But even if it was like this, he was calm and slapped again. That voice, it's so loud.

All of a sudden, she was excited and wanted to get up. This man is really crazy. He even fights.

Why does she want to be so good? Why doesn't she resist at all and let her be beaten like this? Does she deserve to be beaten by this man? Why? She doesn't want to let him fight like this? Why? It's his fault and he didn't do it well. He's fine. She's not like this.

If he was clean and didn't set up any fences outside, would she be like this? She must have been his Mrs. Mo at home, but this man was too much. What kind of things did he do, he even came to her. She didn't do anything wrong.

But her upper body is suppressed by men, which is doomed to make her struggle and escape appear embarrassed. It's also futile. The strength of men and women can be fully reflected at this moment. There is a great disparity between them. She struggled again and again, just let herself, more and more pain.

"I don't know how to repent!"

The man is angry to hum, easily gave her to press down, "pa" ground that abhorrent big palm, Jilted on her buttock. She was in pain and almost screamed. If she went on like this, could she go out well tomorrow? Originally, she wanted to come to Paris. She wanted to see Robert and his colleagues in Paris. Now, how are you? This man is crazy at night. He is absolutely crazy. He is so heavy.

Too much, too much. Is his heart made of iron? He doesn't want to stop at all.

Her struggling hands were tied by the man's belt and tied with a knot. She struggled fiercely for a while, but she couldn't get rid of it. It was hard for her hands to be tied.

Butt just so simple contact with the air, there is a painful burning feeling, it can be seen that how hard his hand is, how poisonous his heart is, and what's the most poisonous woman's heart? She thinks that's bullshit, that's the most poisonous man's heart. Do you have such beating people? At least they are still legal couples, at least they haven't divorced, at least the woman hasn't been married The more you think about it, the more angry you are.

It's too much, too much. If I had known this, I would have left a note. I would have left directly, and I would have left a note with a good heart. It's not good for me.

She just directed a game, and she didn't really want to leave. She also gave him enough time to catch up with him. Even if he didn't solve the necklace, she was waiting for him to come. However, she waited for him, not to wait for this, not to wait for him to hit people. If she knew it was like this, she would rather really discard everything, leave no clues, and then disappear completely.

If her courage, painstaking, and flying thousands of miles away, so tossing, the final exchange is a spanking, then what does she toss these for. He enjoyed it when she was flying for more than ten hours.

This man doesn't think about it.

She is to give him a step down, so that he can better deal with their own affairs, but he, not only ungrateful, came in the middle of the night, pry the lock, but also a burst of beating on her as soon as he came in.

What does he want to do? Does he want to really let them go.

The more she thought about it, the more angry and aggrieved she was.

Hard, she said a resentful. "If you still have a little compassion, just give me a good time. Either you will kill me today or you will kill me. Don't be so humble. If you are a man, give me a good time."

He suddenly startled, Li Mou quickly toward her hands to see. Seeing that she was pulling violently again, he quickly reached out and pinched her arm. She struggled and he held on. She suddenly clenched her hands into fists, which seemed very unbearable. But soon, she loosened her fists, and her hands drooped down, as if she had given up the fight.

Her face, too, hung down deeply. Her curly hair, like ink, covered most of her face, revealing only a small part of her face and tears, which made her look so depressed and sad.

He frowned slightly. When he saw that her hands and wrists were red, and it seemed that he had rubbed a little skin, he felt as if his heart had been stabbed by a needle, and his body was slightly shocked. Then, his face became more gloomy. There was guilt and heartache in his eyes.

In the end, it was his negligence. Just now, he was in a hurry and didn't think so much. Just more excited, took the belt tied her hands, but forgot to untie.

Quickly untied, he gently grasped her little hand. That white tender arm, wrist place falls a circle of red mark, appear to be so out of place, slightly stabbed his eyes. Some of them were broken and some blood came out.

He wanted to apologize, but he couldn't say it. He could only say it dryly.

"I really can't forgive you for sneaking away like this. Even if you want to leave, you have to tell me, at least tell me, where are you going, otherwise I will be worried. You said that you just left a note saying that you are going to relax, and even didn't explain where you are going. I must be worried."It's her biggest mistake.

No matter how much she quarrels with him, it doesn't matter, but she shouldn't sneak away, she shouldn't just leave him behind, and even said something about the divorce agreement, which is the most intolerable thing for him.

So, I can't say I'm sorry, and I really can't say it. Just now, I was a little excited, and I started a little heavier, but I was too worried and angry.

He can't forgive!

"I should punish you well..."

But, a little bit ruthless, he himself can't pass the barrier in his heart. After all, it's hard hearted.

He didn't want to give up at all.

"You've beaten so many times, don't you think it's enough? Are you willing to kill me? Mo Yanke, you're too cruel." She began to cry and roar angrily.

"Not enough, not at all." His tone, and with a little bit of vicious atmosphere.

She was so angry that she thumped the bed under her body with her hand!

"Too much. Mo Yanke, what do you want to do? You can finish it all at once. I'll listen to it. Don't beat around the bush. "

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