One is the president of MOE's, who is about to make a strong comeback, and the other is her wife. Even in such a complicated situation, people who understand it can see that there are some things that are hard to say. If you talk too much, people may have some ideas in their mind.

Because don't look at Xiaosan so arrogant, but in the end, it still depends on Aimeng's face, but after all, he is just a spectator, and some things are not much to say. It's too much to say, and it's also someone else's business.

Men probably know that she doesn't have the heart to dance, so they gradually don't come to her. After all, there are Jing Hao and Luo Ke around her, even if there is no mo Yanke. Most of them don't know the identity of Jing Hao.

But since we can't dance, there are more women. For them and Luo Ke the same question, AI Meng is still the same explanation. We are all smart people. We don't ask much about it. We talk about other things. At last, we talk very speculatively. Aimeng made a few more friends that she thought were worth associating with.

But there are some things on the surface. After all, on such occasions, there are no friends.

The style of the dance floor has changed, and the people who go in are basically young people.

Aimeng looked at it for a while, and gave a low smile. Eyes quietly see Mo Yan Ke is leading the fence to talk with others, she also looked at Jinghao. His eyes just fell on her. She winked at him and peered at the dance floor. Jing Hao immediately put on a smile, with a very handsome, also enough to make a woman blush heartbeat posture, walked towards her.

As if you don't need too much language, just a little eye contact.

She walked towards him. The passionate samba, the intense sense of rhythm, and the great swing of the body fully explain what is called wildness. Although she was wearing high heels, she had a different steady gait. After all, I have received professional training. Every time I twist my hips and turn around, my Wavy long hair looks like being thrown away by the fierce waves. It's amazing.

Not everyone can be so unrestrained.

Her face was full of confidence and enthusiasm. The long and narrow eyes are soft and charming. As if at the moment the body is just dancing to the beat of the music, without considering anything else.

At this moment, she is happy, what Mo Yanke, what fence, all go to hell.

What? She will be lost because Mo Yanke and other women are close. What are these. I can't even find a shadow on her. Because she is full of joy, what we can see is that she is completely immersed in the dance and conveys her happiness to everyone.

Passionate and unrestrained, she is simply fascinated by everyone's eyes. Unconsciously, those young people who were still dancing stopped and moved outside, leaving the venue entirely for the demon like woman and her dancing partner.

Because the dance is too beautiful, so we can't help but stop, just like this.

This is her home. All the people are supporting roles.

Because I am too fascinated by her, so we all ignore it. We should go to see the expression of this woman's legal husband. Only those who stand close to Mo Yanke can notice that this man is really angry, because his aura is so cold that they can feel chills.

The expression on his face was cold and overcast.

But it's right to think that his wife is so beautiful dancing on the dance floor, but even if the partner is not himself, now he can release himself in such a public.

It's not easy for a man to be a wife.

Li Luo looked at Rong Ling's gloomy eyes and could only swallow saliva secretly. I thought, when she became Mrs. Mo, don't be so stupid to go so close to other men in public. From what Mo Yanke said to her, she knew that this man couldn't stand being beaten in the face and not given face by others. What's more, his wife openly showed signs of red apricot coming out of the wall. But I can't imagine that Aimeng is such a sultry woman. All the time, looking at Wenwen quietly, I can't imagine that no one can control her when she is wild. Although her dress is small and fresh, it matches her dancing posture.

It's even more eye-catching.

It's stupid to dance openly with other men in front of your husband. It's a joke to make such a move.

However, she naturally hopes that Aimeng can be a little more stupid, which annoys Mo Yanke, and Mo Yanke can kick her as soon as possible. In this way, this man is her.

At first glance, that Jinghao is not a good thing. It's estimated that two people have been having an affair for a long time. If it's really like that, it would be great.

In the warm applause, AI Meng ended this extremely unrestrained dance and slightly gasped for breath and nodded to everyone. Because of strenuous exercise, her little face is red at the moment, which is a kind of charming health beauty. That kind of little blush looks very lovely. The light sweat on the forehead and nose tip flickers like crystal under the lamp, which makes people want to lick it.Just now, everyone was surprised, because what they know about Aimeng is the image of a little girl, and then it may be more childish, but they didn't expect that there would be such a side.

This attracted more eyes and held more people's hearts.

But she did not have the slightest nostalgia, Xiaoxiao said to everyone.

"It seems that we can only get here today. We can't hold on to it. I'm too tired. Maybe I haven't been like this for a long time. But I'm very happy. I hope you can have a good time like me. "

Gracefully nodded to everyone, waved and left the dinner party with a proud high attitude.

Jinghao naturally followed her step and stretched out an arm so that her hand could hold it. She made a show that her body couldn't hold any longer. After all, just now, even people with amazing physical strength can't bear it.

But, from behind, she looks like a noble Queen. And then with a natural and unrestrained posture, leave. As if just now everything, that is floating clouds, in her serious nothing, just a noble performer, now after the curtain, natural and unrestrained leave.

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