Lin puts down her mobile phone with a smile, and then deletes the call record. Mo Yanke comes out of the lounge. In fact, she lies. She's not taking a bath at all. She just goes to the toilet.

"Brother Mo, let's have dinner together in the evening. You haven't had dinner with me for a long time. You've been with me once since I came back. " Lin Han some coquettishly embraces Mo Yanke's arm, sweetly says.

"Well, I'll take you to dinner that evening. You don't have to be polite to me about what you want to eat." Mo Yanke said with a smile that he has always been very fond of Lin Han.

"It's brother Mo's treat. Naturally, I won't be polite. I want to eat Western food."

"Well, then we'll have western food. When I'm done here, I'll take you. "

Continue to sit in front of the desk, looking at the documents, Lin Han is sitting on the sofa, Mo Yanke looked at the time, should be after school, thinking to call in the past to say not to go back to dinner.

It's just a phone call, but it's hung up. He's a little confused.

AI Meng squats under the tree by the side of the road, looking at the number flashing on her mobile phone. Mo Yanke's number doesn't have her name, but the number is memorized in her heart. She angrily presses off the call. Now is busy, just think of her, take her as what, angry a shut down. Go to Mo Yanke.

When Mo Yanke takes Lin Han to dinner, he turns off the phone when he calls again. What is the woman doing. After dinner, Lin Han can see that Mo Yanke has been looking at her mobile phone. When she went to the bathroom just now, she made a phone call. He should have called Aimeng.

After dinner, Lin Han rejects Mo Yanke's intention to send her home, and says with a smile that he wants to go back by himself. Mo Yanke, worried about Aimeng, leaves the car mercilessly.

Lin Han suddenly raised a smile, then took out his mobile phone and made a phone call, "Liu Lele, let's meet tomorrow."

Aimeng, what are you? Brother Mo belongs to me and has been since childhood. Don't try to rob me. You don't deserve it, and I won't let you get it.

Mo Yanke drove all the way, afraid that something happened to Aimeng. After the last incident, he was more worried.

In fact, Aimeng didn't go anywhere. She quietly went back to the villa and looked at the empty house, but she didn't want to do anything. She remembered that he had said before that he would come back to the villa on time for dinner in the future, but there was still no sign of him after 7:00 p.m. at this moment, he should have dinner with Lin Han, and he should be very happy together.

She's nothing but a replacement.

Her stomach is very bad now. As long as she doesn't eat, she will feel sick. There are many things in the refrigerator, but she doesn't want to do anything. She found out the instant noodles she bought in the supermarket last time and soaked a bucket casually. I still remember that she was stopped by Mo Yanke when she said she wanted to buy instant noodles in the supermarket last time. Say it's junk food.

She was told to eat less, but she insisted at that time, so she bought a few barrels. I can't imagine that it's still useful today. In fact, she hates the taste of instant noodles. Some time ago, because she was working, her life was in a mess. Basically, she ate instant noodles, but she seldom ate them these days.

When Mo Yanke came back, the light was on in the living room, and Aimeng sat on the ground with her legs crossed, lying on the small tea table. Next to it is half eaten instant noodles. There is still a trace of heat on it. It should be fresh. The brow couldn't help wrinkling. He doesn't like that she always eats these things.

Seeing Mo Yanke coming back, Aimeng didn't even raise her head. She was angry.

"That's what you had for dinner." As she spoke, she sat on the sofa behind her.

Feeling the blazing eyes behind her, she answered faintly.

"It's not good for your health that you're not allowed to eat these nutritious junk food in the future."

"Do you have anything to do with it? I'm going up. Take your time." Aimeng doesn't want to talk to him at the moment. She's afraid that when she talks to him, she can't help remembering what happened during the day. When she needed him, where was he? He was chatting with other women happily. What did he regard her as.

Mo Yanke's face was speechless, and suddenly he took Aimeng's hand in anger. "What's your nerve, but you didn't come back for dinner. As for this?"

The hand is pulled a little painful, Aimeng wants to struggle, but Mo Yanke pulls him in front of him, imprisons her body, "what's going on. Why are you hanging up on me today? Where's your cell phone? "

"The cell phone is dead, you let it go, there's nothing to do, you think too much."

"Even if you don't say it, I will make a clear investigation. You'd better tell me honestly what happened today." Mo Yanke is not a fool. Aimeng is not a person who can lose his temper. But today, he seems to be a little excited. Some things can be seen at a glance.

"I'm going up to take a bath." Aimeng wants to break free, but he has no choice. Man's strength is too big. She was so imprisoned that she couldn't move at all.

"If you don't make it clear today, don't go up."Aimeng was really angry. "Mo Yanke, don't always talk to me with such an expression. Do you know that I was almost sullied today, but when I called you, where were you? You should still be in whose gentle village. Do you know how scared I was at that time, but I had nothing to do with it."

Mo Yanke suddenly put down Aimeng. At the moment, even if he wanted to get angry with Aimeng, he couldn't do it. "When did you call me?"

"At 4:00 p.m., I called you, and the one who answered the phone was a woman. Do you think I'm ridiculous? Did I disturb your good deeds? Don't worry, I won't call again in the future." AI Meng said to himself, and then all the way back in fear.

"I really don't know. You called me today. If you knew, I would not."

"It doesn't matter. I'm all right now. I'm tired. I'll take a bath first." With that, Aimeng turned and left. At the moment, her mind is so chaotic that she doesn't know what to do.

Mo Yanke swore to himself, "Damn it." She took out her mobile phone and looked at the call records on it. There was no call record of Aimeng today. She said that when it was more than 4 o'clock, did he go to the toilet at that time and then go to the bathroom.

Don't think about the next thing, he seems to understand a little bit.

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