He didn't show much interest in her proposal. Li Luo was a little worried, so he was afraid of the man. Just thinking about it, his enthusiasm receded. After all, he was a thoughtful person. When he was doing something, the more he thought about it, the more scrupulous he was, and the more afraid he was, he would quit.

Therefore, it is necessary to strike while the iron is hot.

"Or so." She quickly grabbed his big palm and said in a hurry. "I applied for the top to make some performance first. You can believe us when you see it. Do you think it's ok? I know your worries, but I really can't tell you a lot now. I've told you enough at night. It's inconvenient for me to talk about a lot of things. I hope you can understand, but ah Ke, I will never cheat you, because I love you. How can I do something that I'm sorry for you? "

"I know that too. If you say that, it's better." Mo Yanke immediately responded, and the expression on his face immediately relaxed.

The hedgerow immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that she is still right in this move. Mo Yanke is not without heart, but there are some worries in the man's heart. As long as he instills these things slowly and imperceptibly, let him know the strength and benefits of this organization, then everything will be fine.

With a smile, she went to Mo Yanke to kiss him in the face, and her hands followed him.

"Ah, Ke, let's stay tonight. It's so late."

She said in a sweet voice, biting his ear. Gently soft, hands, vaguely stroking his neck, sliding over the Adam's apple, a little bit down.

He suddenly shook his head.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood. What you told me at night is so exciting. I need to have a time to calm down and think about things like this. "

Deep lock brow, it seems that the agent is still troubled.

On the one hand, he knows that this man is thinking about the matter just now, at least it's a good thing. At least in this man's heart, he should put it in. If he can think about it, it means that it's hopeful. If he refuses without thinking about it, it's a bad thing.

But on the other hand, she is also a normal woman. She has a normal need. Maybe she is used to the erosive life in the United States before. Now she can't stand it. According to the truth, Mo Yanke, a man with strong blood, should not refuse her temptation, so he won't follow her . "Ah, Ke, Ke."

Instead, she rubbed against him, boldly touching his crotch. So far, she hasn't made out with him once. Previously, when she had this hint, he refused her because she was weak. She was not strong. After all, at that time, I was weak, and I was not good enough to be strong all at once. But she's definitely in good health now.

"Ah, Ko." She cried out in defiance.

He pushed her away a little.

"I'm really not in the mood. Next time, what you told me today is really too much. I need to go back and think about it. You should have a good rest today. By that time, you will be in good health. When this thing is over, OK

Therefore, no matter how the fence is rubbed and teased, Mo Yanke just has no movement. This man is definitely an iron man.

However, it seems that he is really not in the mood. Maybe it's just what happened. It's too strong for him. After all, it's a big secret. Not everyone can digest it all at once.

However, Li Luo was also very frustrated. He felt that he might as well make friends with him before he said it. At that time, as long as his stomach was a little bit more energetic, he would have a baby for him. It's hard to be Mo's wife, because AI Meng hasn't given birth to a baby for Mo Yanke.

At that time, a little more wine, slightly to reconcile the atmosphere, it is the best atmosphere, if she was honest at that time, maybe, Mo Yanke was confused and agreed.

It's stupid. He said it when he was in the best sense. Now we can see from his reaction that there are waves in the man's heart. Whether she agrees or not, she still has no music in her heart. After all, this man is not someone else. It's Mo Yanke. It's a man whose mind can sink into something, so she's very happy I really can't guess what he is thinking at the moment.

She was annoyed.

Why didn't she think of that just now.

"I'll go back first."

He pushed her away and stood up.

The fence quickly rubbed against him again, and it seemed to be as soft as a bone on him. "Don't you stay with me a little longer, or you can stay in the evening. There are so many rooms here anyway." In the heart is a small abacus, if the time to stay, difficult will not have the opportunity, when the time comes, the man can resist the temptation."No, I'm going back. I've caused a lot of people's thoughts when I came out with you this evening. I'm going back to see Aimeng now. This woman must be angry at night. When you're not fully prepared, I can't easily break the relationship with her."

"You, you don't want to go back, OK? The woman of Aimeng certainly doesn't know where she is now. Isn't she going back with Jinghao? What else do you worry about? Maybe now that woman has betrayed you, you don't want to go back, OK?"

"No, well, I'll go back first. You have a good rest. You are tired today."

Mo Yanke still pressed her directly on the sofa without any emotion.

"You're tired today, too. Have a rest early. You've lost so much blood before. You're weak. You know you can't stand such a toss. You should know about your own body. "

I like to hear that. Moreover, she really does not have the ability to stir up Mo Yanke's desire, and can only reluctantly watch Mo Yanke go. But there's no way.

Because in this case, she can not make any retention, otherwise, it seems that she is worried.

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