"You know I can't leave you. Don't say that." Tears, gushed out of her eyes, she did not care to wipe, hastily explained. "I just want to force you to tell me the truth this time. I really don't want to leave you. Didn't I tell you that as long as I give up on me first, then I will leave. If you don't give up on me, I won't leave. Why don't you understand. I know. You'll come after me right away. You can't have me. You see, I specially took the one o'clock flight in the afternoon, just waiting for you to catch up with me. I know that there will be flights to Paris at two o'clock in the afternoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. There will be several flights in the evening. Once you find the note I left you, you can catch it at any time. I arrived here in the evening. I stayed in the hotel. I didn't go anywhere. I was waiting for you. I didn't go to Robert, either

Aimeng's tears suddenly came down, and then said fiercely and intermittently, "for a whole night, no matter what flight you take, you will find me in the hotel at last. Besides, I know you've put something on me. You can probably find my place no matter where I go. I didn't take the necklace off my neck. When I was captured by Liu Yan, you could find me so quickly because you must have something on my neck. Everything on my body can't hold anything, but this necklace on my neck. I guess it might be in my necklace, but I didn't take it off, Because, I think you can find me as soon as possible. You don't know how happy I am to see you find me so soon. Wuwu, but you hit me as soon as you come. And it's cruel of you to do that to me. "

She burst into tears. "I don't want to leave you, you don't have an accident, I want you well."

He sighed. "I thought you really wanted to run away and never come back, just like you did five years ago. At that time I lost you, lost five years, so long time, I was afraid

"No way." She made a quick plea. "I just want to force you, so I won't leave you. You don't want to think like that. I don't want to leave you. I'll depend on you all my life. I can't leave you. "

"Do you want to leave or leave a note like that? Do you know how much I felt when I saw that note. At that time, I was very angry. I really don't know how you, a woman, could sneak away for me again. "

"I'll never leave again." She cried, tears down her white face. A pair of eyes, so pure. So innocent.

But he pretended to doubt it.

"Really, really don't want to leave me sincerely, do you?"

"Really If she has strength, she really wants to bow her head. But after all, I was too tired to be tortured by this man.

Leaving once caused such a big trouble that she would never leave again. Blink, two lines of tears rolled down, she cried low.

"Mo Yanke, it's all my fault. If I don't leave, it won't happen. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have done it."

She reproached herself. He can tell her why she can't bear it all at that moment. Now, she messed everything up.

"Why don't I hide first. You tell them that I haven't heard anything, and then I hide from them. If they can't find me, they can't help you, and you'll be safe. When it's over, it's OK. I didn't mean to. I really don't know that the original thing is so serious, and I don't know why it is like this. If it was like this at the beginning, I would never force you to ask. I will treat it as something I don't know, and I will wait for you to explain. But all blame me, too anxious, I should not be like this. It's all my fault. "

"No. It can't be like this. " Mo Yanke immediately vetoed it. This is not the result he wants. He wasted a lot of energy to get the little girl back. It's not because of such things that he wanted to hide her.

Ah, dream bite lip, say again. "Well Then you let them arrest me. If I am arrested by them and do not contact with the outside world, they can be at ease. Didn't you say that you submitted the application and asked them to lock me up until the application passed. In this way, it should not affect you. You should do what you want to do well, just as I don't know anything, so you don't have to worry, and I don't have to worry. "

Mo Yan can directly sigh in the heart, this little woman is so uncomfortable. At this time, I was still thinking about his safety.

Why is this stupid woman so considerate of him? Why is she always blaming herself. He is her husband, her man, how can she protect him.

"Leave it to me. Let me think about it. You just promised me that you would follow me and never leave. Remember. We can't act rashly in such a matter now. Now we don't know what it's like. So we can't be anxious, and we can't make a decision easily. Now that this thing has happened, we can't avoid it. What we can do now is to do something practical and then calm down. "He hugged her tightly.

She frowned anxiously, but she let out a "MMM" obediently.

It was in his heart that he felt some joy. With her promise, he will be able to save a lot of heart. Although this promise can't restrain her 100%, this little woman always keeps her promise. As long as something doesn't happen that makes her anxious, I believe she won't leave again. In this life, he should try to avoid such things.

"Over there, what are you going to do? Will they be held responsible?" She asked him anxiously.

"Let me see. This is the right thing to do. " I'm done. Don't push her out. Such a thing can't be done and it's a shame.

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