So, this woman is still useful now, and can't get rid of it immediately. He thought that this matter could be solved today, but what he didn't expect was that it wasn't solved.

The woman became smart and knew that she would use such a way to entertain him. However, she also gave him hope, saying that as long as he went back to be the president of Mo's, the matter would be solved.

But he's not that simple.

Send a person, send the fence to look at the house, three places, three extreme East, West and North places. After such a visit, she is constantly watched by people. What else can she do? Besides, the person sent out is still his own confidant. Wang Lin has been with him for many years, and many things are clear, so he knows a little about his plan It's natural for a woman to keep an eye on her.

Mo Yanke got into the car, and as soon as he explained the broken incident of the fence, he asked about Aimeng. He heard that Aimeng went out in the driver's car, and his heart relaxed. But after listening to Aimeng, he jumped out of the car by waiting for the red light. Before he left, he threatened the driver not to follow him. Otherwise, he would be stuck in the road and hit by a car, and his heart would swish up again, and his face would turn black, let alone black. This fool, what do you want to do? Is it because this time I was so angry that I did something like that.

He's really upset in his heart now. He's almost helpless.

That woman has the courage to threaten her own life casually and get hit by a car on the road. In this case, she can speak out. Do you know how important a person's life is? You can't just talk about death.

See how he's going to teach her.

He thought angrily that the final result was that Aimeng ran away and the driver lost him. He felt guilty and now he is looking for people everywhere.

"Let him come back."

It's not the same thing for driver Xiao Zhang to look for such a big city. After all, it's hard to find such a white recruitment. After all, if a city is not big, it is also big. If it is big, when will it become small. Sometimes, the person you don't want to see can always appear on time. The person you want to find is not so easy to find.

The driver got a sound and called Xiao Zhang.

However, he had to borrow the power of the necklace and let the driver drive to Chonghe hospital all the way, quietly sending people to find Aimeng. After they find her, they don't disturb her and stare at her secretly until he goes there in person. Because now if he said he would drive out and look for it himself, he decided that someone was watching him closely, so his action could not have any mistakes.

Just now, he knew that Li Luo had contacted them and they would definitely check his computer. Of course, his computer is clean and has nothing. This was prepared in advance.

But this is only the first step of their inspection. After that, they will definitely send someone to follow him, so he can't take it lightly.

After entering the company, he took the special elevator, took a turn on the top floor, quickly went downstairs, avoided people, got into another car, quickly left the company, and ran directly to Aimeng. Since someone follows, it doesn't mean that he is a fool. Such a thing can't easily escape her eyes.

Where's AIMUN. Where the hell are you going.

It's really uncertain, because we can't find anyone who has been sent out now. There is no news at all.

Aimeng's heart is very irritable, so, after dumping the driver, wearing a pair of sunglasses, she quickly cashed out a lot of one yuan change nearby, found a nearby bus stop, caught a public car, invested one yuan, and left.

There is no destination, just want a person quiet, in the face of such a sudden thing, she felt that her heart can not bear this kind of thing, feel that she is still too weak.

When she is sad, she likes this way of venting. In such a narrow space, it seems to avoid the crowd, but also in the crowd; it seems to be very close to people, but not the slightest connection to alienate.

Looking at the city street back and forth, people come up and down, sit next to you, but it seems to be close, like a silent comfort, when you need, you can absorb some warmth, when you don't need, you can completely ignore the person next to you.

As if just a stranger, nothing.

Outside the window, the trees on both sides, driving away quickly, so fast that you can't really see anything. She didn't know where her destination was, because there was no destination at all. All the cars she got on were for a city, the most remote place, with cool fare. She took the bus from the starting station to the terminal station, got off at the terminal station, and then changed to another car, went up again and again. In fact, she didn't know where it was.

In a strange place, even if you cry, no one will know you and no one will pay attention to you.

In this way, as the car goes, pick which car has a seat, get on, feel that there is no one in the car, get off, aimlessly. Leaning against the window, blowing the roar of the winter wind, you can feel a little bit of petty bourgeois sentiment, which can also make people feel better. It's also a good release. If you feel empty in your heart, you will feel better.Winter weather is the fastest black, even if it is still more than three in the afternoon, but the clouds in the sky down, feel a little black.

I feel like it's going to rain.

Sitting by the window, looking at the passers-by's look in a hurry, the wind is fast, but can't hide the loss in my heart. I'm hurt by the man I love most. I guess no one else can experience it.

But in this world, she is the only one who is the most stupid. She knows that the man has been like this for a long time, but she still holds hope. However, the greater the hope is, the greater the disappointment is. What she sees is really ridiculous.

She should understand. Some things are really not what she wants, but what she can do. Who is she? She is just an insignificant person. She won the fence. She felt that she had lost completely. In the end, she was nothing. It was really funny. Looking at her sneering eyes, she felt that her heart was not just sad.

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