"You can't do that. This is a matter of discipline. If we are an organization, we should pay attention to discipline no matter what we do. You can't influence others because of your own personal affairs. " That end seems to be angry. "Things have come to this point. You can't quit if you want to. Mo Yanke, you should obey the discipline. You have to finish it for me. This is me. No, this is the above order. Your current status is not only your own, but also the safety of a country behind you. You can't say you don't do it, just don't do it. "

"If I don't do it, you're forcing me to lose my wife. My wife is going to divorce me now. What do you want to do about it?" Mo Yanke roared again. "You don't understand my wife's temperament. She's gone. I can't find her if I want to. She'll hide. I can't find the place. "

"We'll help you find it!"

Mo Yanke immediately sneered. "I don't believe what you said now. I said at the beginning that as long as I finish it well, you will apply to the upper authorities to let my wife know about it, but now. It's been a long time, but you still haven't done it well for me. "

"Mo Yanke." The old man seems to be angry, for Mo Yanke's doubt.

"Mo Yanke, don't be so affectionate. What you have to do now is more important than that. Your wife, give it to us. Now she's gone abroad. That's just right. I'll let people control her directly. As for you, return home to do your job. At that time, when your task is over, I'll send someone to explain everything to her to ensure that your wife won't complain about you. You should believe what I said to you, and I won't do anything bad to you. "

"No, I don't accept it. I don't accept things like this. I tell you, I won't compromise on this. "

"You don't accept, you have to accept, you have to accept." The old man's voice was completely harsh. "I don't want to say that you should be punished. Mo Yanke, you know in your heart that you have no way back from the moment when you reveal your identity as an agent. If you leave now, with your skill, you may be able to save your own life, but your wife and I are in danger at any time. What's more, you can't afford other attacks that s country may take, such as those in business. Besides, for your wife's sake, you don't care about your third uncle. Now you have made so many sacrifices, not only because the task assigned to you by this organization has to be completed, but also for your imprisoned uncle. Think about it for yourself. It has both advantages and disadvantages. We all know that many things can't be so casual. Most of the time, we can't help ourselves. We have no way, because we are born with orders and special missions. "

There was a sudden silence.

The other side thought that Mo Yanke was shocked, so he said again. "Oh, Ke, don't think about it. Work hard. Your wife will be fine and your uncle will be fine. We have not passed the application. We just want you to leave. You are our best member and the one we want to keep. All we do is to protect you. Your wife's affairs are decided like this: we will send someone to control your wife and arrange her properly until you solve the domestic affairs. In fact, if your wife is not around you, it's more convenient for you to get something out of the fence. Last time you said that there is a politically important person in our country who is organized by them. We need to know who that person is and what's going on. "

"No -" Mo Yanke pursed his lips and spat out the word.

"I said it, so it was decided. That's how it's decided. It's the decision of the superior. " The old man barked again. A strong sense of dignity, full of deterrent.

Listen, Aimeng is also the one for a while.

Suddenly, Moke grabbed Moke's shin in a big palm.

"Ah --" Ai Meng couldn't help but excite himself, and then gave a fierce cry.

Just listening to the concentrated Aimeng, she was not on guard at all. The calf had been beaten by him, but now she was suddenly pinched by him. She was so painful that she called out directly. It's just that there's no reaction.

"When did you wake up?" Mo Yanke roared and put out the phone.

The old man on the other end of the phone panicked. In my eyes, anxiety finally appeared. Who was that just now. How much did the man hear. Will Mo Yanke be in danger.

So more than ten seconds time, the old man's brain, quickly flashed a lot of ideas. Then he calmed down quickly.

It's not clear who's on the other end of the line. What's going on? How can it suddenly appear here.

Then why is mo Yanke so careless? How can he make this call at this time? Who is the female voice? It sounds like a woman's voice.

But the only thing he can do is wait.

After Mo Yanke has solved his problems, he will report the specific situation to him, and then he will give corresponding instructions.He has to believe that Mo Yanke, who is his best man, won't do things that are careless. He has always been very cautious in doing things. It is impossible for him to do things like that according to reason.

But now my heart is in a mess. After all, they have just said so much. All the information that can be disclosed has been disclosed on the phone, so if someone really wants to hear it, it will be a big deal.

Now I'm really worried. I want to call back, but I can't.

But at this time, he did not expect that his most trusted subordinates directly acted in front of him, and the play was originally aimed at him, that is, for him.

And at that time, Aimeng didn't fall asleep at all, which was a very sober state. In the end, the girl with both hands faded away, which was also his intention.

Of course, he doesn't know now. If he did, it would have been Mo Yanke's intentional behavior. The old man would be furious.

This is really because Mo Yanke can't bear it. He has compromised on this issue many times, but his compromise has no effect.

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