His desire for her has always been strong. If she moves a little more fiercely, he will lose control of her. So in the past, if Aimeng didn't want to, he would be far away from this man even when he was sleeping, so as to avoid the wolf could not hold on to eat little red riding hood.

This change in his physiology finally made her aware of it. Because two people together so long, even if again stupid, such thing experience many, also can know.

So she suddenly stopped in fear.

Turned around, opened his eyes, looking at the man's appearance, as long as the thought of that thing, the anger in the heart, rub to jump up, "you go down, I want to sleep, who let you come, you go to accompany your first love, come to me to do." Because angry, that is to say, even with a strong sour taste.

"Mengmeng, don't be like this. I've explained that to you. It's not like that. You have to believe me." Men also have some helplessness, because many times, they find that too many explanations are feeble, because they don't know how to explain it. The best explanation is to wait for the organization's order to come down, but the organization has to go through the procedure again and again, so they are in trouble.

"Believe you, how do you want me to believe you? I only believe what I see with my own eyes. Now you go down from my bed immediately and immediately. I don't want to see you now."

But because the body is strong men hold, want to push away, but there is no way to push away.

Seeing the man's slightly red face, Aimeng didn't move.

But she was quiet for a while, and then started to make trouble again. This time, she absolutely didn't want him to feel better, because she wanted to escape from his grasp, so she was twisting all the time.

His breathing was disturbed again, and he let out a few low gasps, indicating his torment. But such sweet, even if he was tortured, but also enjoy, buckle her waist arm, can't help but tight, big palm change direction, put on her belly, strong restraint.


It's hoarse.

She remained obstinately silent, looking at him with a strained face. The strength of her hand is stronger, and her nails are all buttoned into his flesh. This is her way of resisting. She wants to tell him in this way that now she is very angry. If the man continues to mess, the consequences will be very serious.

It's cruel

she came here for real, and she wanted to torture him on purpose. Knowing that she was angry now, she didn't really make trouble. She just restrained herself.

He can use strong, in bed, she will never be his opponent. But even if he can easily put her under the pressure of the body, show off the desire in the heart, but at that time the end will be very miserable.

This little woman seldom gets angry like this, but this time she should be really angry. He once thought that she would cry silently when encountering such things, but now she is not. This time, he saw that the little woman's anger was terrible.

At night this brother is her punishment to him!

She did it on purpose, he understood!

She wants to see his pain and suffering, just as she is suffering now, then he is just as she wishes.

As long as she can feel more comfortable, that's good.

Hard to let go of the hand, released the arm, he heavily wiped his face, embarrassed to leave, the body fell to one side, more than a foot away from her.

Gasping heavily, he clenched his fist and forbeared. Now I can't do anything. I have to calm down my anger, or I will be tortured to death.

Finally, relying on strong self-control, his heart is no longer so hot. Also slowly calm down, but she suddenly came over, turned over and sat on him. Just look at it.

The man's eyes are wide open in an instant, and he looks at it inconceivably.

This little woman is driving him crazy. What a terrible punishment.

He wanted to change his position to hold her down, but when he saw the tears in her eyes, he was shocked.

She's in tears. Damn it. She's in tears.

He was most afraid of her tears. He felt that as long as she cried, he felt uncomfortable.

"Wife, what's the matter." Hoarse low cry, almost begging for mercy. "Did I do something wrong just now?"

Her tears a surge, shuasha rolling down, mixed with her sad cry roar.

"Tell me, why do you do this to me? I know you are not that kind of person, but why do you do this to me? What are you hiding from me. You left me, to see the fence, to be so close to her, to take care of her in the hospital, why on earth are you. Why, you tell me, you don't tell me anything, you have the heart to let me look sad, unless you really don't love me, unless you fall in love with her, you still have that feeling of lingering love for her. "

Then he beat him several times. The hand holding his clothes couldn't help but use his strength, as if to vent his great anger.Although Mo Yanke was dragged hard, his mind had to be calm. This little woman really didn't want to be angry. Once she was angry, she would have to kill him.

"Wife, you come down first. Let's talk about what we have." She's driving him crazy!

"No, I just can't come down. That's how I'm going to sit." She cried out. "You tell me, why do you treat me like this, where do I do badly, you want to do this kind of thing, you said, you will never betray me, but now you still betray me, behind my back and your ex girlfriend there kiss me, I don't care about your past, but your past always reminds me, I seem to be It's redundant. Do you know, seeing your intimate appearance, I feel so painful here, really painful, I love you so much, I can give up everything for you, but why do you treat me like that? "

He complained endlessly. On the one hand, seeing her tears, he felt a little distressed. On the other hand, he felt that he was about to explode.

"Mengmeng, I didn't do anything sorry for you, and I didn't betray you. I still love you. Liluo and I are things of the past. I can't still like her. I do it for my uncle. Wife, you wait for me for a few days. In a few days, I'll tell you everything and give me a few more days. I'll explain everything to you, but forgive me for not being able to tell you now. "

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