Murmured, "who disturb my mother to sleep."

The man couldn't help but smile. This little woman, who was so lovely in her sleep, was invaded by others. She was still saying such words. It was so lovely indeed. It's my mother.

Aimeng was in a daze and suddenly remembered something.

She remembered that she had been abroad and was staying in a hotel. Before going to bed, the door of the hotel was well locked. So, who is holding her now? Is it a dream? But it's not right. Can dreams be so real? The arm still hurts.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked hard.

Under the dim light, a vague outline fell into her eyes, but let her instant peace of mind, with a touch of joy.

It's him.

His speed is fast. How long has it been? This man must have asked people to investigate immediately, and then bought a nearby flight. Otherwise, how could he have come so fast.

Before she had time to organize her mind to deal with him, she was once again dragged down from the bed by him.

"Hiss Pain Mo Yanke, what are you mad about? I'm in pain. You only know how to deal with me like this. It's not good for me at all. "

She murmured. "You hurt me!"

This kind of movement is not very big, but it's definitely not small, so Aimeng will hurt, that's for sure.

Aimeng didn't even wear shoes, so barefoot, was pulled out by him.

"What are you doing? You don't pull me, it hurts -- "she pushed him and tugged at his arm, trying to make him let her go. But the irritating thing is that this man's strength is always great. In addition, she has no strength at all after being dug up from her sleep. She can't move him at all.

"Don't do that. What are you doing. What do you want to do at night. Do you want people to sleep or not

Her voice rose slightly to express her dissatisfaction.

All the way by the man to the living room, and then by the man to ruthlessly still in bed, this kind of merciless treatment, let Aimeng low cry. But she didn't dare to lie on the sofa. The terrible look of the man just now was still reflected in her mind.

I'm afraid it's hard to protect her ass. She was a little unhappy, but to go out for a tour, just want to be able to play here for a few days and then go back. This man is coming so fast. I'm not happy.

She was in a hurry to get up with her hands and feet on the ground,

"you -" she wanted to say something. But feel the words to the mouth, by the man this terrible expression to make afraid.

His big palm, but suddenly touched her smooth calf.

The palm, a little ice.

She gave a pep talk.

Then, the palm suddenly became strong, and suddenly grabbed her calf.

Her heart, timidly, began to thump wildly. The most reluctant to recall those words, but once again floated in her mind.

"If you run away again, I'll break your leg." This seems to have been said by him before. At that time, she was also aggrieved because of her quarrel with him, and then she packed up her things and left. But at that time, he didn't seem as terrible as at night.

This man's face is so ugly.

Sure enough, the next moment.

"I warned you at the beginning that if you dare to run away from home again, you can do it yourself. Do you remember that. If you forget, I can kindly remind you

The man said that. Sen Leng's tone was so familiar that it almost coincided with the words in her mind. It's really what's going on in your head.

But, no, this tone is colder and more frightening than many years ago.

"I said that."

He squinted, cold as a sword, and seemed to be able to cut off her leg at any time. And his hand, it's still exerting a little bit of gravity.

She felt the pain!

"Did you swear that, too?"

His tone is quite dangerous. The strength of her hand had made her little face wrinkle slightly.

It's too painful. It's really too painful. Aimeng is sure that her legs must be bruised tomorrow, and the man's hand is too cruel. She is a human, thoughtful, living person, not dead, so forceful.

He really wanted to break her leg!

But it's just - like.

If he really wants to do that, he won't talk so much nonsense and will do it directly. Besides, she knows he won't. Look at him. He broke the door of the hotel in the middle of the night. You can see how bad the man's behavior is. Now he should be very angry.

"What do you want. I'm in pain, Mo Yanke. " She showed weakness and fear on purpose. The expression on the face is scared. I look aggrieved and blink. Originally is the grievance, originally is to come out to relax, it is necessary that way, he is not very busy, have his own big things to deal with it. What else do you want to do with her now.In fact, according to her current strength comparison with Mo Yanke, it's really easy for her to make such a performance.

Mo Yanke didn't speak. He held out his other hand and grasped her little foot. It seems that she really intends to move her hands to break her leg.

She immediately shed a few tears and cried.

"Mo Yanke, you've gone too far. You're so cheap. I didn't sneak away. I left a message for you. Besides, what am I for? It's not because of you. I'll give you a place, let him show his fists, and do what he wants. Isn't it good? In the future, no one will talk in your ear. You can do what you like to do to the fence. How good. I'm gone. Shouldn't you be happy? What are you doing to me now? I'm in pain. Let me go. "

"Happy, you say I'm happy." He raised his eyebrows and laughed in anger. "Do you think I'll be happy? Your brain is made of tofu. If you don't have any thoughts, what people say is what they say. You don't think for yourself

That eye gradually thick haze color, in that covetous. Aimeng is crazy, will answer this. If she did, she would be dead!

"What do you want me to do. How can you know that I haven't thought about it? I've thought about it, but I think it's the best way. Without my interruptions, you can be more attentive. Why do you want to blame me? What do you mean by that? " She sniffed discontentedly.

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