, back to the starting point where he started to get a little abnormal, or he could push forward again, back to that night, the night when he didn't come back all night. First, he sent a text message saying that he had something to do in the evening and might not go home, but then he immediately made a phone call. The tone of the phone was not very good, would it be that time, He had already fallen with the fence.

Think of here, she, not calm, no longer calm up.

Her eyes flashed violently. She bit her lip, took out her cell phone, and then dialed Mo Yanke.

She's going to do a little test on how this man is.

Hope is not what she thought, hope is not really despair.

Mo Yanke's mobile phone rings. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. Seeing the caller ID on it, he thought about it and cut off the phone. Because at this time, he didn't say much. If he said something bad, he was afraid that Mengmeng would be sad. But if he said it well, he was afraid that the woman around him would have doubts. At that time, his efforts in recent days would not be in vain.

The eyes of the fence immediately came over.

"Who's calling?"

Mo Yanke did not answer, but only said. "I'll take you back to your room first."

But the phone did not quiet down as he expected, but rang again. The fence falls to know, raised chin, smile not to smile ground looking at to allow Ling, affirmative ground say.

"It's Aimeng. Just take it. I promise I won't speak. Maybe she's looking for something, something important. "

Mo Yanke told her that for the sake of his big plan, he needs to stabilize Aimeng and not let this woman have doubts. Otherwise, he won't get a share of all the money behind her. Therefore, he is now in contact with her, hiding love dream, can't let her know, which makes Li Luo feel like an underground lover. This makes her very angry, but also some helpless, even at the moment to his promise, she is actually inconsistent. After all, it's not the previous dynasty. There will be women willing to share their men with other women. There are few such women.

Mo Yanke listened to her words, looking at the caller ID that still belongs to AI Meng, still did not answer immediately.

The jealousy of the fence expanded the game, speaking with a sour taste.

"Why, is there any secret between you and Aimeng that I can't know? So, to avoid me calling, or to say that everything you and I said is to deceive me. In fact, the relationship between you and her is still so strong."

Mo Yanke frowned.

"No matter, what do you think? I have told you that there is a purpose between me and her. She is still of great use value to me. I can't do things like that all at once. I just feel that it's troublesome."

It's better to feel the fence down. I urge him. "Then take it. I'm sure I won't make trouble. Besides, I promise I won't speak. If you answer, you can answer her if there is anything. If you don't answer the phone, maybe she will doubt it. "She wants to see what Aimeng is going to do when she calls. Is it true that the relationship between them, as Mo Yanke said, is already very weak, just because of a certain interest, so there is no way to do it.

Mo Yanke was worried when he saw that Aimeng was calling in such a hurry, and after one phone hung up, the next one rang again. According to the custom, she calls. If he hangs up, it means that he is busy and inconvenient to answer her call. Later, he will return her call in person. This is the tacit understanding between him and Aimeng for such a long time. Aimeng should be very clear. Now she knows all this, but she is still calling the second one. Is there something wrong.

In the end, worry prevailed. Although he thought it was troublesome to have a woman standing beside him, he still answered the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

In a few short sentences, he didn't take the word "wife" which he often called, but it was just a very short sentence, which was also very formulaic. Because, he should always be on guard against the fence. Even he inadvertently pressed the volume of his mobile phone, so as not to be heard by the people around him.

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