He pressed his hands on the back of the sofa, let her feel very uncomfortable. She specially waited for him, but it was too much for him to be rude when he came. Twist waist, she does not depend on, turn round, plan to say him.

The man suddenly hit her on the butt. It's too loud. It's very loud.

"Pain It hurts... "

He didn't even say hello, you bastard!

She wanted to scold, but she heard him murmur.

"I miss you so much that night. You little woman dare to go out and seduce other men. Let me teach you a lesson later. "

A little bit rough big palm, want to start, she a shiver, this body almost soft down, the whole body is even more disheartened because of his rude words, instant flush.

This man, he's not in shape again.

"Next Come down. You come down here. Mo Yanke, you bastard, you come down to me. What good things have you done yourself? Don't think I don't know. If you are allowed to hold other women in your hands, you can't allow me to take other men with you. Mo Yanke, don't go too far. It's you who do too much, not me. I've been tolerant enough to you. " She roared unsteadily.

However, he ignored it and acted recklessly. His strength was as fierce as a beast.

Her little hands were clenched into fists, and her face was even more red.

This smelly man, is he suffering from brain disease? What are you doing.

The man suddenly bent down, some heavily bit on her young white back. Look, it's not a kiss. It's a bite. And the action is so savage, this man is definitely intentional.

"You're proud tonight. With Jinghao so natural appearance He snorted quietly. "It's a shame to dress like that. Do you know that you are my woman? You can't dress like that in the future. Shaking in front of other men, don't you forget. "

Hatefully, he said. "If you dare to dance that kind of dance with other men, you'll have to wait. I can't spare you tonight. And that kid, I will never forgive her. I really don't teach her any lessons. I really think I'm great. It seems that the last lesson is not enough, is it

"You --" she gasped and retorted. "Mo Yanke, you bastard, why do you want to restrict me like that? Who are you? I tell you, I don't regret what I did today. Who told you to do something like that first, so don't blame me. Besides, Jinghao and I are innocent. I'm not like some people. I do it face-to-face or behind the back. What I do is really amazing It's disgusting. Mo Yanke, I look down on you. If you are a man, you should make it clear to me today. Don't hide anything for me. "

seeing that the man was suddenly indifferent, his hand was slightly stunned, and then he continued to say," why, don't you dare? I know you don't dare. Don't think I don't know. If I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I don't know. "

Her curse didn't seem to stop him. If men are crazy, it's really endless.

"Mo Yanke, you bastard, you son of a bitch, stop for me." ;

finally, in the dead of night, Aimeng is lying on the sofa, some of whom are exhausted. Mo Yanke hugs the little woman and strokes her soft hair.

It's just so quiet.

"Mo Yanke, you bastard, you will only make me hate you more. I won't forgive you. I'm not a fool or a wood. I can't do it. I can't turn a blind eye to what you do. I don't know why you suddenly want to go back to Mo's home again. What's the matter with you, but you don't tell me at all. I don't know, you are in my heart What do you think? I know that there is something between you and the fence, but I didn't ask, because I know, I asked, and you won't say it. I want you to tell me by yourself, but what do you say again and again, and you are in trouble. I want to know, what are you in trouble, why don't you tell me, what are you in trouble You can't let me know. I'm your wife. Don't you forget that, or do you plan to get back together with that woman? "

"Mengmeng, it's not like this. This matter will soon be browed. I'm already in contact. You'll know everything right away. I know that things at night are not good for me. I shouldn't have let the fence appear in that situation, but I really have to. Many times, I have to do that. I can only tell you that I did it for my uncle, not for others. "

"Mo Yanke, I'm tired. You look like this. I'm tired. I'm a woman. I don't want to see my big man outside like that. I'm like this with my wife, and I'm like that with the women outside. Mo Yanke, you just make me feel dirty. You know, I hate you like this."

Mo Yanke suddenly put his arms around the woman in his arms with some fear. Seeing her tears, his heart really hurt. But this matter is really going to pass. As long as he finds some, he will finish the task at that time. The higher authorities will arrange other people to do the follow-up things, so he can tell her everything at that time.When I see the woman in my arms, I know that she is really wronged. She is a person with delicate mind. He also knows that nothing can be concealed from her, but what can be done? Some things can't be done like that.

Rules are rules. No matter how arrogant and uninhibited he is, there is no way to break them.

Until at last, Mengmeng, crying, went to sleep. He sighed, quietly picked up his delicate body, and then went upstairs. This night is destined to be another sleepless night.

He also felt that he was tired of it. If he went on like this, he was going to be schizophrenic. He had something hidden in his heart. It was really hard. He wanted to say it, but he couldn't say it. It was really bad. It's unreasonable to blame the dead old man. He said that he would guarantee what happened, but he didn't approve what he said every time.

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