He wondered if he had taken the wrong medicine, but he should not.

He felt that it must be a new round of punishment. He's going to die tonight. The goblin won't give him a good time. At last, he'll let him hang him when he's going to the last step and endure him. He's going to go crazy, she knows. And if she doesn't agree, he won't move her, which she certainly knows.

Because he never really forced her, just like just now, he clearly wanted to, but he still held back, because he saw her resistance, her unhappiness and rejection.

So even if he was suffering, he also resisted, but now, the fire had just been extinguished, and it was immediately ignited. The goblin must have deliberately, deliberately wanted to punish him in such a way. It must be like this.

He is enjoying, enjoying her soft kiss, also enjoying the touch of her tender hand in the chest, but his heart is also tight with a string, waiting for her to stop suddenly, waiting for the pain to come.

But in the end, she gave herself to him in this way. He was surprised until the end of the affair, but he didn't react seriously. What's the matter. No, the development of things is not the same as what he thought. He thought that this woman should be hanging his appetite, because she is a dream. This woman always has all kinds of ideas in her mind.

I always feel that it's not like it's true. How could it be so cheap to let him succeed.

She lay down, lying beside him, just as usual nest on the edge of the bed, far away from him. He thought of the experience that was like a dream just now. He didn't succeed in quenching his thirst. On the contrary, he felt even more flustered. Although it's a lot more comfortable, I still feel uncomfortable. Because the fire was too luxuriant to put out for a moment.

"Wife." He got close to him. What happened just now was so sudden that his mind is still blank. He doesn't know what happened just now. It's like he was really hooked. It's all up to her.

Her bare back is really provocative. His wolf claws can be felt at the sight. Her cold voice stopped him.

"Sleep, I'm sleepy. When I wake up, I'll go back quickly. Don't stay here, or I'll be jealous by your little lover. At that time, I'll take some measures to deal with me. I can't play with others. They will act coquetry, but I won't."

Despite the cold thousands of miles away, it seems to be in contrast with the hot just now.

He frowned again. And it is more and more deep wrinkle, you know, just now everything is a dream, his wife is too understanding, sure enough, just the sweet just now is just a moment, now is her most real performance, I can't help but sigh deeply, if you know that she is like this reaction, you should know that just now should not be like that. Now, it's even more uncomfortable to hang him. Sure enough, his wife is intentional. The sweetie just now is only for a while, and now is the beginning of the real punishment.

"Don't touch me. I want to be quiet for a moment. If you can't, I'll sleep in the guest room, or you can leave now, not in my house. "

Her voice, even with the aftertaste of just now, how can it listen so cold. Without a trace of emotion.

It was like the beginning of another round of torture, which proved what he thought. He felt a little unpredictable in the moment, because his wife's reaction was changing too fast. He was enthusiastic just now, but now his face changed immediately. Sure enough, women can't be provoked. The speed of women's face changing is too fast. It's totally irresistible.

He was a bit unpredictable, staring at her, trying to see through. But she could not see anything, but she really went to sleep without any scruples. He could not think of what was wrong with her. Is it still awkward, or something else? She has already understood what he said just now. She knows that he is acting between him and Li Luo. She believes it or something.

He told her so clearly, and she seemed to understand. Moreover, she has always been reasonable, so what's wrong with her would make her so strange. I don't understand. I really don't understand at all.

According to the truth, if she is still angry now, she will not treat him so quietly. However, if she is not angry, it seems that something is wrong, because it seems that she is still angry. Just what she said just now, you can tell that she is still angry. He can do whatever he likes after saying. She doesn't care. She is tired.

But if you are angry, it should not be like this.

Not sure, he stabbed her into his arms. Now that she is quiet, it doesn't matter if he touches her. He found a wrong reason for himself, possessive strong will all her cover. Anyway, they are all asleep. There should be nothing wrong with them. Look at the time. It's really evil. It's almost 3:30 in the morning. I didn't expect that I had been tossing about for so long. When I saw the deep black circles under her eyes, I was still distressed to death. Originally, she should be happy every day, can not be so wronged, but this time, he is really bad.You know, I shouldn't have taken this damn task. It's not very good to be safe. In the final analysis, it's all the woman's fault. If it's good, don't provoke him. She'll go her way, and he'll go his single wooden bridge. Everyone has nothing to do with each other, so we have to do so many things.

At last, he could not help sleeping.

The next morning, she woke up in his arms and saw that she was held by him. She didn't get angry either. She just looked at him, pushed him away and got out of bed. He gave her a good kiss and let him come to him.

But he obviously felt that the kiss was unusual. She was too cold. It seemed that Mo Yanke was not the one who was kissing her, but just a man with her husband's crown. So if she was a wife, she would bear it.

However, she did not like lovers, because of this kiss and show to cater to, but the reaction on the face is cold. It's not right. It's not right. I feel that there is a big thing hidden in her heart, but looking at her expression, it is still so normal, just like when it is normal, but he is not a fool, of course, he can feel the changes that have taken place in her.

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